Looking for keto pals also a month in

(Lindsey) #21

Hi Trisha! That’s part of the reason I wanted to start this thread, this is a great forum but it can be a bit tough to break in and connect with people who’ve been on here a long time. I thought if there were a lot of us in the same boat it might be easier (not to say the advice from those with more experience isn’t helpful and appreciated!).
Good on you for moving from three meals to one. I only eat one too, though I find myself looking around at lunchtime, not because I’m hungry but purely out of boredom and habit, do you have that problem?

(Laura Neil Martinez) #22

Yes, I have the same issue. It is almost addictive. I think it is normal though because we are learning a new life style.

(Dawn McVey) #23

Hi Lindsey, actually at moment I’ve put myself on an 800 cal, very low carb diet for 8 weeks. Michael Mosley has a book. 8 week blood sugar diet. Its based on the Newcastle diet, but they used shakes, yuk!!! I have a cup or 3 off coffee with cream. At about 12.30 ish, I usually have scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and an avocado. Tea is maybe, chicken/pork with green veg. Its actually coming in less than 800 cals and invariably well under 20g of carbs. Its bringing my blood sugar down so that’s a good thing.


I definitely feel my lunch hunger is mental sometimes…its lunch, time to eat. That’s ok tho…one step at a time :slight_smile:

(Kerin ) #25

This might be perfect timing!

(Lindsey) #26

Ah yes, I’ve watched my way through a fair bit of Dr Berry’s channel! :smiley:

I went over my fat macros last night. From what everyone says about having trouble hitting that macro I thought it would be tricky, but nope, all too easy.

(Sam) #27

Hi There!

I started 1 July. Does that count? I started due to migraines and hope they disappear or at least reduce. However I’m down 4 pounds since I started just under 3 weeks ago. I feel energetic and like I’m past the keto flu though I still think I’m in stage two and not fat adapted? I still get shaky, hungry and my heart seems to pound at times? That said I can workout fine (aerobic and weight lifting which I couldn’t do week 1 at all) and feel like my sleep is getting better. Really looking forward to seeing where I’m at in a few months. :slight_smile: Food is amazing!

For those of you eating just a few meals, is that when you knew you were adapted?

(Lindsey) #28

Hi Sam! I think it takes quite a long time to get adapted so most of us are probably not yet. I’m definitely in ketosis but I don’t think I’m adapted, I’ve been told that it often takes two months or even longer.

I know what the advice for the shakes/palpitations is going to be - electrolytes. I’m still trying to work out the best way of balancing them myself, I got electrolyte powder but it tastes nasty. Definitely something to look into though.

Well done on the 4lb! Are the migraines improving at all?

(bulkbiker) #29

Probably not enough fat on a mouse to be honest… bacon is better.

(Sam) #30

Thanks Lindsey! So far, not one migraine, so I’m stoked! I was having 2-3 a week which was horrible and taking bloody pressure medication 2x a day as a preventative. I’m off those now too and did bloods before (showing high cholesterol) so pretty curious.

Thanks for fat adaption info. I thought it was a month, so that makes sense. I’m reading about people with all this energy and can’t wait.

Going to hit the podcasts you mentioned. Any favorites?

(Lindsey) #31

LOL! That must be my problem!

(Lindsey) #32

The 2 keto dudes, who run this forum, have a keto podcast so I’ve been dipping in and out of that mainly.


How do all of you do with dairy? I’ve noticed that while I’ve been losing weight steadily without hunger, my face still looks puffy (especially around my nose and upper cheeks), much puffier than it has during other food plans. I’m guessing this is either due to high salt or too much dairy.

I think I’m going to have to bite the bullet and cut out cheese for a few day to see. :frowning:


I very rarely eat any dairy. It just doesn’t agree with me.


I was just taking a walk and it occurred to me - BINGO - when I refilled my supplements containers for the week, I didn’t include any of my allergy medications. A bit overly optimistic of me to think I could go off all of them (I was taking 5 per day) just because I’m a few weeks into keto.

I’m going to add back 2 allergy pills a day and remove dairy and see how that goes. If I still have a puffy nose after a week, I’ll look into removing different categories of nuts. But I’m pretty sure the problem is stemming from the missing allergy pills.


raises hand
Absolutely, I ran out of data and was so mad I couldn’t listen to 2KD in my car anymore. It resets today though so yay!
I spent 6 hours at work one Sunday listening to Dr. Berry YouTube videos (while I worked).

(Lindsey) #37

That’s me too, keto videos in the background whilst I work. :smiley:

(Lindsey) #38

The last few days I’ve been making an effort to track all macros (well, protein, fat and carbs) rather than just carbs the way I did for the first month, because that has apparently stopped working. I’m having so much frustration! How do people manage to eat enough to be full?! I don’t eat much meat, but yesterday I was really hungry so I had a small amount of chicken for lunch (which is very rare), and decided to keep it veggie for dinner. I made a keto cauliflower cheese, and despite being careful of the amount of cheese etc when I added up the protein I was over my goal, as were my calories and fat. The carbs were low, I seem pretty good at keeping those down, but protein has been the bane of my existence for the past few days - how does anyone manage to keep under their limit?!

(Taleisha Collins) #39

Hello all! I have been on the site for a bit, but still consider myself to be a newbie (just over 2 months in, 7 pounds lost). Originally, I took on this eating style because my husband was doing it and I wanted to be supportive of his efforts. But, when I started looking at the numbers of some of my favorite items, I was astounded by just how many carbs I was consuming each day.
@TheWelshWalker, I have found that the more fat I have the fuller I feel. So, I add butter sauce to everything, using pan juices, some heavy cream and butter to whip it up after cooking my protein. I have also tried to make sure that when I am buying meat that I try to get something that has at least 2x the fat as protein. We have been eating TONS of bacon, and Boar’s Head all Beef hotdogs lately. It is really strange to buy full fat items at the grocer (I have had to ask twice for help even finding the full fat cream cheese, and the girl gave me a funny look when I did). And fat bombs… lots and lots of fat bombs - 1 part coconut oil to 1 part cream cheese, and a little stevia (or whatever sweetener you prefer)… combine that altogether, and it’s a pretty good fat bomb without the protein that most of the recipes I found online have in them. It looks like toothpaste, but it tastes pretty good.

Looking forward to keeping up with everyone’s journey :slight_smile:

(Lindsey) #40

So would you recommend ignoring the fat macro that comes up on my tracker?
Thanks for the fat bomb idea, I’ll definitely give those a go. I’ve been having so much trouble finding fat that doesn’t also have protein, other than oil, and there’s only so much of that you can add!