June 2019 - IF/EF Chat Thread (All Welcome)


Thank you for the feedback and tips, next time I will pass on eggs during the first meal, I think I probably ate way too much also. Maybe next time I will try a couple scoops of avocado and then wait that hour before jumping in…

(Susan) #223

Wt. 164.4 lbs
BK 1.0
BS 97
Hb 12.9
Hct 38
23 hours fasted. I don’t know how to calculate my GKI or Boz. Math doesn’t seem to stick in my brain very well. Back to the books I guess.
I only started weighing myself again recently. I haven’t been doing it every day but I will for as long as this fast lasts.
I note the Hb of 12.9. I had been iron deficient most of my life. I cut out black tea and never had issues with it again.
If I had something intelligent to say I would start an accountability thread, but I am overwhelmed by the plethora of really amazing ones. I would have nothing salient to add. I am humbled and honoured to be in such company.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #224

Unexpected 28h fast at the festival. I could go on, but I feel the headaches coming on. I rather do another OMAD or 4/20 so I can for sure enjoy the concerts

(Jane) #225

Boz is the simplest. Just divide you blood glucose by ketones. 97 / 1 = 97.

GKI you have to convert your glucose to the same units as ketones (in the US). So you divide it by 18 first, then divide by ketones.

97 / 18 = 5.39
5.39 / 1 = 5.39


So, I’m just here to complain. It’s 70 degrees outside, I’m wearing long underwear, with a blanket around me, and a space heater going, and I’m FREEZING!

Is this an electrolyte issue?


Nope. It’s just a fasting issue. Lots of people get really cold when they fast. Snuggle up!

I’m feeling really positive after my last fast. I had zero re-gain. I went out to a really nice restaurant for someone’s birthday yesterday, pulled out all the stops, and ate all the non-keto things. Cocktails, wine, dessert, more dessert. No kidding, I had two, because they brought us some we didn’t order for free while we waited, because the kitchen was slow with what we did order. Rough guess, I had 75-100g carbs yesterday. Then I woke up super early this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. But I got on my lying scale this morning and it said I’d lost another 1/2 lbs. just from yesterday!

So, that means I’m at an even 30 lbs. lost as of today! :grin:

I started another 65-hour fast this morning. Worked out this morning to kick start the BG drop after yesterday’s carb fest. Today might be a tough one because I didn’t sleep well last night, but I’m going to try to hang in there!


Started a new EF this morning after breakfast, after ending my 46 hr fast I was down almost 3lbs, up 1lb this morning after feasting last night, hoping by going right back into EF that I will keep the 1-2 loss permanently and push it down further, I feel like I can’t really count a loss yet until I get past the few lbs that I have bounced around with since starting Keto.


I have decided my goal for this EF is to continue fasting until the nightmares stop…nightmares were the only real difficult adjustment into Keto for me and I am devastated they are back :weary:


38.5 hrs. presently and the Wife and I will be breaking sometime this morning, probably around 40 - 41 or so hrs.? … Wife was finally able to get some Fasting in for the first time in months. She’s been wanting to, but said she’s just been staying hungry for some reason? (She lost 4 lbs. this week, and 4.5 lbs. the week before, so she’s doing great. … I did 71.5 hrs. earlier this week, plus this Fast with her, so overall a nice week of Fasting. … May eat some nice meals this week & jump back in next week? :slight_smile:

Happy Fasting Folks… :+1:


Nightmares suck! I had one last night for the first time in a loooong time. I drank pickle juice right before bed. I’m blaming it on that.

There are meds for nightmares if you aren’t anti-med. My son takes prazosin for his nightmares. He acts his out in his sleep, punching and kicking the wall, falling out of bed, etc. The prazosin helps.

Here’s to a good night’s sleep for you tonight!


I think I posted on Thursday that I was starting another fast. Don’t believe I posted anything yesterday, so here’s an update.

6/13/19 189.2
6/14/19 187.4
6/15/19 185.8

I’ve cut out all artificial sweeteners finally, and I think that is why I’m not ravenous today, or yesterday. Hopefully the trend continues.

Don’t know how long I’ll go. I take it one hour at a time.


Haha, I saw what you did there :wink:


Thank you, tried to post about my weird, but happy dream last night, but after blurring half my message, still couldn’t get one of the three words about food blurred out, lol…since I have little patience this morning with my phone I deleted it :smirk:


I was definitely more hungry after my “sugar free water” incident that kicked me out last week, I am thinking about calling that hotel and asking what that stuff was sweetened with so I can avoid it forever.


I’m at about 40 hours and planning on going until tomorrow. I’m hungry this morning. Like I want to go to the diner down the street and eat a plate full of eggs, a side of sausage, and then have some waffles level hungry. But I’m also convinced that if I can manage to ignore this urge, then I’ll have a perfectly fine day of fasting. Welcome to the Weird World of IF.

Unfortunately, last night was the second night in a row that I was woken up with foot cramps. This hasn’t happened to me in months. Obviously, my electrolytes are still off. I got back to sleep, but had to get up early to take the dog to the vet. I’m feeling better sleep-wise than I was yesterday, but I still need a good night or two.


53 hours in and starting to feel lightheaded. I’ve been lazy and not supplementing with No Salt, only pink salt. Also have skipped my magnesium supplement for several days. Sucks when you stand up and suddenly have to sit back down again, and put your head between your knees before you pass out or throw up!

Lesson learned!

(Paul H) #239

Good work… that’s key…


Oddly, I’ve been getting slight lower leg/calf cramping too, along with the bottom of the feet. I haven’t gotten them in a while either, but it does happen from time to time. … Just makes me get out of bed to stand for a moment, but it’s happened maybe 3 or 4 times in the past few weeks. - Even though it can be a pain, it doesn’t happen often and just reminds me I’m still eating right, because it never happen to me while eating a SAD diet. :slight_smile: I know that might sound a little silly, but it’s true. :slight_smile: It’s worth it for Keto.

(Mame) #241

Yes, me too! Isn’t it a chinese medicine idea that food=sleep? Certainly seems true for me.


Funny is that my Wife will usually say she’s hungry sometimes as soon as she wakes, but only when she happens to fall asleep during the daytime. Say like a nap or simply just falling asleep for a couple hours. 90% of the time she’s hungry, but not in the mornings after a full night’s sleep.