Lies My Doctor Told Me


I just finished reading Dr Ken Berry’s book Lies My Doctor Told Me. I have viewed many of his videos and found this book very helpful as well.

One departure from my understanding and eating plan is Milk. Dr Berry is not a big fan of Milk. Generally I am not either. I don’t drink it by the glass etc. But I use it in cooking. And I enjoy full fat organic yogurt.

But I took a good look at the fat/carb ratio of the yogurt and figured that is where unneeded and unwanted carbs are riding into my food. And the milk has lactose, which I don’t need.

So I will try cooking with heavy whipping cream (no carbs) and stick to whipped heavy cream instead of yogurt. I have a blast with my coffee shop grade whip cream dispenser. I owned a shop for 12 years. We would buy the heavy whipping cream by the case and the Nitrous Oxide chargers by the 600 count box.

When I sold the shop I kept my favorite whipped cream dispenser. Yum. Comes in handy now. But I don’t sweeten the cream like we did at the shop.

Where have you landed with milk in your keto scheme?

(Robin) #2

Heavy whipping cream in my coffee daily. Yummo


Its a winner. I find it easier to handle than butter. Shake a little cinnamon on it and you are all good!

I’m trying to figure out some sort of holiday colorful sprinkle that works with Keto. Any ideas? Don’t want the sugar sprinkles.


IDK why people so often think cream has no lactose… How else would it be sweet? :smiley:

But it has little when one uses it in moderation and it’s mostly fat (macro wise as it’s mostly water if it’s about weight), that’s true :slight_smile: Good decision, many of us did that I think. Not like I drank much milk in the last decades… And I still do, we have phases in this household :slight_smile: I like drinking milk, nothing replaces that feeling, I just don’t need it so I almost never do it.

Cream is the best thing that can happen to a coffee IMO… I started to avoid it as it helps me overeating fat (something I definitely don’t need any help with) but sometimes I use it. Just a wee bit but what difference it makes! If I want a more luxurious coffee, not just a few drops into a black one, I use eggs too. I actually can enjoy it without cream, only egg (usually just yolks) and butter but it’s never as good as with cream.

And I should quit coffee (I mean, drinking it occasionally), sometimes I forget, I opened a box of cream lately and no way I don’t drink many coffees then…

(Bob M) #5

I wasn’t a fan of milk, didn’t drink it for decades. Have recently started testing raw milk from Jersey cows (A2 protein). Actually have no issues with it. Highly doubt it’s “fattening”, which is what they complain it is.

Also, A2 cheeses do not seem to cause me issues.

But I’m 75% Eastern European and 100% European, according to genetics testing. That might have something to do with it.


Shinita, that’s what I was thinking too. But the carton of Ultra Pasteurized 40% Milkfat Heavy Whipping Cream says right on it Total Carbohydrate 0g.
That is what I was going by. Dunno. Maybe some labeling rule allows them to say 0% when it is not.

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #7

There are two issues with milk: the sugar (lactose), and the proteins.

Not only is lactase responsible for the carb content of milk, but people who are not fortunate to have Maasai or northern European ancestry usually stop producing lactase at some point between weaning and adulthood (this is the mammalian default). Some dairy products, such as heavy cream, certain yoghurts, and aged cheeses, don’t contain lactose and so many people eat them as part of their ketogenic diet. And if one tolerates lactose, even products that contain milk sugars can be eaten on a ketogenic diet, so long as one keeps track of the amount of carbohydrate one is consuming.

But, quite apart from whether they can tolerate lactose or not, many people have a sensitivity to one or more of the proteins in milk. This usually requires them to avoid dairy products altogether, except possibly for products such as ghee (clarified butter) and heavy cream, which contain little or no protein.

You have to figure out what works for you.


hate milk, good thing is I always have and have 0 interest now to even keep it ‘as a food’ in my life so 0 issues for me on it :slight_smile:
age 60 and sure as heck ain’t bringing milk back ever LOL


OK. This all makes sense here for me. I never had problems consuming milk products. But the cream without much lactose and protein becomes a very possible good element in my plan.
Like you said, I’m figuring out what works for me.

(Joey) #10

OTOH, I’d be surprised if (raw) milk weren’t fattening. Enjoying all those animal planet documentaries, mammal moms nursing their babies seems to be the only way they can fatten them up long enough to survive. :thinking:


My whipping cream is 3.2% sugar… And indeed, it’s sweetish. It’s possible there are lower-carb creams out there but if it’s sweet, I can’t imagine not having any…
But as long as we use it in moderation and we aren’t sensitive, it’s fine.

“Fattening” is like “filling” to me, I can’t comprehend what it means. No, it’s worse, I can imagine people feeling full from something even if I don’t work that way.
But what is fattening? Nearly everything is fattening if I overeat it… Does it do something hormonal? Trigger easy overeating? Surely nothing in existence cause SURE fat-gain. It may or may not worth it to consume the stuff, it’s quite individual.
Some items may be helpful at fat-gain for many people, maybe that’s that… But this alone is no reason not to eat the stuff, it’s not that simple.

But milk… Yes, fattening actually seem to suit it. If we overdo it, at least. A tiny amount shouldn’t hinder most of us. And calories very much matter. And satiation is super individual, I didn’t notice any rules, maybe something about protein being helpful? But our protein need is so little that we can’t depend on it alone anyway. And eating low-protein is a bad idea, satiation or not.

But milk is so carby and so easy to consume in big amounts (though that’s individual, again. I easily drink a liter in no time, I just choose not to), no wonder most ketoers don’t have it.

(Bob M) #12

That’s the theory. I need RCTs to decide.

I just drank some milk. No desire to eat or drink more. Would be nice to have a CGM to see what happens.

But I think the problem is that anything related to milk is probably biased with carbs. How many people just drink milk? (Particularly raw milk?) I’ve met very few (and they’ve all been thin; of course, that’s observation and potentially biased, though it’s true for me.) (None for raw milk. I’m the only one I know.)

It’s like people who eat very slowly – all of those people I’ve met have been thin. All of them. And I happen to be one of the fastest eaters I know, which may be why I gained weight.

As always, it’s complex:

From, and more studies here:

And I can’t tell how many of these are RCTs.

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #13

I prefer to believe that the causality lies in the opposite direction: I’m a fast eater because I’m a growing boy and need lots of food, lol!

(Bob M) #14

The only thing I find it difficult to do is change speed of eating. Unlike most things, like using a smaller plate, which I think are garbage, I think eating slower might help. Maybe that’s why the French style of small plates, spaced apart, might actually be good? Went to a French restaurant, and the portions and courses were small, but came home not that hungry, even with eating dessert (our anniversary).

But I think whenever anyone has a hard guideline, like milk = obesity, I think it’s almost always more complex than that.

(Joey) #15

I did too. Always ate too fast. Then I saw a snippet from Keto 2022 SLC on youtube where the advice was given to chew food at least 20 times for several good reasons. Having tried that, it has really s-l-o-w-e-d me down.


There was an old diet, Victorian I think where you could eat whatever but chew every bite zillion times… I have no idea how people did it…

I doubt the speed of my eating matters much though it may in various ways. If I ate way too quickly (my pace can be fast but I think I take my time most of the time, due to various reasons), I would feel less satisfied and it would easily result in overeating just to get the food joy I need…
But I never thought my eating speed matters… It’s more like about satiation and a few other things but mostly satiation. And satiation comes from my consumed macros and the chosen items, mostly. BUT you may be different, it’s possible.
Sometimes even I need to wait until I get my proper satiation but I know that.
And I probably couldn’t do long term OMAD with quick eating…

My portions are actually quite small most of the time (not when I eat pork chuck roast, usually, though). I have several course meals. Portion sizes never mattered, it’s the total consumed food. I consider the small plate silly too - well, if it works for someone, great, we all are different and surely odd things work for many of us… But if I have a small plate/bowl (I usually have), I just get seconds and even sixth, no problem. I understand that a full plate makes many of us want to polish it (I am not like that anymore but I was for ages) but a small plate doesn’t mean I magically gets satiated after one. Maybe it’s a mental game for people who need small meals but eat big ones? I need bigger ones.


I think for the keto WOE it is important to delineate between “dairy”, a broad food group, and milk, which is a dairy food and drink.

Fermented dairy seems to have health benefits as a source of fat soluble Vitamin K. But there are also addictive parts to dairy foods to consider, if one feels their body or gut biota ‘needs’ specific dairy foods. I think they are in the form of casomorphins. It’s one reason people have cheese preferences that they would get into a cage fight to defend.

I wonder if it’s the mozzarella rather than the pizza that many find so hard to give up?

(Robin) #18

Yeah, I see all the warnings and stories about dairy… and can relate to most. I avoid it. Except for my beloved, heavy whipping cream. It adorns my morning coffee and to give it up would take away some joy.

(KCKO, KCFO 🥥) #19

I don’t drink milk. I use cream and whipped cream, I also eat some yogurt. If a recipe calls for milk, I will add some water to thin out the cream, so the texture is appropriate.

(Jane) #20

Heavy cream in my coffee daily and I eat and cook with a fair amount of cheese.