Lard and Tallow purchases

(Vladaar Malane) #1

Hey guys/gals,

I just noticed an interesting post that is a few months old.

But I was wondering where folks bought tallow and lard that did buy it. I was looking for lard at Kroger the other day and they don’t have any. Is this something you all are getting from Amazon or something?

Fully Hydrogenated Lard
(Ken) #2

You can usually buy lard in grocery stores, it’s often used in baking. For tallow, you have to find a butcher or meat department that will save/sell some to you.

(Jo O) #3

Mexican or international markets will have it.

(Sheri Knauer) #4

Just read the package carefully before buying. I saw some lard in the store today and it was hydrogenated. It was a mexican/spanish brand


If you have a Walmart nearby look for Armour Premium lard. I don’t think it’s hydrogenated. I keep it around for when I run out of bacon grease.


PARTIALLY Hydrogenated is where you wind up with trans-fats. FULLY Hydrogenated doesn’t have the trans-fats.


Same here, the black one, not hydrogenated.


Fannie and Flo

(Thao Le) #9 I’ve been buying from them for the past 2 years