Last ditch effort

(What The Fast?!) #1

Hi all…

For those of you who know me and have been following along for the past year, this should all make sense. :slight_smile: For those who don’t, here’s the briefest summary possible:

This week isn my 1 year keto-versary and I am the exact same weight as when I started. I am not any smaller (in inches) and while my weight has gone up and down (about 7-8 lbs in either direction), I am the exact same weight today as when I started. I have tried: tracking everything and following macros, tracking nothing and eating intuitively, tracking only carbs, eating zero carb, eating higher carb, eating lower protein, eating super super high fat, doing back to back extended fasting. Nothing has worked to lose lbs and keep the weight off.
Other info: I workout consistently with varied classes and activities including strength training and cycling. My fasting insulin is 1.9, I am not diabetic and don’t believe I have metabolic syndrome. I have about 33% body fat with 15-20lbs to lose. I monitor ketones (ketostix, breath, and blood) and remain in nutritional ketosis. When I do long fasts or big workouts (like a long bike ride), I get very high ketones.

My NSV’s: my allergies have significantly decreased, I am less stressed overall, I do not wake up with mini panic attacks like I once did.

The negatives of keto for me: dry skin patches, I feel “squishier” than I used to, extreme constipation and impacted bowels (though I recently got this under control after a food intolerance test).

Other other: energy levels normal before and after, workouts about the same - except I don’t have to have snacks on the bike when I do long rides now.

My final effort with keto: I recently started tracking again and am eating around 1500-1700 calories, depending on what my workout is that day. I am now going to significantly reduce calories by cutting fat. If the “keto math” is right, then reducing calories shouldn’t be an issue because I have stored fat to use. I’ve been reading about PSMF (protein soaring modified fast) as well Michael mosley’s 800 cal blood sugar diet. I’m continuing to read on these and will implement some version of that in order to attempt to drive down my weight.
Fasting created some very disordered eating patterns for me - I started to feel guilty eating ANYTHING in my feasting windows, plus I lost all sense of satiety (not that it was strong in the first place), felt that I didn’t deserve to eat unless I had a big workout planned, and every time I ate, I gained all the weight back.

Wish me luck - if this doesn’t work, I’ll move away from keto and just go back to “clean eating.” I don’t know what that will accomplish either, but the mental stress of doing keto for a year with no results is exhausting. I am constantly preaching the benefits of keto but have no visible results to show for it. I’m hoping that by reducing fat on my plate (which will reduce overall calories), it will increase the percentage of fat calories from stored fat. Like the Dudes say, “fat on your plate or fat from those Krispy Kreme’s you ate 2 years ago.” Ironically, I’ve never eaten Krispy Kreme and haven’t eaten typical SAD diet in many many years.

(Adam Kirby) #2

FWIW I think your have shown the most dedication of any ketoer I’ve seen, and I’m sorry you could not find success even though your hormones seem to be in working order.

(What The Fast?!) #3

Thanks man :slight_smile:

(Miss E) #4

I’ve heard that the “squishiness” is your visceral fat releasing in order to be burned which would make sense if you are at 33% body fat with only 20 pounds to lose. I assume you’re keeping electrolytes and fluids up and that your calorie intake is high enough for the amount of exercise you’re doing?

Good on you for such a good effort and I hope this is a happy ketoversary for you xox


Wishing you luck! It’s been interesting (and frustrating) to follow your journey. Your patience and dedication are amazing and I wish you had the results to show for it!
Fingers crossed for the fat cutting. You’ll keep us posted?

(What The Fast?!) #6

Definitely will! Today I had a 400 cal breakfast of zucchini, spinach, 1/2T of EVOO, 3oz of lean prosciutto, and 1 oz of goat cheese…and I’m officially ravenous 3.5 hours later. Haha. I can deal with the hunger, but hopefully it won’t be like this everyday.

(Doug) #7

Good luck to you, A, you are one tough person! :slightly_smiling_face: Will power is you.

In a philosophical sense, I think humans are made to struggle - that it’s good for us, to an extent - and you have more than qualified.

Wish I had a magic wand.

(Barbara M) #8

I am wondering if you have a low stomach acid or possibly candida? I remember from a previous post that you spoke about bloating at times… I have seen you mention how active you are, I wish I was a fraction as on the ball with your cycling and such. My fingers are crossed that find some answers. Ps. Happy ketoversary and good luck…

(What The Fast?!) #9

I don’t get heartburn or reflux at all, so I’ve ruled out low stomach acid. (I did however start taking digestive enzymes and HCL for awhile there - it helped with the :poop: issue a bit, but no effect on weight loss.) I had some food intolerance testing done and the dietician said that based on my results, it’s highly unlikely candida is an issue for me.

(Karen) #10

OK, this is an odd idea but I wonder if you could buddy with someone and eat exactly the same thing. I have lost weight, it is slow and stalls. But I would be happy to parallel play.


(Miss E) #11

what about probiotics or diatomaceous earth? also do you take glycine?

(What The Fast?!) #12

I take probiotics. Don’t know what the 2nd thing is, I’ll google. Haven’t tried glycine.


Good luck! :unicorn:

(Jay AM) #14

I’m curious if one of your n=1 experiments was eating a high fat level along with higher than your average calories (I’m talking in the 2200+ range for someone with your activity level and ketoperience.) for more than two weeks. Usually I’ve seen people try it for 21 days. (a really odd number honestly.) Even outside of keto, I’ve seen several n=1 where the increased calories cause a sudden and then steady downward weight trend after long stalls.

Some of the people doing these experiments theorize it’s because their hunger signals were broken and they weren’t eating enough for their activity level.

Anyways, whatever you end up doing, good luck.

(Miss E) #15

21 days = 3 weeks, doesn’t seem that odd?

(Jay AM) #16

That’s why I specifically mentioned it being odd. Though, the people doing it struggled to eat the extra fat that came with the higher calories.

(Miss E) #17

Sorry what? What is odd about it?

(Jay AM) #18

I agreed with you that 21 days is an odd number?

(Miss E) #19

I was disagreeing that it was an odd number. 21 days = 3 weeks, why is 3 weeks odd?

(Jay AM) #20

Ha! I read “doesn’t seem that odd” as “doesn’t that seem odd.” Geez. I only think it’s odd because I’m used to 30 day things but, you’re right, it makes 3 full weeks.