July 2018 IF / EF chat ALL WELCOME

(Allie) #221

28 here too and we aren’t set up for it as it’s not normal, especially not for this long. Mother Nature needs to be more helpful, we will have rain overnight and sun during the day - that’s my request anyway :joy:

(Ellen) #222

I IF every day(OMAD), and don’t usually track anything, but thought I’d have a go last week, turns out I’m only managing 600 - 900 calories (although I do have enough BF to cover my TDEE), so I’m planning on eating up the non freezable stuff in the fridge and then just EF’ing for a while, 3 days minimum, but will just see how it goes. ANd as @Shortstuff says, hoping for that cold feeling!

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #223

Thank you… I thought I was the only one to beg for this each and every day. that would truly be perfect… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

(KCKO, KCFO) #224

Sorry to hear you have lost your dr. it sounds like he was trying to give you the type care you needed.

Very excited to see your number with the dawn effect, that is excellent result.

Here’s hoping you can keep good numbers and decrease the metformin.

(Jeanne Wagner) #225

Thank you. I’m very sad. :broken_heart: His dad died 2 years ago and he was in his 80s. His dad had previously had colon cancer and had beat it. I don’t know his cause of death but it was obviously something. They really cared about their patients but were kind of pigeonholed -they both were eating the Hallelujah Diet and it was what was recommended to patients. I tried it in 2007 but it was making me hungry all the time, then my weight plateaued when I still had 50-60 lbs to go. I ended up stopping that diet, but still ate a whole lot of salads quite often.

Anyway, today I found a doctor in my insurance group that also treats her patients holistically. I am hoping she is accepting of Keto if she doesn’t already know about it. I’m on my 4th day fasting, about to start into day 5 (hour-wise). (My appt. isn’t until next Friday though.) I had stopped losing weight or inches and needed to really shake things up. A five-day water and coffee (non bulletproof) fast seemed the thing to do. My first water fast was grueling. Intense hunger and terrible distractedness all the time until I hit day 4. :roll_eyes:. This time it wasn’t nearly as bad. Not great but much more doable.

(KCKO, KCFO) #226

Hope the dr. works out for you.

(Jeanne Wagner) #227

Fingers crossed!

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #228

Hitting 33 hours. Light headache and a bit winded. But otherwise really good concidering yesterday’s zumba instructor was downright crazy :rofl::rofl:

(Allie) #229

Morning all! :grinning: 41 hours and all good. I’m not getting the time in the gym that I’d like at the moment as life and wildlife rescues are just too busy, but I guess that’s another thing fasting helps with as I don’t have to worry about eating :joy:

(Allie) #230

I’m feeling pleasantly chilled, had to put my fleece back on :heart_eyes:

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #231

42 hrs. barely any hunger pangs.
My head is still a tad off…

Either I am super fast or everything else is super slow. my workday does not seem to come to an end…

(Teresa (turtle)) #232

Hi guys, just passed 37 hours. Feeling cold in the office and won’t be warming up from the sun at lunch time as today there is none. :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

(Chris) #233

7 hours in. Bought a new lifting belt and though it fit in the store, it impedes my lifts in the gym. Belly needs some love, so I decided to start a fast today. No definite goal but I have my app set at 42 hours for the time being.

(Aimee Moisa) #234


It is Tuesday and as I was planning all weekend I am going to try a breakfast-to-breakfast water fast today. I’ll probably be able to survive the fasting but the thing I am concerned about is whether or not it will trigger a binge tonight or tomorrow. Binging is all about the head-game. I learned in BED therapy last year that restricting what I eat can trigger a binge and since I started keto I have really learned that immediate correlation. I have to be SUPER conscious that it’s going to happen to prevent or mediate it. There are several tricks I’ve learned in the last 6 weeks of keto. It takes a bit of 1) desensitizing; 2) active mindfulness; 3) distraction; 4) chugging water; 5) not letting my emotions get the better of me; 6) positive self-talk and self-compassion; and most importantly 7) flexibility. I have to trust myself that if I’m really hungry I won’t keep myself from eating. I have to be willing to “go with the flow”. Just like taking care of any small child, even the small child inside of me that wants to eat sweets all day and is only eating keto because I promised her we’d go to the park after, I have to be patient, caring, and allow her to have a meal if she’s really, truly hungry.

So this morning I woke up with coffee & cream, made and ate the “typical” keto breakfast, am having a second coffee & cream, and MFP says I’ve had about 800 calories and 69 g of fat. I welcome comments if people think that’s not enough to go the whole day and I should eat a quarter cup of walnuts. I have some in my desk right next to me. To help people decide what’s “enough” here are some stats: I am 60% body fat, I weigh 323 pounds, I am trying to lose weight, and I believe I am fat adapted.

I have a mild ache today on my right side about where the liver and gallbladder are. Let’s hope it’s just gas and not that I’m having a gall bladder attack today. Maybe not eating would be a good thing.

(Allie) #235

Currently at 52 hours and am going to break fast after I’ve done yoga as I’m really not feeling brilliant. Loving how it’s kept me cool today, but have to pay attention to my body.

(Aimee Moisa) #236

What are you feeling? I’m confused about when to listen to hunger signals and stop a fast and when to ignore them and just power through. How do you know when to stop a fast early?

(Allie) #237

It’s hard to explain. I feel like a pressure feeling in my face / head, like a headache but without pain :flushed: and really irritable too. It’s just me at home with my animals at the moment and they’re just being their usual furry selves but I’ve noticed I’m getting irritated by them being in the way etc (which is normal animal stuff so I know it’s my issue).

(Aimee Moisa) #238

Thanks for the explanation.

Hmm, I felt like that while we were shopping at TJ’s last night. I normally love being in crowds of people but yesterday I was being overwhelmed and wanted to lash out at my kid for asking me questions (of course, she was asking me if she could have candy over and over so I thought it was just that). I hadn’t taken my depression meds in a couple days and it just occurs to me now that maybe that’s why I was losing it last night.

(Aimee Moisa) #239

Three hours since breakfast, not even somewhat hungry. Taking a walk outside while coworkers make their lunches in the breakroom next to my office.

(Allie) #240

I’m getting back on with the fasting now. I’ve noticed something that I’ll try to remember to post about at some point - my Fitbit tracks my resting heart rate and it seems to increase by several points if I eat in the evening before as opposed to fasting or only eating during the day (stopping around 3pm).

I’m guessing this is telling me that my body has to work harder overnight when it’s got something to digest, and also guessing that this means I’m getting less recovery time during sleep :thinking: