Ketone supplements?

(Keto life n' a little hippie ) #1

So in EU there was a news story the other day about cycling teams using supplements called Ketone. Never read anything about it before. But apparently it works by creating extra ketones so that the “fat for fuel” process goes even smoother. .That was kind of nice, but what I felt for was that it also enhances the recovery between work out sessions and boosts energy level. And in the world of competitive cycling we know they are prone to use anything that actually works - some of the most famous in cycling have been caught “juicing” and the sport got like at least 100 years history of cheating in any way you can think of. So if some teams in the cycling world are using Ketone supplements, my guess is that might actually work.

Needless to say, I got online and ordered me a couple of boxes. Over the counter supplement that is legal to use. Don’t know if I wasted my money but as I am to experience a 6 week long boot camp soon any and all things over the counter that might help me steer away from injuries is worth a try.

  1. More ketones = easier access to energy, right?

  2. But could increased ketone levels also fight off injuries and speed up recovery and give an energy boost?

  3. And will those pills actually increase ketone levels in a way we can measure?

  4. Will keto mojo tell me? I mean the ketone levels measured are those beta hydroxybutyrate levels or the levels of all 3 ketones in the body?

  5. For this to work it should really enhance the beta hydroxybutyrate levels?

  6. What is the science behind this? Any studies to back up the ketone supplement “myth”?

  7. How can ketone supplement help avoid injuries and heel faster, it seems to play into the fasting benefits - can anyone explain how this can be, are all those added ketones in the blood stream actually increasing the fight against inflammation and thereby reducing the overall stress on the body so that more of the bodily resources can be put to use in rebuilding muscle fiber, and remove “plaque” and other garbage?

  8. Could it be that adding ketone supplement speeds up the process of getting newer and stronger stem cells?

  9. The supplement seems to also increase the cognitive functions. Again what we get from fasting.

  10. Anyone tried these ketone pills?

I will still stay strictly keto but I take any boost I can get now. The reality of the upcoming event is starting to sink in and I don’t really feel ready. When I read in the papers about this ketone supplement I quickly ordered so I can test how well they work for me.

What I read is that in addition to the already mentioned benefits, like buring more fat, speeding up recovery between sessions, and boosting energy the ketone supplements also stabilizes the insulin level and for people already eating keto it will be even more effective and increase the fat for fuel process even more then with just keto living.

(Susan) #2

I haven’t personally but I hope that they give you the extra help while you are at your Camp =).


Burning more fat isn’t really a good reason to take them. In fact, ketones themselves regulate the fat flow coming out of your adipose tissue in a negative feedback loop. Highly fit athletes with low bodyfat and extreme energy demands are using them, yes. Mere mortals like you or I, who can make our own ketones in sufficient quantity, have little use for them other than maybe a mental boost. Your muscles not only use ketones as fuel, but can use fat directly as you do low intensity exercise. I would focus more on fat adaptation and worry less about ketone levels during boot camp, IMHO.

Search the forums for “exogenous” and you’ll get more info. Here’s a couple of threads to get you started:

(Keto life n' a little hippie ) #4

Well the main focus for taking ketone supplements is not the ketone levels themselves. I asked about ketone levels just to see if those increasing levels of ketones could help me discover whether the supplements are working or not, if all the added ketones are just exiting my body from you know where.

The main focus point of the supplements are the recovery benefits. Yea and the energy boost. I lived an extremely sedentary lifestyle the past couple of decades, long hours in front of a computer day in and day out. With bad eating habits and no exercise. Heck I’ve lost count on the number of days I’ve not even left my desk to go out for lunch, having junk food delivered to my desk at work. And in high pressure sprints like completing a project I often got both lunch and dinner brought to my desk. Then I got crazy urges and cravings when I got home, and I ended the day with sweet&treats, ice cream and pepsi cola. Food was my go to solution for everything, even stress and emotional issues. And I never moved my body/walked or lifted anything heavier then a big gulp unless it was an absolute necessity which we all know is close to never really. I didn’t even bother changing the a tire on my car because it would cause me to break a sweat and that was not comfortable for me, I rather paid someone to do it. Now that is laziness, self hate and sedentary life style for you.

Today my body is not used to any excess movement. I get windy just crossing a parking lot, and until I started keto I always look for a parking spot as close as possible to the entry door.

My fear is that my body is not able to cope with exercises three times a day over so many weeks, because I lack all the ground work. And being so unfit that I am today I put myself in the high risk category for injuries and insane inflammations.

No doubts I will also struggle with finding the inner strength and stamina plus the energy needed to getting adjusted to that hard exercise regime. So I predict three extremely stressfull weeks while my body is adjusting, the the three last weeks likely will go more easy. But not easier if I get injured.

And here comes ketone supplements. It seems it does what I need most. It speeds up recovery and it gives a boost of energy and a mental pick me up. Perfect fit for me.

If it also helps with fat burning, well great that is just a wonderful bonus. If ketone supplements somehow keep the fat on much more so then if I didn’t take the supplements I can live fine with that as well as long as I get the added benefits of speedier recovery, energy boost and a mental pick me up. For me the most important thing to take away from the boot camp is not the weight loss then and there. Because the real world is still waiting for me back home. So the most valuable thing I can bring back is the willpower to continue with the exercise when I come home. Because at home is the war, the camp is just a battle.

Also no one should underestimate the value of placebo. It I believe the supplements will work, chances for them working increases. Even if the content should be plain multi vitamin. I guess what I am saying is am already dead sat on the supplements and will make them part of the camp experience. Should I feel discomfort or gain weight I can always just stop taking them.

The excess weight I carry around is equal to a normal sized man lugging three topped up jerry cans on his back and then try to exercise three times a day. He might pull through if he is in ok shape to begin with, otherwise chances of failure are very big.That is what I am facing. High chance of failure. Anything legal that can aid me along the way I will happily swallow.

When I get home I have ordered three sessions a week with a personal trainer for the first two months. Just to make sure I continue to work out, and don’t fall back into old habits. After that I really hope the exercise has become a natural thing that I can carry on without hating too much.


Hey just came across this!

How did you get on with supplements too? Me and my wife have been using exo ketones to help with our training, racing and recovery and swear by them.

What brand did you choose?