Keto Women - Boobs and Butt Shrinking


(Stickin' with mammoth) #11

Unfortunately, I experienced the double whammy–vanishing breasticles and their band–but feeling my sternum and xiphoid process in sharp relief for the first time in…well, for the first time, was edifying and a little unnerving. I don’t want this to happen:

Stranger still, though, was the butt reshaping. I don’t mean that it got smaller, although it did, but its entire shape altered. This is annoying to someone who tailor-makes her own pants to fit just right. Only the seamstresses out there will truly feel my pain but believe me, altering a crotch curve is effing frustrating! You essentially have to pull the whole bleeping pants apart just the resew that one little seam.


This is me. :disappointed:

(Sophie) #13

Feelin the pain, sista, feelin it!


Yay, sewing talk! I make a lot of blouses and dresses, but the thought of making pants makes me nervous precisely because of the crotch curve issue.

(Sophie) #15

Oh Boy, another seamstress! I love to making tops and dresses too. One advantage to keto is that it’s a hellova lot easier to take in something than to let out most things! We should start a sewing thread…(pun) :rofl:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #16

Can I get a hallelujah? That’s why I made six pairs of super wide-leg palazzo pants right before I went keto. With elastic waistbands.

I’m not a lazy sewer, I just can’t replace the missing zipper foot on my 1960s Viking Husqvarna. Okay, I’m a lazy sewer.


(Sophie) #17

Have you set up a followed search on Ebay? There are tons of parts for older machines. I’ve gotten lots of stuff for my 60’s Singer Touch 'n Sew there. She’s my little battle tank that just keeps on going and I love her dearly, especially all her metal components. Can’t buy beauties like that anymore! :heart_eyes:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #18

I tried Ebay once. A chick sold me used make up. USED MAKEUP! (gagging sound) I haven’t been back.

Man, no kidding. The only downside is when you have to lug it anywhere.

Frankly, I’m cool with going no-zipper, no-button forever. I’m obsessed with kimonos and ponchos, anyway, so nobody will ever know what’s holding my pants up under all those layers.

(Sophie) #19

Reminds me of my only (so far) Keto Convert, my sweet cousin, and she tells me that Safety Pins are her friend! :joy:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #20

Well, they must love me, too, because they love to go straight through my flesh whenever I bend forward.

(Brenda Running Sauder) #21

I don’t think u can do much about the books…lol. as soon as my body goes below a certain weight I lose them. But butt I’ve never lost. Do lots of weighted squats and lunges! I’m doing free app - Charlie mike. It’s awesome!

(Brenda Running Sauder) #22

Boobs lol

(Naomi Brewster) #23

My butt fell away almost immediately - I saw on a YouTube video that this may be due to adrenals/cortisol. My boobs too a long time but they were large to begin with. Now they’re a little like a deflating balloon with all the weight at the bottom of the ballon lol. I’m not complaining - it’s all good. I’ve lost 35 kilos and have another 30 to go so there’s time.

(Jen ) #24

I’ve only been in ketosis for 2 weeks, but holy moly. My band size has never changed and my boobs are still present and accounted for (I wouldn’t be sad if I lost a couple of cup sizes), but my BUTT! I used to be a dancer and I had a great booty. Then I became a mom and got fat and now my booty is GONE! I foresee many a night of squats and lunges until I drop. I did buy the Brazilian Butt Lift DVD workout, I might try that. I just look disproportionate, lol. I have curvy hips and then I turn to the side and BAM! No booty. I don’t know how/if this will change when I am adapted, which I am not yet.

(Charlie Kathopoulis) #25

That might be your hormones balancing out and your body resetting to a new set point.

(Sophie) #26

If anyone had told me in my teens that I’d have to wait until I was in my 40’s to have boobs (naturally, not purchased) I’d have laughed at them! lol

(Nicole Sawchuk) #27

Me too! My ass is gone. But my big post breastfeeding boobs are still going strong despite all the weight I have lost. They seem to be the last to want to go.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #28

A skinny friend of mine once told me that she loved her Wonder Bra, because with it she finally had cleavage!


I think this is a genetics thing. While my waist and band size are shrinking my breast measurement remains the same. My butt is becoming less wide but the shape looks the same as before I started losing weight. I did notice my butt became less curvey as my hormones tanked a few years ago. I do do a ton of lunges and squats holding a 25 pound kettlebell so that may be helping keep the curve. I will be interested in seeing what happens if i make it down to my ideal weight.

(jilliangordona) #30

Start lifting! Building your glutes, thighs, and shoulders will accentuate your waist to keep your figure. I’ve never had a natural hourglass shape, but after taking up heavy lifting with my fiancé and building muscle, my increased leg size in particular makes my middle look wittled.

My boobs have actually gotten bigger, but I think that’s due to hormone changes and lack of proper development when I was doing through PCOS crazed puberty.