Just not losing


I see keto as a simple concept – “Minimal carbs. Adequate proteins. Fats as needed (for satiety).” But that doesn’t mean weight loss is easy.

You need the minimal carbs to stay in ketosis. The big advantage there is that carbs and insulin are no longer creating a false sense of hunger.

You need to get enough proteins. Your body needs them.

After that, fats (and thus calories) determine weight loss. Ideally, hunger would drive that. If you are depriving yourself, keto won’t be sustainable. If you’re eating to meet a guesstimate of a macro even if you’re not hungry, weight loss will be more difficult. Remember, your need for fat can come either from what you ingest or your stored body fat.


Calculators are frightening. My numbers are similar to Anne’s but 1100 is impossible, by far. My body can’t function there even if I would figure out how to eat a 1100 kcal meal without getting very hungry.
But it’s not about me, I just say calculators has no idea about our energy need, it can’t be calculated, just guessed and this guesstimation is sometimes horribly off. So let’s be careful with going super low.

Our satiation is another big topic but I don’t know if that’s a problem in this case or keto solves it, it’s just lack of results this far. And that’s not surprising considering little time passed, Christmas happened, bodyweight fluctuates and the fat-loss must be slow if exists.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #8

Forget weight. Do it and stay with it for health. The weight will take care of itself.

(Anne) #9

I don’t feel hungry most of the time. I could easily eat lower calories but I was advised I should be eating more and/or not even count calories. Maybe I should stop the heavy whip cream in coffee. I bought mct creamer and I will try just using that. I will try maybe smaller meals or even omad. Stressful
I agree about just thinking health wise instead of weight wise…


You may try things, I did but maybe it’s a tad early at this point. Really, give it a bit more time. I wouldn’t change the calories too much if you feel fine with it and you will see eventually what your weight does.
Tracking isn’t good for everyone, I always did as I had to because of the carbs and I am curious too. Some people eat too little protein if not careful… So it’s impossible to say what to do, it’s too individual.
One benefit of carnivore or almost carnivore that one eats little enough carbs without tracking, almost no matter how much they eat. But not everyone of us can/want do that right away (or ever).

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #12

You’re being totally impatient. It’s a long game. If you were a three hundred pound man coming from a diet of pizza pockets and 2 liters of Pepsi you might see tremendous losses, the kind that make social media sites sparkle.

This is a gentle reminder that you have a history to be mindful of (you’ve said it numerous times) and also that you didn’t gain all the weight in 13 days. Also, you’re getting clean in other ways which could effect weight. Take care of yourself, minimize stress, look toward the good things that are happening (not the failures), have faith in yourself and most importantly have other things to occupy your mind throughout the day. I love keto/low carb and enjoy thinking about it when I’m eating but the rest of the day I don’t because I’m busy living.

You’re doing it. It’s going to work but at it’s own pace.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #14

Exactly. You’ll hear people cheer for themselves when the number doesn’t even change at all because it’s not going up. Plus, it’s just a number. It only tells a fraction of the story. My activity level went up and I gained muscles which weighs more than fat so even though the scale didn’t budge, I was wearing smaller clothing. If you base your mood on the scale, you’re likely to have many mediocre or bad days.

(Keto Koala 🐨) #15

That’s very true. I must remember to buy a measuring tape to check. But it’s early days and I won’t be impatient. I guess 3 and a half pounds in 6 days is quite ok. Gotta stop comparing to those that lose like 20 pounds in three weeks :joy:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #16

Yes, and be prepared to only lose 3 lbs in two weeks or 30 days. The water loss is deceiving because people plan to lose 3 lbs every week forever and then lose it when it doesn’t happen. If you lose 1 lb a week you’re doing well. But if you don’t lose any you’re also doing well. The body chooses what it wants to heal, it’s not up to us. Being angry or impatient with it is counterproductive and increases stress.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #17


Patience is a virtue. Relaxxxxxxxx. Keep carbs below 20g for a while. Forget about macros. Forget about mathematical equations and solar positions. Its hard not to continue to do well if you just stick to 20g of carbs or less a day and try to eat more fat than protein. It doesnt have to be difficult and confusing. Do that for a while, see results and maybe tamper if need be. Dont focus on weight, focus on how you feel and maybe how clothes fit. If theyre getting loose, youre doing well.

