Keto Connect no bake cheesecake

(Jeremy Storie) #1

4 oz cream cheese
2 T sour cream
1/4 cup heavy cream
Sweetener of choice

Beat all ingredients and add sweetener to your taste. Refrigerate for a few hours to firm up. Makes 4 servings.

(James storie) #2

This sounds good, probably taste a lot like @Brenda’s dessert cream I made. I’m going to have to give it a try!

(Jeremy Storie) #3

It’s awesome! I made it for the first time today. has a lot of good recipes.

(James storie) #4

Oh, I know. It’s a great resource. I’d like to spend about a week just cooking! From this recipe index as well as this one is probably just as good

(Jeremy Storie) #5

Yep, there are great keto recipes here.

(Dustin Cade) #6

My lady makes a quick “cheesecake” dessert using 2oz cream cheese 2 tablespoons butter, a splash vanilla and 1\2 teaspoon pyre (adjust to taste)… Use softened butter, cold cream cheese and mix together and you can add some pecans or SF chocolate chips, macadamia nuts whatever… Super quick and easy

(James storie) #7

That sounds good too! I need to go to Sam’s and get some more cream cheese!

(Dustin Cade) #8

The new Philadelphia cream cheese is now <1 carb per serving… It’s marked (5 ingredient)

(James storie) #9

Wow, that’s why I try to get mine at sam’s, the big block of members mark brand only has 1 gram per serving. I’m going to have to check out the new Philly!

(Jeremy Storie) #10

I use the same sweetener but I have to be careful, it’s super sweet. I probably used a quarter teaspoon today in the cheesecake.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #11

This means the ENTIRE box has FOUR grams carbohydrate. The regular Philly used to have SIXTEEN!!!

(Cheryl Meyers) #12

Sorry, what is this ingredient? I love cheese cake recipes!

(eat more) #13

mine has the 5 ingredient thing but still says 1g :rage:

(Jeremy Storie) #14

This is awesome! I’ve purposely not bought phill cream cheese because of all the carbs

(Georgia) #15

I think it’s Pyure, a stevia sweetener.

Pyure Sweetener

(Jeremy Storie) #16

Yep. It’s a stevia blend.

(Dustin Cade) #17

I’m sorry, I spelled it wrong. Pyure

(Eric Bryant) #18

Does Pyure taste nice? I am currently using Sweet Drops, and they taste like utter Crap…lol…but I don’t wanna mess my carbless state up, so I push on…

(Cheryl Meyers) #19

Ok, thanks! That one isn’t sold in Japan, but I can substitute stevia. Domo!

(Jeremy Storie) #20

Its great if you don’t use too much. If you over do it you will get a bit of an after taste. My sweet tooth has changed dramatically so I use very little.