(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #141

It can be a challenge. We do eat left-overs but my oldest is keto an eats 2 meals a day. She is the one that is picky about left-vers. And I can decide to do an EF the day before or the day of so my wife is left wondering what to cook and for how many. I do cook many of the meals as well but I tend to cook bulk and freeze in meal sizes.

(Herb Martin) #142

My wife loves to cook, I cook to avoid starving generally.

But right now she is still recovering from knee replacement surgery so I am doing 90% of the cooking even while fasting.

She is out and about the last 2-4 weeks more so is doing the shopping mostly.

Now at 207, total 75.5 lbs since a year ago Thanksgiving. (Nov 22 2017)

Many older people fall and that is the beginning of the end of their lives. It may take 3-6 months but it’s the fall that starts the downward spiral.

I teach Combatives and self-defense and falling.

One of the guarantees I make is this:

“I can’t prove you will ever be attacked by a criminal, but IF you live long enough you WILL take a serious fall so falling is at least as important a skill to learn as any overt martial arts technique.”

I am 66, and today I fell.

The BowFlex gym barely fit into a large van I rented to bring it home and to get it out I climbed up on the back deck to us me weight to lean back and drag it out onto the driveway & garage.

The deck was 30 inches off the driveway, so I fell from a height, not just down onto the ground, and of course, it was onto the concrete (all the way into the garage actually.)

Boy, I felt like a fool making such a mistake as to fall of that stupid truck.

However, knowing how to fall, I relaxed on the way down, no panic, and just ‘found the ground’ as smoothly and as gently as possible.

There was NEVER any doubt about the outcome. 50% of falling successfully and safely is KNOWING you can fall.

I took a small bump on one hip to get ‘contact’ with the ground but the worst it will be is a bit of a bruise for a few days so we’ll see how sore I am tomorrow but no breaks, no visit to the ER, no surgery, no hospitalization, and I’m still tickin’…

It was just a matter of getting up off the ground and re-establishing my dignity.

I am good, and in some ways happy about it because I haven’t taken and serious fall in almost 4 years so knowing the skill is still viable means that my next fall will be easier as well.

If you are able, LEARN TO FALL because if you live long enough it will SAVE YOUR LIFE.

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #143

I’ve started to plan my EFs based on how much food I have. That’s partly because I like to start an EF with an empty fridge.

(Herb Martin) #144

Tough day today, had low blood pressure (surprisingly even though I was monitoring it) so it was actually difficult to function.

Brought home the resistance exercise machine with minor difficulty (except for falling off the truck onto the concrete successfully) and the problem with blood pressure.

Weight went up, water of course, but I didn’t drink that much so it’s hard to balance.

207 -> 209 (ok as long as I stay “not obese” :grinning:)

Highest ketone I recorded, blood glucose went up but I used my wife’s different meter because we ran out of strips for the older meters (on order, already shipped.)

Glucose 93 Ketone 7.1 GKI 0.73 DrBozRatio 13.1

Day 10 is done, starting day 11.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #145

Is this typical for you Herb. I want mine to come down, which it is very slowly. Thanks again for sharing and for the post on falling.

(Herb Martin) #146

Not normal but an issue I deal with from time to time.

Can’t permanently reduce my blood pressure meds yet but they gave erratic support the last 24 hours or so.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #147


If memory serves me correct in the Fasting movie one of the people featured fasted for 20 days and their essential hypertension went away permanently.

(Herb Martin) #148

I lot of people who fast or use keto clear (some) blood pressure medicine and also diabetes meds.

My wife got off Januvia almost trivially.

My low pressure doesn’t feel like that and so far my hypertension seems resistant to a simple intervention.

I believe these to be random excursions but this is a conjecture, based on experience but certainly unprovable until I have more data.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #149

I’ve read some about this and essential hypertension is our kidney’s response to insulin resistance. Some people have more problems reducing BP and it takes a lot of time. I did a genetics test and have multiple genes (SNPs) for hypertension. I’m also 3/4 APOE which carries AD, CVD, T2D, and BP risks. I’ve had high BP since about 25 yo. I’m 65 now. Was not obviously insulin resistant till about 5 years ago according the my dr. But I think it started very early in my life.

(Door Girl) #150

I would never be able to fast with that requirement. :slight_smile: And not just because of the three other eaters in my house. I keep back up bacon for my back up bacon amongst other longer term back ups.

That would, however, be ideal. Glad you can do it!


