Day 12 - PSK
I’ll post My results a little less frequently and go over how I’m doing instead.
I decided to eat a little more yesterday. Moving from 1000 calories with 50g of fat and 0.9g/lb protein up to 1400 calories with 80g of fat and 1.0g/lb protein.
That upped my carbs from sub-10 to a little over 11g. I dared to have an avocado and a snack (kale chips)!!
I still consider it a protein sparing keto day because I was eating 1.7g of protein to each 1.0 gram of fat. I was also still in a caloric deficit since I still had a lot of energy and I weightlifted.
I also decided to stop taking vitamins C and E to allow for more inflammation while lifting. I also stopped resveratrol. I’m not seeing any gains and I suspect it’s the result of the anti inflammation vitamins. I considered the risk of doing this during the COVID 19 pandemic but I’m working from home and I’ve been home bound for two weeks with no symptoms.
The additional volume of food and extra protein and fat made me very full and sated. Almost uncomfortably so since I’m OMAD. I haven’t measured yet but I’m surprised that I would feel that way on 1400 calories given that I used to eat 4500 calories on carnivore some days while bulking.
Also, the extra volume is helping with the elimination process. I think that consuming less than 200g of food a day is “confusing” to my body. It just refuses to function normally. It’s not fasting, but it’s not eating normally either… so it waits for days instead of hours. That’s my theory on why the volume helped.
I think that fat plays an important digestive role beyond just being there as an energy source. Being too high in protein and fiber without enough fat doesn’t feel comfortable to my digestive system.
Once I’m done with this vegan PKS experiment, I’m going to eat Keto for a couple of days, then go back to an extended fast for a week or so. I’m hoping to flush out the fiber I’ve been building up and start fresh on carnivore+ in late April. My carnivore+ allows fermented plants and mushrooms since they’re not technically plants & instead feed on plants (like herbivores do).
I’ll decide if I want to try carnivore PSK after I’ve had my fill of ribeyes