I'm strugglin'

(Jeremy Reynolds) #41

I’m doing well, aside from the diarrhea.
But I’m still holding strong. Carb cravings are there but it’s growing easier to deal with day by day.

Yesterday I felt addicted to water. Couldn’t have enough. Which is the opposite from the norm. I hate water. I never drink it; until now.

(DianaG) #42

I just look in the mirror and think, “the satisfaction i am getting from looking this way is NOT worth the pizza I will forget about in a day” Works for me, because I am so happy to have lost weight.


Not sure if i logged into this thread last month. But i tried ketos and developed gout after 3 days. the gout was painful so i took meds prescribed by my pcp. This month i am trying the keto woe again. this month on day 8 i have developed gout, again. I ate a baked pork chop, bacon and cabbage last night for dinner. i think i may not be drinking enough water and that is the reason for the gout. my other concern is i am a severe type 2 diabetic, my blood sugar is lower than typical for me during the day but at 4am it increases and stays high until i take insulin. i am afraid of allowing my sugar to get too high. strugling. any thoughts or ideas. in 8 days i have been able to reduce my need for insulin doing the day but not sure what to do prior to bedtime. help

(Keto in Katy) #44

BOOM :boom: Eggs and bacon are so good

(Rob) #45

I can’t really talk to the T2 with experience though the night time thing sounds like a Somogyi effect where your BG goes too low and then your liver makes a bunch of glucose to compensate. A diabetic friend had that last night and we decided it was because he’d cut his carbs but not his insulin so he went hypo overnight. If you go Keto, consider titrating your insulin down in concert with carb cutting. It seems like the effect of lower carbs on insulin needs is very quick. Verify with others on here who have done this (many stories) and/or doctor if they are Keto friendly.

As for gout… that I can attest to. As you lose weight, toxins are released from adipose tissue and one of the many side effects can be gout. Women can get a flush of estrogen, enough to temporarily reverse menopause, stoners can get years of stored THC and we can get gout. The standard gout advice still applies, water and pills as well as trading out more uric acid producing foods with lower. IMHO, it is a price worth paying and mine did not last as long or as severely as my pre Keto attacks. Short term pain in the toes… or no toes. No brainer?


i agree thanks for the feedback. what is IMHO? i am new to this and haven’t learn all the acronyms

(Rob) #47

That’s just general internet lingo ‘in my humble opinion’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Tessy M.) #48

In My Humble Opinion

(Candy Lind) #49

Though that was not one you’ll find in here, this will be handy as you go.
Wiki: Acronyms


How’s it going, @JayRay? It’s been a while since we’ve heard from you.