Keto women over 50


Thank you! I hope so as well! Peace.

(Kay Lynn) #343

It was primarily because the weight was coming off much faster but also my appetite has decreased. I stopped eating between meals and skipping meals due to not being hungry.

(Arlene) #344

Helewisa, I think our bodies have very strong self-preservation instincts. In terms of weight loss, or even weight gain; our wise bodies will adjust our needs as quickly as it can figure out what it’s new “normal” is. Example: If we purposely reduce our food consumption to one meal a day (or less), no matter whether we are hungry or not, eventually the body will adjust it’s needs to match our new “normal”. Fortunately the body will also up it’s needs if we do the opposite. It’s called feast or famine, which was very common when we didn’t have grocery stores at hand. This only works if we’re talking about real food (meats, eggs, seafood, fresh vegetables. Processed foods do not play fair, and our bodies haven’t figured out how to deal with them.

Eating meats, eggs, seafood, and a few veggies at times, is the diet I believe we were designed for. I feel my best eating this way. If I never lose my unwanted pounds of fat, my much-improved health is reason enough to eat this way forever. That said, I DO want to lose some excess fat, as many of us do, and I don’t want to trust that I will see “acceptable” fat loss in a year. So, I purposefully change things up all the time, with food choices (within the list of appropriate foods), amounts, and meal timing. I also change up my activities; a long walk, short walk, bit of running, heavy lifting, no exercise, etc. Bottom line: Until I reach my desired healthy weight/body size goal, I’m keeping my body guessing. This makes me feel like I have a tiny amount of say in all this. The fat is coming off, at a speed I am content with. Eventually I will get there, and my body will maintain my new norm; at least that’s my hope!

(Nummy) #345

i’m not over 50 or a woman, but If I can do anything to help I will


I can see this is sensible and I’ve considered that too…my issue seems to be that I dread gaining more and so I don’t try this change.

I’ve got to give it a go…it’ll be slowly!
Thank you!

(Kristin) #347

Today is my 1 year keto-versary. I initially lost 10lbs, went from 137 to 127. Was fasting 16:8 with some 24, 48 and 61hr fasts monthly. Then something happened and I started feeling crazy hungry and allowed myself to eat and went up to 137 and then over! I’m 5’4" and run and lift weights so I’m used to muscle but now some pants don’t fit! I’m 1.5 years into menopause… Could that be contributing? I’m at my wits end. I was at under 20 total carbs, about 80-100g protien. For the past 2 months I’ve not fasted any longer than 20 hrs, tracked macros but increased my carbs to 30 net and cut back on exercise. I’ve lost 5 lbs but I’m still at 136. I also have had joint pain for the past few months. I’ve cut back on dairy and it’s helped some but I’m at a plateau weight loss wise… Any ideas? I’d just like to fit back into my clothes again!

(Wendy) #348

I just posted my success at hitting my goal weight on a FB page. I can’t remember if I posted the picture here on the forum, but I like to do it there (non keto fb page) because that is how I learned of keto, from someone posting their success and saying they did keto. I’ve learned so much since then, and still am.
I do like to encourage those who are over 50 that they do have a chance of losing their weight. I never expected to have the success I did this quickly. I know I’ve been blessed and probably was not as metabolically deranged as some at my age. But I did have signs of insulin resistance.

(Edith) #349

Hi @Kris3, I think we may have similar issues: we are similar age, height, and we workout.

I posted a long post in the hair loss thread yesterday, but I’ll recap my thoughts a little here:
Fat does not really have nutrients. A few have some vitamins E & K but for the most part they are devoid of vitamins and minerals. When a diet is mostly fat that does not leave a lot of calories for a petite person to get all the nutrients she needs.

I started running into health issues, and I think it was from not enough nutrients in my diet due to not eating enough and not enough nutrient density in my food; i.e. I used a lot of nuts and foods made with nuts.

Now I’m eating more meats and more vegetables. I seem to be feeling better, but I only made my changes a few weeks ago. My body is still healing.

If one has just a small window for ingesting nutrients (and is exercising), how does one get all the vitamins and minerals she needs? I understand what great tools fasting and intermittent fasting are, but maybe for some they cause too much nutrient restriction, especially for middle-aged women’s bodies whose metabolisms are slowing or have slowed and don’t need as many calories anyway. Our vitamin and mineral needs maybe remain unchanged even if the caloric needs are less?

