Keto or Paleo

(Melanie Armistead) #21

Why bother with a label? Just eat real food and include what works for you.

(Ken) #23

As opposed to the theory that the Earth was created 6,000 years ago by an omnipotent being? Believe what you want, itā€™s your choice. It really doesnā€™t matter to me. Have you tried the ā€œApe Dietā€ yet?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #24

Personally, and completely as an aside, I prefer the theory that the earth was created 3.74 billiion years ago by processes set in motion nearly 14 billion years ago by an omnipotent being. As a devout Christian, I find that the so-called ā€œcreationistsā€ and their nutty ideas give me the heebie-jeebies.


Thank you for this, Ken! Iā€™ll take a look at the movie at some point and will need to re-read your post few more times. Very interestingā€¦

(Sophie) #26

Actually Aliens seeded the planet and put animals on it so we could feed ourselves. Thatā€™s my story an Iā€™m stickin to it! :smile:

(Brian) #27

Itā€™s closer to the original discussion, but I would say a person needs to quantify ā€œeating fruitā€ for it to have much meaning.

As a for instance, my wife and I do eat some fruit. (Weā€™re keto.) An example of that fruit happened last night. It was in celebration of our 17th wedding anniversary! :slight_smile: I made a small (4", two layer) keto chocolate cake with chocolate ganache icing. It needed a bit of something to go with, something to brighten it up a bit, so it got one strawberry, sliced into 4 pieces, placed decoratively on top. Each of us had half. (I know that sounds pretty small, but it was actually quite filling and completely satisfying, I wouldnā€™t have wanted more.)

I will occasionally have a bit more fruit than that. But itā€™s just occasionally, not all the time. Iā€™ve never had an issue with that knocking me out of ketosis. Were I to turn it into a food group, I suspect it would be a different story. How often and how much matter.


Paleolithic humans would have eaten fruit when it was in season and then only to the extent they could get their hands on it. In other words, it is unlikely they would have gorged on it every day all year long. Same with honey. Some poor schmuck caveman has to stick his hand in the hive.

(Brian) #29

Exactly why that gave me a chuckle, Iā€™m not 100% sure, but it did. LOL!!

(TJ Borden) #30

Ditto. I was envisioning what an early version of Rock Paper Scissors would look like since at the time they only had rock.

(Sophie) #31



Love it.
Went off on a lovely little mind spin speculating how old that game really isā€¦ am thinking it might have started as Rock, Leaf, Flint Knife.

(Garry (Canada)) #33

True Paleo

(Ken) #34

(Karen) #35

Bet we ate a lot of eggsā€¦protein that doesnā€™t run, fly away or bite. Grubs too, pretty dependable.


(TJ Borden) #36

Yeahā€¦ Iā€™ll stick to keto.



As children, we were taken strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, apple and blackberry picking.

And I can say with certainty, that fruit gorging is a dicey business.

Day 1: all you can eat
Evening of Day 1: OMG. Collywobbles. Gripes. Urgent trips to loo
Day 3: no thank you
Day 4: maybe a couple. Ok, a few.
Day 5: do we have to?
By this time my Mum had stepped in and was storing/preserving/drying like mad, and freezing once we had a freezer, for magical treats in midwinter.

Then on to the next seasonal fruit, when it arrived, maybe a month later.

(Jack Brien) #38

Keto? Paleo? Or vegan? What about Pegan?

(Rob) #39

Further discussion of the sham that is ā€œpeganā€ hereā€¦

(Karen) #40

Still seems full on paleo



I have a friend who is heavy and has been heavy since she was 2, she has about 140 lbs to lose to get to an ideal weigh. She has tried and failed Atkins many times. She will lose weight and then gain it back, often while she is still trying to follow the diet. The last few times she does her own version where she eats fruit and butternut squash, lots of protein and some fat including dairy. I have tried to explain to her that this will not work because she will cheat. She refuses to listen and ends up cheating much sooner than on traditional Atkins. If you are at all IR or have trouble following a diet, I personally believe that eating fruit in reasonable quantities (such as more than a few berries a day (which I do regularly) and eating tubers will lead to cheating and then to abandonment of the diet. If you eliminate dairy from her diet you have paleo and while someone who has no eating issues and no IR or T2 could follow it, I think the fruit will lead you to cheat if you are someone who has a lot of weight to lose and is not active