Keto Women - Boobs and Butt Shrinking


(Jesie) #1

Hi there,

I’m almost at about 70 days on keto. Most of the weight I’ve lost has been from my breasts and butt, which makes sense because a lot of fat is stored there. I’m hoping someone who has experienced this could recommend some exercises to help keep an hour glass shape. It’s sad to have my friends commenting on it… Maybe there’s a combination of building strength in your chest/booty and a way to focus the slimming down on stomach and thighs?

Any advice is appreciated, thank you :slight_smile:

(Ethan) #2

You cannot focus slimming to a particular area. You can tone areas or build muscle in areas by resistance exercises. It is unclear for how long somebody can simultaneously build muscle and lose fat. I posted a question about this in Show Me the Science, but have not heard back yet. Most studies on it indicate that a person can only both build muscle (anabolic) and lose fat (catabolic) for a very short time at the beginning of a diet and only if that person did not work out often. However, these studies were not done on people on a ketogenic diet.

(Jacquelyn Graham) #3


(Jacquelyn Graham) #4

I take a Bellydance class once a week. Great for core and those waist muscles.

(Jesie) #5

thanks jackie! also that meme is hilarious…and true

(Jesie) #6

Thanks Ethan, as of now I’m not doing any muscle or resistance training so maybe that will help. It’s crazy to see all of these changes and feel like you have no control over it!

(Ethan) #7

It’s highly unpredictable. Ive yo-yo dieted a lot. In the past, I lost my weight in stomach first. my thighs and butt would always be last. I would be forced to wear my pants way too large around the waste and then folded with a belt just so it would go up my legs and butt. This time, I am losing everything the opposite. I have no idea why.

(Sophie) #8

This seems to be my problem. I Never had boobs until I became obese and it was weird to actually have cleavage for a change. Now it seems that my ass is becoming flat as a board and my bra band size has gone down but not the cup size! It’s very strange to me.

(Allie) #9

I’m building muscle and still losing fat quite nicely, over two years into keto.

(Judy Martinez) #10

so sad!!! I’ve have been known as Judy Boodie since high school because of my voluptuous rump. It has since disappeared as of May since going keto. And I too have lost my hips/curves/hourglass figure. Now I am referred to as “Judy No-Boodie” and my husband says I suffer from no-assatall LOL so I’m following this post too!

(Stickin' with mammoth) #11

Unfortunately, I experienced the double whammy–vanishing breasticles and their band–but feeling my sternum and xiphoid process in sharp relief for the first time in…well, for the first time, was edifying and a little unnerving. I don’t want this to happen:

Stranger still, though, was the butt reshaping. I don’t mean that it got smaller, although it did, but its entire shape altered. This is annoying to someone who tailor-makes her own pants to fit just right. Only the seamstresses out there will truly feel my pain but believe me, altering a crotch curve is effing frustrating! You essentially have to pull the whole bleeping pants apart just the resew that one little seam.


This is me. :disappointed:

(Sophie) #13

Feelin the pain, sista, feelin it!


Yay, sewing talk! I make a lot of blouses and dresses, but the thought of making pants makes me nervous precisely because of the crotch curve issue.

(Sophie) #15

Oh Boy, another seamstress! I love to making tops and dresses too. One advantage to keto is that it’s a hellova lot easier to take in something than to let out most things! We should start a sewing thread…(pun) :rofl:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #16

Can I get a hallelujah? That’s why I made six pairs of super wide-leg palazzo pants right before I went keto. With elastic waistbands.

I’m not a lazy sewer, I just can’t replace the missing zipper foot on my 1960s Viking Husqvarna. Okay, I’m a lazy sewer.


(Sophie) #17

Have you set up a followed search on Ebay? There are tons of parts for older machines. I’ve gotten lots of stuff for my 60’s Singer Touch 'n Sew there. She’s my little battle tank that just keeps on going and I love her dearly, especially all her metal components. Can’t buy beauties like that anymore! :heart_eyes:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #18

I tried Ebay once. A chick sold me used make up. USED MAKEUP! (gagging sound) I haven’t been back.

Man, no kidding. The only downside is when you have to lug it anywhere.

Frankly, I’m cool with going no-zipper, no-button forever. I’m obsessed with kimonos and ponchos, anyway, so nobody will ever know what’s holding my pants up under all those layers.

(Sophie) #19

Reminds me of my only (so far) Keto Convert, my sweet cousin, and she tells me that Safety Pins are her friend! :joy:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #20

Well, they must love me, too, because they love to go straight through my flesh whenever I bend forward.