Keto Krafts/Art - show and chat right here! By JANIE

(Ellen) #42

So many wonderfully cratfy people! Not jealous per se just would love to be able to do some of what you all do.

(Amanda) #43

The last on is a picture of my daughter when she was about 4 years old. It is not as hard as it looks, once you know a few tricks of the trade.

(Virginia ) #44

@Daisytoad That one is nice, it’s a keepsake for sure. :slight_smile: I think I’m going to start looking into it more. I have one that my husband’s grandma started before she got sick and passed away. It sat for about 13 years, she was to sick to finish it. She took scraps of different colors of velvet and hand stitch everything on it together, lots of time put into it. I will try and take a picture and post it. I was told being that the velvet is heavy not to put the normal backing on it, so I really don’t know what to use on it or what type of trim.

(Running from stupidity) #45

Excellent thread idea, Janie!

Awesome stuff, people. I’ve got no likes (because that’s good for community, not being able to like things), but ya know I love 'em :slight_smile:

(Lori) #46

I LOVE all of the creativity!!! Just wow!!

(Sophie) #47

I’m feeling the no likes pain myself today. :unamused:

(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #48

Love it !! The afghan is beautiful and the giraffe is super cute.

(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #49

I only have a few pieces left. The mug is one of my favorites but my hubs least favorite mug that I made. The bowl is my absolute favorite piece I made.

(Jane) #50

Beautiful works of art!!!

(Jane) #51

My oldest son LOVED to do origami and became quite good at it. He’s 6’2” and a big man with large hands and I was always amazed at his dexterity to fold some tiny complicated animals.

(Jane) #52

I’m going to have to show this to my husband. He makes all my jewelry and we are getting chicks in a few weeks so eventually we will have some feathers to play with.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #53

I sew and make stuff. I enjoy being creative but it’s mostly because I’m poor. You can do a lot with other people’s giveaways and thrift store finds!

Some art:

Squirrel nest box and my release cage:

I reupholstered an old Ikea couch. My great grandma would be proud.

(Running from stupidity) #54

Not only her…

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #55

I mean about the print. I’m pretty sure she had the exact same print on some waterproof outdoor furniture!


Here’s 3 images I already loaded up on my personal thread. But since this one was started, I’ll toss them in here…

Last image I did, just over a year ago… Shadow-hawk

One from back in 2012… ‘Mother’s Embrace’

And another from 2017… ‘Felines’

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #57

What medium are these? Great stuff!

(Jane) #58

I was going through an old box of quilt scraps I inherited from my grandma and found a complete pieced top in the bottom. My grandma didn’t quilt so it had to be my great-grandma’s.

The scraps were in too bad a shape so I tossed them. The quilt top looked pretty good so I asked my friend who quilts and she said it would hold up to quilting — some old ones fall apart.

She sewed me the binding and gave me the name of the lady she had used in the past to machine quilt it for me. I mailed it to her and when I got it back it was beautiful! So glad I found it and rescued it.

Edited to add: the top was all pieces by hand.


Here’s a few more, starting with one of my Wife’s favorites from back in 2014… Sacred Ritual

Another one from back in 2012… My first underwater scene. I actually wanted to design a Fantasy Seahorse… :slight_smile:


Most are a combination of pencil sketches, and then worked up in Photoshop. So Digital Media is what I’ve been working in most the past 10-12 years. But can do the same with color pencils, airbrush, etc. … The one major downfall to Digital Media, is that most folks don’t see it being like any traditional media, such as oils, pastels, etc. And won’t recognize the artwork, since in their minds, because a computer was used, that anyone can do it. :flushed: … But I don’t mind. - I do artwork for my own enjoyment. :slight_smile:

(Sophie) #61

I think this is what drives most creators. I know it does for me. Makers Gonna Make! :blush: