Leg Cramp n=1 guidance needed + updates to follow

(Linda) #22

Last night I had a cup of bullion (the second one of the day) right before bed and had no cramps.

As a lifelong salt craving person (I always assumed there must be a reason for that), I think my issue is simply needing more salt. Especially when it’s hot.

I think I just don’t get enough from my food anymore since I gave up popcorn and Doritos.

I remember a co-worker years ago when we went out for lunch that said “Linda you’re the only person I’ve ever seen put salt on ham.”

(Edith) #23

I have to take 1.5 teaspoons of salt per day, through salt water or bouillon, to keep from having a pounding heart and cramps at night. That’s on top of whatever salt is consumed through food. Salt is definitely the key for me.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #24

I salt bacon! And ham. And everything else.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #25

I tamed my leg cramps with big spinach salads.

(Ron) #26

Yup, more potassium solved mine too. I supplemented with “nosalt”.

(Bunny) #27

THE POWER OF PICKLE JUICE: for immediate relief? …in 35 seconds! Stops hiccups too!

(Vijay Bhakta) #28

Slight cramp this morning, but very mild - I am putting that down to alcohol as I had a beer and 2 large run and diet cokes.

Minerals for Day 9 were:

  • Sodium - 4894mg
  • Potassium - 5072mg
  • Calcium - 1786mg
  • Magnesium - 740mg

Still waking up regularly to visit the bathroom though, my attempt to reduce overall salt yesterday failed, so will give it another go today.

(Vijay Bhakta) #29

Day 10 - no cramps at all last night and I only woke up once to visit the bathroom - I am liking where this is heading…

Minerals for Day 10:

  • Sodium - 3410mg
  • Potassium - 3538mg
  • Calcium - 1609mg
  • Magnesium - 664mg

So 25% reduction on both Sodium and Potassium seem to have stopped the regular nightly bathroom visits. Been out and about today and eaten out so no idea on salt intake to be honest, but will guess and try to keep it at similar levels. Though will have increased the alcohol today (though not to excess like last Friday) so lets see if that plays a part.

(Vijay Bhakta) #30

As mentioned above, was out and about on day 11, had a few beers and guestimate minerals for the day were:

  • Sodium - 3217mg
  • Potassium - 3348mg
  • Calcium - 2124mg
  • Magnesium - 645mg

Net result - only waking up once at night and no cramps. I think I have nailed this now, though Day 12 (today) will be interesting, been at a wedding, an Indian wedding (for those who have not been to one, it will involve sitting/standing doing nothing for hours with no food or alcohol). Knowing what is likely to happen, I wrote the day off from the get go, had 3 slices of sourdough bread that I keep in the freezer for “special cheat days” with home made chilli and coriander chutney, butter and a shed load of cheese.

Lunch was all carby, but I opted for little pea pastries I guess you could call them, and a handful of Almonds and a beer and a GnT (little trailer trunk party). Dinner was more almonds and beer. So, no mineral count for today as I have no idea. Will report back if I get cramps though :slight_smile:

All in all, this has been a useful exercise and committing to keep doing updates has kept me honest and helped me a lot.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #31

I went to an Indian wedding a few years back. My husband and I thought either the bride or the groom had gone missing. After what seemed like hours, we were assured it would only be another hour or so!! I was very confused.

(Nicole Sawchuk) #32

I adore pickle juice, but I cannot find a good source here in Canada of just the juice. I just can’t eat that many pickles!

(Nicole Sawchuk) #33

Edith - despite the cramping when alcohol is consumed, I have yet to give it up completely! :slight_smile:
Because of that, I make sure to have lots of salt with my wine!

(Edith) #34

So, is that working?

(Nicole Sawchuk) #35

I’d say its a fine line. Sometimes it works. Other times it does not. Definitely prevents the hangover.

(Vijay Bhakta) #36

I am definitely on the same page as you here. Sunday (Day 12) was, as I said earlier, a bit of a mess with carbs and beer which resulted in cramps.

Day 13 was better, Minerals for the day were:

  • Sodium - 3963mg
  • Potassium - 4151mg
  • Calcium - 1226mg
  • Magnesium - 522mg

Just a slight cramp at around 3am, but went away very quickly. I am putting that down to the horrible humidity levels we are currently experiencing in the UK, was very difficult to sleep last night. Bit cooler today so hoping for a better night sleep.

Looks like I have solved the waking up every 1.5 - 2 hours to go to the bathroom problem by cutting back on the Sodium a little so that I aim for 3500mg Sodium to 4000mg Potassium - seems to work for me.

This sounds like almost all the Indian weddings I have been to (even my own :sweat_smile:) No idea what was going on

Have the same problem in the UK

(Empress of the Unexpected) #37

And we got a feather!! Peacock as I recall. Is that traditional?

(Empress of the Unexpected) #38

I am upping spinach. No more painful cramps, but my left leg wants to early morning. I will it not to, then point and flex the foot. That seems to keep the cramp at bay. But I need to supplement. I think I will start with magnesium oil applied on the skin.

(Vijay Bhakta) #39

Might be for some, not seen that being done in any wedding I’ve been to, but then again, no 2 weddings are the same to be honest.

Magnesium Oil works for me, but I am now keeping it as a Plan B for days where I somehow fail to balance my salt (Sodium and Potassium) or if I have indulged in rather too much alcohol.

Day 14 was the best so far, bed at 10pm, woke up once at 3am, then woke up at 8am. Best night sleep for a long long time. Woke up on Day 15 with super powers and managed to complete a 19 hour fast (well, sort of, was baking a coffee and walnut cake so had to lick the buttercream bowl at the 18 hour mark)

Minerals for Day 14

  • Sodium - 3448mg
  • Potassium - 4163mg
  • Calcium - 2690mg
  • Magnesium - 661mg

A little trick I have developed now is to make a 500ml solution of water + 6g LoSalt each night and have that by my bed along side a further 500ml of normal water. If I am thirsty, drink the water, if I feel crampy, drink the salt water, if neither, then drink both the next morning.

At the end of the day, I check Cronometer to see what my levels are and have a glass of water with just enough grams of LoSalt to get my potassium to be above the sodium.

One lesson I have learnt the past 2 weeks is that you need to appreciate what your body is trying to tell you. It sounds obvious but the cramps were really depressing me and I would try anything that worked for other people such as having far more water a day than I am used to, having more salt too - both of which caused stress due to disturbed nights sleep.

I now drink when I am thirsty - I read somewhere, no one tells a bison/dog/elephant etc to have 3l of water a day to keep hydrated, they just know when its time :slight_smile:

I am going to go for some more blood work later this week so will be interesting to see what comes from that, and meeting my doc next Friday - though not sure what use that will be as I have sorted out the issue myself it seems.

I will continue with this thread for 2 more weeks and will summarise at the end with some charts etc in case it is of use to others.

(Vijay Bhakta) #40

Closing statement for this thread.

Looks like I have sorted out both my cramps and the multiple night time bathroom visits - its all about the salt.

For me, it was more potassium that sodium, I find that aiming for 3000mg Sodium and 4000mg Potassium works very well for me. there is some flex in the numbers, but I need more potassium than sodium. less potassium = cramps.

At some stages in my n=1, I was taking on over 8000mg combined and that led me to visiting the bathroom to wee every 90-120 minutes, so 4-6 times a night. Cutting back the salt to around 6000-8000mg has reduced this to 1-2 visits which is what I was doing in my carby days anyway.

I make a 500ml “ketoaid” with 4-7g of losalt each morning and drink that over several hours. I use Cronometer so at 7pm each day I look at the mineral count for the day and drink a shot of Losalt water with 1-3g if required

During this test, I recorded Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium intake, I also recorded the number of times I got leg cramps at night, how painful they were, the number of times I have diarrhoea (due to playing with magnesium levels) and the number of night time bathroom visits. These helped me determine how each mineral impacted me.

oh - and beer / alcohol always messes things up :slight_smile:

I want to say a thank you and give big hugs to all who have helped me sort this out and @Regina @VirginiaEdie and @N1coleS in particular.

(Edith) #41

I’m wondering… how do you determine how much potassium you get from your food? Packaged food doesn’t always have potassium content listed, and My Fitness Pal doesn’t either. Is Cronometer good for that?