Is it possible to maintain on 72 hr fast for 3 days and then 2MAD for 4 days after? I am not doing it for weight loss but the incredible benefits i get from being fasted. My anxiety and depression is gone after being fasted on 72 hours. My whole mental being feels incredible and I feel free. I mean Intermittent Fasting is good but when I go longer it like the difference between a cat and a lion. I just want to make sure it is something sustainable. So far I have gone 2 months like this.
Part of the reason is also that I am trying to find a job since my business has crippled since COVID 19. So I live frugal but at the same time I try and eat nutrious foods as much as possible. Unfortunately I can’t follow strict Keto so to make up for it I fast instead. So far I feel great but I don’t want to fall into the category of too skinny.
Let me know.