I must be a little strange then… because for some reason I will start Fasting, right after picking up a load of groceries. Or go grocery shopping while Fasting? Or spend a bunch of time looking/creating recipes. … I also will make meals while Fasting, and I’m not sure why, but it doesn’t bother me in the least? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My Wife has asked a few times, why I buy some stuff, when I know I’m either already Fasting, or about to. Unfortunately I can’t answer this, and this is when having three large Pups around can be useful. :smile: Their treat ratios go up quite a bit during these times.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #152

I cook for my family when I fast. I’m hardly hungry in the evening when fasting. 10 am - 2 pm is my hard spot. Went to sam’s club and got supplies (Rib Eye, Giant Pork Rind container …) while fasted this morning and then to wegmans to round out my refeeding supplies.


Yeah, that’s similar to me, no issues when I make dinner for the family. But during the week (at work) I don’t even think of eating, but find weekends, I’ve been eating TMAD almost as if scheduled? It’s almost like I’m eating two meals anymore just because it’s a weekend. And I just told V that I think I’m going to OMAD tomorrow, even though it’s Sunday, but I need to make sure I’m not doing just that. (Eating just because we have been doing this for a while?) … This is one of the only things I’ve found where I’m eating when I’m not really hungry, since that’s a rarity these days. But I just don’t want it to become habit eating, even though I would rather Fast during the week, & cooking is easier weekends.

(Herb Martin) #154

Yes, I would never have thought to blur certain topics if it had not been requested.

Although my wife loves to cook and normally makes almost all of our meals, she is recovering from knee & other surgeries over the last year+, so I have been doing almost all of the meal prep.

She loves to cook; I cook to survive.

However, cooking for her is no issue for me, even here on Day #11 of my still second longest fast (tomorrow I’ll be at my previous.)

Blood pressure: I didn’t know about Metabolic Syndrome or Insulin Resistance until just a few weeks ago, and know nothing about T2D until my wife was diagnosed a few years back.

My blood pressure issues started in perhaps 2005, and had I understood these topics then I probably could have resolved or avoided all these issues and perhaps added 5 years to my life.


BG: 66 Ketone: 6.9 GKI: 0.53
BP: 103/54 pulse: 59
Weight: 207 Loss 10.5 days: 25.5 lbs Total: 75.5 lbs

Slept 8 actual hours (not just in bed, no wakeful periods)
Very rare for me, usually at least one bathroom trip and period of wakefulness, or with the fast/keto diet wake early and can’t get back to sleep.

No significant soreness from the fall out of the truck where my hip met concrete.

I was delighted with the quality of the fall, having not trained in a few years, but all you really expect is “no significant injury” – soreness, bruises, scrapes and abrasions are all acceptable in emergencies.

I can feel the spot but it’s not really even sore.

Nicely low-normal blood pressure; great GKI numbers; weight still headed down.


Hope all you kind folks are well.


Actually it is regularly requested, and has been for some time. Usually it’s noted in the topmost post, but think it was just inadvertently left out this time. - Basically the request is to blur any mentioning of foods in any threads pertaining to Fasting. - Some folks just don’t like to see or read about food while they’re Fasting. I guess it helps keep their mind off food. … It’s never bothered me personally, but understand the request for others though. So I always try to remember to do the blur option for any mention of food.

Hell, like some other folks here, I tend to spend a lot of time in the ‘What did you Keto today’ thread while I’m Fasting. I find it to be a good time to check out others meals, come up with ideas, etc. :smile:

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #156

I woke up today and realized I mentioned food in this thread and added blur. I hope I did not cause anyone stress. I do cook for my family when fasting.

(KCKO, KCFO) #157

Maybe cook up some egg muffins, and freeze those instead of just letting veggies go bad? Get some good ideas here:

(Herb Martin) #158

Sure, I understand it too even if it would not have occurred to me independently.

Today I took my wife shopping at the grocery store. :smiley:

I picked out all sorts of steaks and keto delicacies for her, and for the freezer until I finish this fast.

This included 10 lbs of round steak for jerky, a prime ribeye, a prime porterhouse (which she wants to share), a Kobi ribeye, $20 worth of liverwurst and more.

Looking at the above, I am not sure the blur improves it. Imaginations run wild. :slight_smile: :smile: :wink: :blush:

(Herb Martin) #159

You go doorgirl!

Have fun.

(You could theoretically eschew drinking on Friday, perhaps a diet soda or mineral water, even volunteer for designated driver IF YOU WISHED.)


And you can probably guess just how many folks actually click, ‘just’ for the reveal. :slight_smile:

But I do understand the request, and if it’s helpful, better still.