I don’t really have an answer but these are the thoughts I’ve had lately about this WOE.

Let it go, Let it go
(Kristin) #350

@VirginiaEdie, thank you so much, that makes a lot of sense!! I’ve been cutting back on fat and upping carbs and feeling better. Your explanation really makes sense to me.

(Lynn Louise Wonders) #351

How are you doing now that 6 months have gone by? I had full hysterectomy at age 44 and now 51 heavier than I’ve ever been and struggling.

(Beth) #352

Thanks for posting this. I just passed my one year mark on keto. I did lose weight - about 25 pounds - and my hair and nails initially got thicker and stronger. But I got into a rut of eating the same high fat foods and not enough vegetables or a good variety of vegetables. My hair got alarmingly thin and my nails split and peel. I did some evaluating and came up with the same observations/conclusions as you. I now make a point of eating more protein and more veggies Dr. Wahls style: brightly colored, greens, and sulfurous like cabbage, broccoli, onions, sprouts, etc. For my hair I am brushing several strokes a night with the board brush and exercising more often to improve circulation. I hope it works.

(Edith) #353

It’s too soon to tell for my hair, but one problem I am running into is that I have gained some weight. I have to figure out how to keep up my nutrition but not eat so much I keep gaining. :pensive:.

(Janelle) #354

I’m at 6 weeks and several people have insisted you can’t actually stall this early.
Checked my macros and calorie count - all according to LCHF plan. Is there a time for you when it started to fall off? I’m going to up my walking to see if that works. Same pound gained and lost for over 2 weeks now. I have 70 or so to lose so I’m not a skinny mini doing this solely for my metabolic health.

(back and doublin' down) #355

Wondering if this a clue that your metabolic health hasn’t been so healthy over the years? You may be hitting a point where the body is saying ‘wait, let me get some things healed inside’ and that could indeed stall weight loss for a bit. Around here there are many women who have shared stalls that lasted for months, some right off the bat. Are you noticing any NSVs that motivate you to stay on course with keto?

(Janelle) #356

No doubt - I’m 50 next month, I was a child of the 70s and 80s and Twinkies and Hamburger Helper. I had my weight under control by not eating many processed foods and not eating out - until I got married in 2010 and then I put on well over 50 pounds - by eating dinner every night and really enjoying different cuisines. What gets me are these stories of people losing immense amounts of weight in their first year. Clearly they must be metabolically damaged as well. Perhaps I should be a little more choosy about the forum posts I read.

I’m totally committed to this. I’m seeing an obesity specialist and am following his guidelines. I just hope I hit that mark where I am feeling the true benefits. You know - those tremendous bursts of energy, lower blood pressure and the staying power to do 3 day fasts (not really on the last one - that doesn’t actually appeal to me).

(Empress of the Unexpected) #357

I didn’t really start losing until about the three month mark. Six weeks is way too early to worry about it. Keep on going and you will be very pleased with the results.

(Kristin) #358

Someone helped me immensely by reminding me that we need fewer calories at our age so we must make them nutrient dense. Best reminder ever!! I’ve started losing weight again, can fit in my pants and feel much better.

(Anjum) #359

I completely understand your frustration. I am 52, starting weight was 241 - currently I am 216, been keto since late March this year. I have accepted I will not lose weight like anyone else. I avidly read these forums for added insight. This is what has worked for me, constant tweaking. I realized after going keto, that i thought i ate when i felt hungry, but i realized i ate out of boredom, that my hunger signals were actually my body craving water. It has helped me greatly to drink 3 plus liters of water and do something active when that familiar pang hits, i set up a mental time goal, " if I am still feeling hungry in 5 minutes I will eat something." invariably the physical distraction is enough for me to skip the eating of something. I too began IF one week but the following week was starving everyday. It was my body rebelling. So I IF alternating weeks. There are days i do not drink enough water, it immediately shows up as bloat. My post keto leggings have a distinctly larger bulge at my midriff - my new sports bra bites a little - then I know I have to keep up the water. I think there are so many contributing factors against us, that there is no one size fits all. I am grateful we can all share our experiences and learn from ome another. :heart_eyes:

(Janelle) #360

And see - the days I up my calories, I lose. Hard to figure out.

(Kristin) #361

Can we talk about what menopause has done to our sex lives? The good, the bad…