Theres a funny thing that sometimes happens with Keto is the scale can not move, yet your clothes are baggy. :woman_facepalming:

(Anne) #18

I wish my clothes are getting baggy. No change. I will keep going and try not to worry but… I just want to lose 16 lb’s lol is that too much to ask for!!! :rofl::cry:


eat as you want to eat! A smaller person like you doesn’t fall into any category of ‘one size fits all’ as none of us do LOL

So eat as you feel you want. Do not ‘hit a kcal’ limit or anything.

Keep protein and good fat as the main focus. Add in whatever else you want in your keto plan to make your eating day happy and healthy and as you see fit. Hold the low carb count obviously :slight_smile:

I think you will do fine. Weight loss does not happen in a split second. It does for many who are heaiver etc. but if you are smaller and lighter, you might be in it for that longer haul of it just takes time.

You clean up the eating, eat as you see fit and let nature take its course. I also would count total carbs. Don’t go by the net junk out there. A total carb count means better control on those buggers :slight_smile:

those 16 lbs will come off with time! I know they will, so hey if I got confidence in ya and know you will do this, then hey you gotta to. Put in the time into clean eating and ya got this!!

(Anne) #20

Thanks so much. I will count total carbs from now on. And yes, I will absolutely keep going :blush:

(Katie) #21

If I may say, it does not sound like you have a lot of weight to lose, so it will be a slower process than if you had a lot more weight to lose.

I am sorry that you are depressed. Try to think of it as something to work at to achieve your goal. You are trying to do the right thing to make yourself healthier…that is excellent! There are a lot of people on this forum who want you to succeed and want to help you.

What sorts of foods are you eating? What does a typical day of eating look like for you?

(Anne) #22

My eating habits are kinda weird. I usually work nightshifts so I tend to sleep in and go to bed late when I’m off work. I will be working 2pm to 3 or 4 am.
I was having bacon and eggs for breakfast but since made some eggy thingies that I calculated all the calories, carbs and fat and protien for. I also have been enjoying mct creamer in my coffee. Since I started that I have lost around 2 lb in 4 days. Yayy. But I seem to struggle having 2 more meals so I usually just have an earlier big meal around 4 or 5. I had ground beef and pork fried together with diced eggplant and a few cherry tomatoes. Was good and filling. I also had a whole Avacado. Most nights I was having 2 chicken thighs and a salad…

(Bunny) #23

I can give you some clues as to the mechanics of this:

Depleting liver glycogen through diet works for a while to help burn body fat then it stops.

So does depleting muscle glycogen in very short periodic burst of weight lifting but that also stops working.

What is so important to know and I wish I could stress this more is that your body knows what your trying to do it and it just adapts to hold onto its fat reserves. So you have to be gentle with it.
20 grams or less of carbohydrate very long-term is hardcore abuse to your metabolism. (…it may lock itself into storage mode)

A balance between the two (liver & muscle) would be, not to constantly restrict calories.

I found in my own experiments that restricting carbohydrates does no good even up to 300 grams is low. 20 grams is ridiculous long-term and will just make you fatter.

(Anne) #24

I’m confused now ha ha.isnt the keto lifestyle low carb? I thought it was low car for life…? After someone gets to their healthy manageable weight, do we then start to increase carbs again?

(Bunny) #25

Low carb is 300 grams of carbohydrates?

The problem with it is other people have come into the playing field and have changed the parameters with there neo thinking of what they think low carbohydrate or what a low sugar diet truly is?

The less sugary, starchy carbohydrates you choose to eat the better off you will be.

(Anne) #26

Ow I’m really confused. I may have to get off the forum

(Anne) #27

300 g seems a lot