It seems that the ketogenic diet is making me ill

(David Epstein) #23

One of the main reasons I have been on KETO is to stop my RA. I have had no grain for over a year, no pulses, no processed foods no gluten (meaning ALL grains not just wheat - no “gluten-free” garbage, no oats, no corn, no rice etc. All I eat is beef, pig, chicken, fish, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, radishes, celery, eggs, double cream, hard cheese, camenbert. I have a very simple diet. I drink a lot of coffee with coconut oil. I have retired as I ache a lot. Yet I have seen no change. I do have an auto-immune problem called cytopenia, this is being looked into by a specialist hematologist, who I will be seeing this coming Friday. I do hope they can sort it out. They reckon this immune problem of mine could be the cause of my RA. My eyes are also affected I get uveitis now and then. So I’ve become rather disappointed being on KETO regarding my inflammation.

(David Epstein) #24

I took CoQ10 for two months, it played havoc on my hypertension meds. One minute my BP went very low and then went back to my normal BP then went back to low again. So I was getting dizzy spells and feeling light headed. As stuff like CoQ10 is not recognized by the NHS I couldn’t go to the doctors about it as it has taken many months just to get my hypertension meds right.

(David Epstein) #25

One of the main reasons I have been on KETO is to stop my RA. I have had no grain for over a year, no pulses, no processed foods no gluten (meaning ALL grains not just wheat - no “gluten-free” garbage, no oats, no corn, no rice etc. All I eat is beef, pig, chicken, fish, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, radishes, celery, eggs, double cream, hard cheese, camenbert. I have a very simple diet. I drink a lot of coffee with coconut oil. I have retired as I ache a lot. Yet I have seen no change. I do have an auto-immune problem called cytopenia, this is being looked into by a specialist hematologist, who I will be seeing this coming Friday. I do hope they can sort it out. They reckon this immune problem of mine could be the cause of my RA. My eyes are also affected I get uveitis now and then. So I’ve become rather disappointed being on KETO regarding my inflammation.

(Barbara Schibly) #26

I would suggest trying a carnivore diet for a few weeks as an elimination diet. Get rid of all the plant food and also dairy. (Or you can start with just getting the dairy out because that is another frequent offender) If you can, I would even consider switching meat sources. lamb for instance if that’s not something you usually eat. I’m not sure if you have access to bison or game meats but those are other possibilities.

(Bunny) #27

I’m sorry to hear it did not workout so well for you.

Could be adrenal fatigue from not eating enough carbohydrates which is causing conditions much like postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome?

The other could be too high a dose of CoQ10 or taking it too often?


[1] High blood pressure: The majority of research shows that taking coenzyme Q-10 by itself or along with other medications for treating high blood pressure seems to help lower blood pressure. However, one small study suggests that taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth may not lower blood pressure in people that also have a condition called metabolic syndrome. …More

(Katie) #28

I am sorry that you are having a difficult time.

A lot of foods that people eat for the ketogenic diet exacerbate arthritis, such as spinach, dairy, and nuts. A lot of people who have autoimmune issues find relief by doing carnivore (without dairy). I am not a professional, but that is what I would try.

(Edith) #29

You may want to listen to this podcast with Mikaela Peterson. She cured her RA by eating strictly carnivore. She had quite a journey!

(Alex) #30

For what it’s worth - my autoimmune conditions got worse on keto (I was already avoiding gluten, grains and nightshades) and it took me ages to narrow it down to coconut.

Yep, because I’d limited my diet I was eating a lot more coconut than I ever had before and unfortunately it can trigger an autoimmune response.

Having been as fed up as you sound by dealing with everything (totally sympathise with the constant cycle of hope and dissapointment) I would recommend cutting out eggs, dairy and coconut (and any vinegar or spices or coffee or chocolate) and literally just eat meat, offal, animal fats, and some well-cooked green veggies and see how you feel after 3 months. Boring as hell? Yes. Worth the answer to if diet is the cause of your problems? Up to you to decide.

Edit: Just to add - after reversing all my symptoms which took about 6 months, I slowly reintroduced foods and can now tolerate eggs and coconut fine, and dairy, chocolate, vinegar, seeds and nuts in moderation (about 2-3 servings of each a week, basically just not every day). Nightshades, coffee and grains still give me a severe reaction, particularly wheat, corn and paprika. Which is sad as smoked paprika is the best. If I’m ill or stressed I avoid everything on my moderation list until the source of the stress has passed.

(Jane) #31

Well, if eating keto makes you feel ill and not eating keto relieves your symptoms then I see you have 2 options - try a carnivore for a couple of weeks to see if your health improves or stop eating keto.


Just in regards to the hypertension. I seem for some undiscovered (yet) reason be sensitive to salt. I not sure what 4gs would do to me but though N=1testing on me I know increased salt is increased BP. I found increasing water intake seems to help. It also seems impact by caffeine and alcohol consumption.

As researchers and doctors are treating people with cancer, AD and T2D with some form of a ketogenic diet in combination with other treatments. I decided it makes the most sense to follow it. There are tons of variations out there maybe there is one which works better for you life and heath are yours.

(Barbara Schibly) #33

You might try KCL instead of NaCL

(David Epstein) #34

Well thank you for this information…I do do a lot of coconut oil (cooking and in my coffee). I put paprika in alot of my meats and curry’s.
I’m trying out the low carb diet now… Not that happy with it.

I’m gonna have to have a deep think about what you are saying. But many thanks for your advice.

(David Epstein) #35

I’ve upped my B3 and D3 and omegas 6,3,9. for my aching shoulders. However my back problem has disappeared as soon as I went out of keto.

(Edith) #36

I also can’t handle coconut products. There could be something to that for you. I don’t remember what else you said you eat on keto, but dairy gives me a rash on my head, ears, and back, and terrible joint pain. I had switched to coconut as a replacement, but I think I was having reactions to it. It seems to manifest with upset stomach and racing heart.

(Bob M) #37

That’s odd, because it should be the other way around (going keto or carnivore should cause less back problems). Is there something you’re eating when keto that you don’t eat when eating however else you eat?

(Bob M) #38

You know, I eat very little coconut. Sometimes coconut flakes, though they don’t seem to cause issues. Otherwise, not much.

But it’s reasonable for coconut to cause issues.

(Barbara Schibly) #39

Paprika comes from chili peppers. Peppers are nightshades.

(randolph myers) #40

If I had your symptoms, I would go to the doctor as soon as possible.

(Todd Allen) #41

I’ve had a frustrating pattern where for the past couple years I’d start feeling really good and weight loss becomes fairly easy and over a couple weeks I’d make great progress break my previous record low weight by a few pounds and then several recurrent health issues would kick in. Recently learned I have lead poisoning and my symptoms are consistent with chronic poisoning over many years. I think each time I’ve lost fat, fat sequestered lead has been released raising my blood level past some threshhold resulting in constipation, insomnia and many more things those issues trigger.

There are countless other toxins that can accumulate in fat. It might not be keto causing your issues but merely losing fat too fast.

I need to rant... so i dont go off Keto and binge
(Edith) #42

I’m curious. How did you find out about the lead poisoning?