Looking for keto pals also a month in

(Ron) #41

If you eat the thy and legs with skin on, these cuts of meat have higher fat content than breast meat that is higher in protein. Will help keep protein consumption down. Fat is more filling so you will not eat as many calories when you get adjusted to it. Hope this helps.


Hello all,

Nice to see some newer folks here. I’m in the U.K. I did Atkins ten years ago and had great success but then fell out of love with it. Maybe due to carb creep.

I started keto 21st June. I’m down 6lbs but have been a little non compliant twice. I have about 60lbs to lose but my main reason is to improve my mental health. I have PMDD so tend to get down around my cycle and self sabotage. Keto so far has made my mh worse but I know that it is likely to improve long term. Exercise helps and I lift weights and play roller derby.

I have noticed I can’t control myself around double cream. It’s like an addictive thing for me. I have binge eating issue and I need to address that. I’ve cut it out this week and will see how I go.


Also I meant to say I am really enjoying the 2 Keto Dudes podcasts and play them when I cook dinner. This is such a great forum too, easy to search and lots of science to back everything up.

I have skipped some meals but then tended to go crazy on cheese, so I don’t think I am there yet.

(Lindsey) #44

Thanks Ron. The problem is I’m super squeamish with meat, I eat it maybe twice a month so I don’t think different cuts will make a big difference. :slightly_frowning_face:

(Taleisha Collins) #45

I forgot to mention, mix the sweetener with the cream cheese first – I have found that if I try to just mix it all at the same time the sweetener and coconut oil will not combine well, and have had some FBs separate during the chilling time :scream: I use Torani SF syrups – just got some S’more flavor, and OMG it tastes so good!


I add mayo to the protein I add to my salad. Extra fat…extra delicious. I found one by chosen foods at Costco made with advocado oil, it is yummy. Advocados are also a great way to add fat to you veggies. Add them to salad or make a dip


I just wanted to add I feel like it is FAT Friday. I can’t get enough food today. It’s 10am and I have already ate my macros. Ugh.


This was my issue the first few weeks on Keto. I was eating a ton of protein (about 150 grams a day) due to years of following macros guidelines set by fitness bros. My carbs were low. When you cut the protein, you will be much fuller.

You’re right that the protein grams add up so, so quickly. Basically, I only have 1 meal a day with added protein, and then the incidental protein from vegetables, nuts, and avocado quickly add up to give me the rest.

Foods that make me full without too much protein: vegetables sauteed in butter, coconut cream or milk, avocados. And I love cream cheese sweetened with alcohol sugars, but I’m trying to stay away from dairy.

Olives are good for hunger because they have salt, fat, a tiny bit of carbs, and that’s about it. I ate olives every day for several weeks.

I guess what I found was that I had to adjust my expectations and just do 1 real meal a day and then supplement with fats. Otherwise, I went over my protein macros. I feel less hungry now. The mental and emotional hurdles were the harder part. And I’m still looking for desserts that don’t rely on nut butters or dairy. I tried coconut chia pudding and didn’t find it very satisfying.

(Lindsey) #49

Omg, I know just what you mean! I’m usually fine just eating in the evening, but this week I’ve been really hungry all the time! I know I tend to get ravenous a few days a month though so I’m not stressing over not doing IF, I know I’ll be back to normal soon. :slight_smile:

I love mayo, I’ve been making my own, it’s delicious!

(Lindsey) #50

Ah ha! Thanks. Do you melt the coconut oil so it’s easier to mix?

(Lindsey) #51

Thanks, I’m glad I’m not the only one with protein issues! I looked about on the forum but couldn’t seem to see anyone else stressing about it so much.

I just made a stir fry that was based on sesame oil rather than cream and that seems to have had a decent protein result even though it contains a fair bit of chicken. Pretty tasty too.

(Lindsey) #52

There are a list of desert recipes here - maybe some of these would work?


I kind of want to experiment with following a week-long plan just to reduce the mental effort of choosing foods. Have any of you done this? At the same time, realistically, I’m not going to experiment with new recipes more often than every 2-3 days. I have Mark Sisson’s “Keto Reset” book and it looks pretty realistic.

How often do all of you cook meals that have more than, say, 4 ingredients?


I generally eat pretty much the same thing every day. It’s just easier to prepare and know what my macros are. I will try a new recipe from time to time. It’s more difficult to find new recipes as most keto ones are loaded with dairy.


Do you have anything dessert-y in a typical day?

(Taleisha Collins) #56

I don’t melt it… I just put it in and whip it together. :slight_smile:

(Lindsey) #57

I cook full meals most evenings, though sometimes I make enough to stretch over two evenings.


Me too! I’m about a month in I lost 1 pound after 19 days then lost 3 pounds…in the last 24 hours :woman_shrugging:t2: I did take a photo the day I bagan…I look about 9 months pregnant…then took another photo after I lost my first pound. My body looks different…the scales …not so much!!


If i have ‘dessert’ i will usually have some macadamia nuts and a strawberry or two or one sqaure of 90% dark chocolate. Honestly I usually don’t have anything desertish. My sugar dragon is sleeping at the moment and I don’t want to awaken it

(Eileen ) #60

Hi Lindsey (and all). I’ve been lurking here for several weeks-I’ve lost track of how many-but have been on keto for just about 6 weeks. Prior to that, I eliminated all grains and sugars from my diet in February after reading Josh Turknett’s book “The Migraine Miracle.” I’m a longtime migraine sufferer and his dietary recommendations made a lot of sense, although his are more paleo than keto, with several “keto-blasts” throughout the year. I started researching help for my migraines after my latest neurologist visit, when I was told to stop taking OTC medications for 6 months (I did) then told to get back on them (same doc). Frustrated, I took Dr. Turknett’s advice and found a new doc nearby who practices functional medicine, advocates a Keto lifestyle, AND takes my insurance! Yay! So since February I’ve lost about 7 pounds, the last 4.5-5 since starting Keto. Loving the food-I no longer have cravings for carbs and sugar, which is weird, and have been practicing intermittent fasting most days of the week. Trying to learn to listen to my actual huger before eating which is getting easier. I’ve seen bursts of energy here and there, the most exciting of which is the fact that I’m not completely wiped out after work and actually have the energy to cook dinner for my guy and me! Thanks for starting this thread. This is such a great forum, and I’m learning SO much here. ~Eileen