Keto Krafts/Art - show and chat right here! By JANIE


Yes Ma’am. :slight_smile: - I have always been asked since I was a teenager, why I didn’t go for a career in Artwork. But I’ve always told folks that I never wanted a job where I was demanded or told to create certain types of images. I’ve always like to draw from imagination, and create what come out of my head. There’s always been something special about that… plus back in my day, most Art-related jobs were for Commercial Artist, and though I did indeed do some of this over the years (mostly on the side, for store fronts, advertising signage or Airbrushing on vehicles) it was usually for Lettering or Simple Designs, and not really for the type of work I really enjoyed doing. :slight_smile:

But of course there is a much bigger outlet for this type of work these days, from Movies, Gaming, etc. (And yes, folks still bring this subject up to this day) … But, the field is also much, much bigger too. :slight_smile: So for me, I just dabble, and don’t look too far down that road I’ve already traveled for many years now. :wink:


Amazing stuff :slight_smile:

(Cailyn Mc Cauley) #64

Y@Digital_Dave my 23 year ols daughter is an incredible artist. She started 13 years ago in an anime class (Copic investment anyone?!) and has been dreaming of becoming a Concept Artist for video games.

Then she interviewed with a school, when she realized the demands, she said no thanks. I want to do art my way for my own pleasure.

There ended her art career and she happily produces beautiful art when it pleases her!

(Running from stupidity) #65

It’s like people who are really good at photography being told they should become photographers.

Being a professional photographer is 75 percent business, 20 percent stress management/depression avoidance and five percent photography. It’s why most pro photographers aren’t all that good at actual photography in an artistic sense. (Not saying ALL here - some are. One of my mates is the current Tasmanian Wedding POTY, but it’s rare to be good at all the required facets.)

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #66

I commented that some art was digital once and my friend acted insulted on behalf of the artist. I was so confused. I was talking about the medium, not accusing them of “cheating”.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #67

This is my first drawing in my iPad. It is an illustration for an unpublished children’s book. (Not my story.) It was purposefully simple. This was years ago, before the pencil. I have better software and equipment now… I should probably get practicing!

(Running from stupidity) #68

Then you could put them in your thread!


Yep, those I know who do art for video games and movies, mostly still enjoy doing it, but also do stuff on their own, on the side. And they seem to usually put more into those personal pieces, since they are not driven by others. That’s what I feel makes a piece personal. But tell her not to give up on it, because you can always find that rare gem, where you can get paid for your art, but also be self-driven. :slight_smile:

Yeah, when it’s more business-driven than pleasure, it’s just not the same. :slight_smile: But very similar artistic fields these, and I find a lot of folks who like to do one, also enjoy dabbling in the other. :slight_smile:

Yep, and that’s the hook. Most feel you can manipulate the image too much on a computer. So mistakes stay mistakes with traditional methods, but on a computer, not so much. And believe me, I understand that part of it. But for the majority in the art world, Digital Art will only ever have it’s place in the industry for Movies, Gaming, etc. But will never be recognized for it’s artistry itself, sadly.

And that’s a nice image you have above too. :slight_smile: My wife has always told me that I should do some art books. Whether just some artsy stuff, or kids books like you stated, or even coloring books. But I just never sat down and set it up. :slight_smile: … Just have too much fun sometimes to think on it too much.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #70

I DID go to college intending on being a professional artist but when I began to understand how the business of art would effect my passion for creating art, I changed my major to biology. Science is fun but also doesn’t depend on how I’m feeling to be used because it’s science and not up to me. I didn’t want so much pressure put on my creative side. Didn’t think my ego could handle such rejection. Art is personal and a physical manifestation of who we are inside.

I think digital medium has the same merit as pencil to paper. It’s still a creation that comes from within, and that’s special.


:+1: … well said! :wink:

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #72

Yes, but… ridiculous. A writer isn’t condemned for using a computer to type because they can alter things they’ve already written too easily. And spellcheck does not a master storyteller make. Use the tools you got. Ain’t no shame in that.

Sigh… I have a friend who’s husband died suddenly very young. She was left with two small girls. I’ve been meaning to make a coloring book of the girls doing things with their dad for two years now. :woman_facepalming:


Honestly, I usually have more fun just doodling than anything else? Can’t say why, maybe I start feeling creating a whole piece starts to become work? Dunno? … I just know I can start sketching and time just looses all meaning. I also find it’s where my imagination just seems to soar on it’s own. :slight_smile:

Here’s a few images I did, just while monitoring Pumping Stations during rain events some years back. It’s just pencil on paper, holding a clipboard in my hand, sitting in a jeep. …Not the easiest to hold.

A lot of times, the ideas I get from doodling, will sometimes become full images theirselves. Either from that initial sketch, or just using that image’s character? All depends on what comes out…


You should most definitely do this!.. I’ve been around folks doing art for many years now, and stories such as this are not uncommon. (Sadly) But for those who do get these types of projects done, get more from it them than most other stuff they do. There’s usually a lot more put into it, and I’m sure they would appreciate it more now, then later years… But that’s just a guess on my part. :slight_smile:


One of the main differences I find working from a computer from the initial start, is that most doodles sometimes become full blown images without stopping at the sketch stage. :confused: I get too involved and before I know it the image has gone beyond just sketching… These two images were done in this fashion, where I was just sketching out ideas, and I ended up taking them a lot further before I knew it.

(Todd Allen) #76

While completely lacking in artistic talent I enjoy being crafty in different sorts of ways.

Here’s some lids for sprouting seeds I designed and printed on my 3d printer.

Here’s my 3d printer I built.

Here’s my home made mobilty scooter with 3d printed fenders.

Here’s the hen house I made so we can get our daily fix of fresh eggs.

(Doug) #77

Dave, you have some serious talent. :sunglasses: Very rich, balanced, and amazingly three-dimensional to me.


Thank you, sir. :slight_smile:

(Virginia ) #79

Thanks Iced, love you pottery as well. Maybe one day I can give it a try.

(Virginia ) #80

That’s cool… I’m sure it will be a treasure piece for many years to come, glad you were able to rescue it. I am hoping to get my husband’s (@Digital_Dave) grandma’s finish soon.

(KCKO, KCFO) #81

Love the spinning wheel. I once made a penguin from a kit, no plastic. When I moved overseas, I donated to a farm that an ex-teacher set up as a learning farm. The cooked on wood stove, did spinning, weaving, collected eggs, groomed horses, milked cows.

All this gorgeous weaving makes me wish I had taken up that hobby again when I returned. I only had small table loom but I enjoyed it a lot when I worked with it. The spinning was my favorite part. There was a sheep farm that had sheep of all colors. I loved working with that wool.

I think cooking is an art form and a craft. Artisan breads were my specialty until I went low carb. sourdough%20bread%20sample

I used to crochet, but never learned knitting for some reason and in my hippie-dippie days, I did embroidery too. Haven’t done any of it in decades.

I am loving all the great crafts and artworks in this thread, well done Fellow Ketoians.