Looking for a keto diet that includes intermittant fasting

(Kameron Cole) #1

I’ve been on keto for a year, and have been basically successful. I lost around 15 pounds in a year, and kept it off - until recently. Not sure what happened but I gained a lot back. I posted another thread about that.

But I never really got an “official” keto diet - just went with 137g of fat, 13g of carbs, 78g of protein.

So if someone can point me to a good well-written plan which includes intermittent fasting, I would really appreciate it!

(Allie) #2

You really don’t need it, but you do need more protein as 78g is ridiculously low.

Diet Doctor is an amazing resource if you really feel you need something structured, but hardly any of us use them tbh, and we are all willing and able to help you if needed.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

Your diet looks pretty good. The low carb intake is great, but you could stand more protein, as Allie mentions, and then add fat to satisfy your hunger. The total number of calories is at starvation level, however. If you are eating that amount because your appetite has dropped, then that’s probably okay, but if you want to lose more fat, you may need to increase your food intake.

In many respects, ketosis is, as Prof. Bikman remarks, a metabolic state very similar to fasting, just without the lack of food. I’m not sure what “intermittent fasting” means, because people use the same term to describe various types of eating. If you are using the term to mean eating only during a certain time period each day, that is one possible meaning. It could also mean to stop eating after supper one day, and not eating again until breakfast-time on the second morning after that. If you are at the stage of forgetting to eat because you just aren’t hungry, then that’s a good point at which to explore fasting. But it’s not necessary, even if it can be helpful, so go with what you’re most comfortable with.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #4

Think I have about double that amount of protein, might be more than I need but everything is working well.
Personally I eat plenty, I’m enjoying food more than ever (2MAD) and don’t consider Low Carb some sort of punishment.
I remember someone here (Paul I think) saying what you eat is more important than the timing of meals. Though I must say 12:00 and !8:00 works for my system.

(Allie) #5

06:00-13:00 works best for me, but if I’m extra hungry I break it and eat after work - never after 19:00 though or it messes up my sleep.

(Chuck) #6

I do moderately low carb and fast an average of 19 hours per day. Now I don’t count calories or carbs. I eat real food. No highly processed, refined, fast foods, artificial sweeteners. I stay away from wheat, I will have a very little amount of potatoes or rice but not very often. I do have moderate amount of fruit, and I eat green leafy vegetables. I will eat small amount of beans and peas, again not often and a very small amount.
I personally found strict keto too restrictive for me. I will keep my carbs at are below 100 most days. But I don’t strictly count them

(Bob M) #7

I think eating late and going to bed shortly after that, probably isn’t good. Unfortunately, that’s what I do a lot, especially when my kids are in school.

(Robin) #8

Ooh, that would be my worst downfall. I used to be a nighttime eater and then had the usual issues while sleeping. Gert, etc.
2 or 3 meals a day and usually before 3pm, but rarely after 5pm.

If I really need to satisfy a nighttime craving, I get out a handful of pork rinds.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #9

Yes, this makes sense. Eating at 6am would coincide with the dawn phenomenon… trouble is it doesn’t coincide with Mrs Pjam’s eating habits

(Chuck) #10

I don’t eat after 6 pm or even before that. I go to bed at about 10pm and read. I have learned that I need between 3.5 and 5 hours since I last ate before going to sleep. I use to have reflux very badly, not as long as I don’t eat for that amount of time before bed. I also no longer drink carbonated drinks after about 4 in the afternoon. I sleep so much better now that I don’t go to bed on a full stomach. I believe it is the fact that my whole body is at rest, including my digestive system when I go to bed that is the key to sleeping.


The calories seem great for many people (and too little for others and probably too much for a few), I find more protein better but 78g is enough for very many…
And you just should eat in an eating window that works for you :slight_smile: I start my eating window as late as comfortably possible but I need that. I can eat late (often eat after midnight) but it’s not ideal for me - but it is for some, it’s amazing how different people are, some people find OMAD before bed the best even if it may sound weird for most of us :slight_smile: (Eating in the morning would be zillion times more for me though… But that’s me, again. We are all different and our ideal timing shows that. I am a natural IFer and afternoon eater even though it’s very very easy for me to eat late and it doesn’t interfere with my sleep. Going hungry to bed would so if I can’t eat enough until late, I should eat late as that is the smallest bad.)

It’s odd that you gained your fat-loss bad, @kc0olm… I wonder what could have happened… If you ate as usual, maybe stress, sleep or other non dietary thing that people say may can interfere…

(Cathy) #12

Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution is an actual plan that you may find helpful. It is intended to get a person into ketosis and learn to stay there for whatever time they choose.

It does not include I.F. but that is something we all do as a regular part of our day. You fast overnight. Many choose to extend that fast well into the day or even over days.

My take on all of this is that for weight loss, you must be willing/able to sustain your style of eating long term in order to keep lbs. off. I say this because whatever you do to lose is basically what you need to do to maintain.

Of course I am speaking only in very general terms. Everyone has a different situation. However, I have found that undereating over long periods of time have a counterintuitive result in that weight can rebound and it becomes even more restrictive to lose. If you are already at a healthy goal weight, you may not be able to lose and maintain.

(Chuck) #13

I have done my best after I stopped following so called diets, and stopped counting calories or carbs. I hav done my best with fasting and listening to my body, and not my mind. The body will tell you what you need to eat, and how much, it will tell you how much activity it needs and how much sleep it needs, you just have to pay attention. The body wants and needs a balance of the correct food, the correct amount of food, the right amount of sleep, and the right amount of exercise. What the body doesn’t need s physical and mental stress. Stress will lead to fat added to the body regardless of how much you eat or don’t eat or exercise or don’t exercise. The body responds too much stress by releasing hormones that cause fat to accumulate on the body, for men that is the belly, for women you know where it goes. As for as what to eat, when to eat and how much you have to learn to listen to the body, and not the brain, the media or even the government or doctors. Your body does know best, and you just have to listen to it.

(Allie) #14

I don’t worry about when anyone else eats, just me and my dog first thing :rofl:

(Allie) #15

Yes this is massive for me too, going to bed hungry actually makes me sleep really well.

(Chuck) #16

That is just it I am never hungry anymore, for me it has nothing to do with hunger and everything to do with the need for nutrition. There is a difference and the body will tell you what , and when you need it.

(Allie) #17

Yes, the more nutrient dense our fuel is, the less is required to keep us going, once we know how to pay attention to the signals.


I simply ate less than 20 carbs and paid little attention to anything else, and the intermittent fasting came automagically.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #19

I like that … :blush:

(Allie) #20

Best way, should never be forced.