(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #1

Let’s start a giant list. Don’t worry about repeating something someone else already wrote. Just go ahead and list all the things that you know the ketogenic diet can help with. Conditions it can improve, diseases that can cure, all of it!
I want to start a giant list!
Comment any that you know of, or any that happen for you or someone you know or any that you read about. I want it all!

I’ll start.:
(Type 2 Diabetes mellitus)

I know 20 or 30 more but I’m going to let you guys chime in :heart:

Your thoughts on the "counting calories" advice?
The Guardian declares no evidence for keto
Fibromalagia, endo,pcos, cfs and keto

More than I ever thought…

Plantars fasciitis and Heartburn / GERD are the big ones for me. Although my partner would probably say my snoring :sleeping:

(Dameon Welch-Abernathy) #3

For me, it’s definitely T2D :slight_smile:
But the one condition I was surprised to notice a difference in was the depression that sometimes comes with being on the autism spectrum.

(Brandi ) #4

Would be depression for me!


Reactive hypoglycemia: I don’t have any blood sugar spikes or crashes anymore whereas before keto I used to have them several times a day.

(Richard Morris) #6

inflammatory diseases

(Michel Labelle) #7

Chronic shoulder pain, linked to an undiagnosed gallbladder issue.
Chronic inflammation
Mild Depression
Chronic fatigue
Type 2 pre diabetes
Non alcoholic fatty liver disease
Seasonal allergies

And I’m only 4 1/2 months fully in.

Oh a few issue it causes as warning to keep it balanced

Chronic shopping for cloths that fit
Lower medical bills
Lower food bills
Lower restaurant bills
Unlimited energy
Mental clarity
Ability to fast as a super power
A need to help others
And yes, a bit of smugness over carb burners

(What The Fast?!) #8

Allergies (my own experience)!
Cold sores (my friend’s experience)!


Glad to hear. I take daily Reactine for my allergies and I keep coming off them to see if my symptoms are getting better. Spring will be the real test, but I think it’s slowly getting better.

(What The Fast?!) #10

Fasting made a huge difference for me.

(Karen) #11




(Renee Slaughter) #12

For me TD2 and joint pzin


Chronic fatigue

(TJ Borden) #14

Acid Reflux

Hadn’t even noticed until the other day when I polished off a pack of pepperoni slices, and nothing happened. Pizza with pepperoni used to be a heartburn guarantee.

(Rob) #15

Asthma (due to reduced chronic inflammation)

(bulkbiker) #16

Sleep apnea (or however you spell it)

(3c6f21097d06511a9e23) #17

Asthma much improved (have
not used Ventolin inhaler since maybe 8 months.) reduced pain in joints (particularly knee from motorcycle accident injury back in the 90’s)
Improved nasal airways clearer breathing .
My Eczema doesn’t appear to have improved much for some reason.
I think I’m healing quicker though when I do damage the skin though. (I have thin and damaged skin from years of chemical cream application)

(Tom Seest) #18

I have more friends now…

(Pete A) #19

Depression, binge eating, autoimmune, hypertension, fungal infection, lethargy.

(Olivia) #20

Brain fog, in fact a general improvement of cognitive functions.