Keto Tempura Batter

(Steve) #1

The secret to this tempura batter is unflavored whey.
This light puffy batter has the crunch, texture and look of traditional tempura batter.
Only 2 carbs, 10 grams protein and 10 grams of fat. I have only used it in my refined coconut oil deep fryer so I’m not sure about pan frying. Make sure you have fresh baking powder.

Fish, zucchini, tiny bit of onion rings, broccoli, shrimp etc…

What did you Keto today? Part Deux!
(Full Metal KETO AF) #2

I was just wondering yesterday if this was possible without a starch. Interesting. :man_cook:t3:

(Steve) #3

I would swap the baking powder with baking soda. I’ll give it a go to see how it works, maybe some shrimp will be good for the test subject. I’ve had good luck with soda before.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #4

If you want it more airy you could beat the egg white, mix the yolk with the other stuff and fold them together. If you get extra batter on can you wiggle it as you submerge it and get the little spikes on the battered shrimp I wonder. It looks tasty, the onion rings look perfect.

(Steve) #5

Thanks, beating the egg white is a great idea if the soda doesn’t work. I’m wondering if it might be too airy, the last batch had a great rise and was just like my old tempura in another life. I’m new at working with whey, pretty cool stuff.
I’m using cornstarch free baking powder.|pcrid|97670539573|product|093709355564&pgrid=18627411973&ptaid=aud-125375875211:pla-545311754576&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4fHkBRDcARIsACV58_FhWdKcvl_KPp8LjJfzQn-NPjlFy9C58hKuq2ORrwC-yxUJh8ekRBMaAqMTEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

(Steve) #6

The 1/2 tsp of baking soda worked great! The whey rises and was really thin when I dipped it, just like real tempura batter.

Hey someone took the tails off… oh well

Look at how thin the batter is and how it poofs up in the fryer

I can’t believe the whole batch is 2 carbs and I split that with my wife.

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #7

If you want an experiment for greater lift, try vodka in place of the soda water. It will boil more vigorously and should produce a puffier batter.


(Steve) #8

Great idea! I’ll try vodka next time and put a little in the batter.

(Steve) #9

I tried a little vodka but couldn’t really tell the difference as it only uses 1 Tbsp. This tempura batter is so thin and coats the fish well. We still can’t believe it’s only 2 carbs for the whole batch of batter but it is. 2 1/2 minutes in the refined 350 degree coconut oil was perfect.

(Steve) #10

I tried frying queso blanco cheese coated with the tempura batter, It worked great, only problem was I only made two.

('Jackie P') #12

Omg now I have to buy a deep fat fryer and all the gear! Cant wait!

(Steve) #13

My mini fryer is from Aldi, $20
It holds 1.5 liters of oil ( I recently discovered refined coconut oil, no taste and a high smoke point)

('Jackie P') #14

Wow! Aldi. And I have just heard about refined coconut oil.

('Jackie P') #15

Is refined coconut oil liquid at room temperature? I always get confused because most good fat is solid and most liquid fat is bad! And dont you need a liquid fat for a deep fat fryer?

(Full Metal KETO AF) #16

Refined coconut oil is better for frying than extra virgin and solid at room temperature unless you’re in a hot place! :cowboy_hat_face:

('Jackie P') #17

Yeah this is the trouble! I would like to get a deep fat fryer but might be better with a good saucepan and a basket. Can use lard, ghee, coconut oil etc then.

(Steve) #18

I discovered refined coconut oil this winter, there is no taste and it is the best fat that I have fried with so far. Very smooth and silky if that makes sense? Mine stays liquid above 75 degrees.

('Jackie P') #19

Can you use it ok in the deep fat fryer?

(Steve) #20

You sure can and it’s delicious! I bought my refined coconut oil at Sam’s Club for $8 enough to run my mini deep fryer.
All of the tempura battered food above is cooked in refined coconut oil.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #21

I use a wok for deep frying, less oil because of the round shaped bottom. And I don’t deep fry often enough to keep a fryer and lots of oil in use.

I’m definitely trying this batter when my crop of zucchini starts to flower, cut off the first blooms and make zucchini blossom tempura with some pecorino inside the blossoms.