I'm PISSed. Mentally and physically

(Chris) #24

Yeah, I’d eat more times in the day. The difference between one meal and two in the context of fasting is so incredibly overblown, benefit-wise. OMAD is not incredibly sustainable for fat loss anyway, even Fung’s crew admits that.


My problem with eating more than once a day is I can’t just eat a little that just makes me more hungry. I would end up being way over on calories. But doing omad might be why I’m still tired all the time. Is there some kind of milk shake or something I could drink that might help?

(Chris) #26

So if you eat too much, you’ll gain weight, but if you keep eating the way you do, you can’t lose weight. Shake won’t fix that, and frankly the artificial sweeteners used in such shakes are pretty well known to spark cravings.

(Ellie) #27

Maybe you could have a bullet proof coffee to get some extra calories in for a second ‘meal’ rather than a shake. Lots of people have a BPC for breakfast.
If you add lots of butter and/or cream you’ll get a good fat hit.

Various options on variants in the thread.

(Carissa JB) #28

Definitely cut back on dairy. Cheese really puts me in a stall and makes me hungrier.


Yeah, I’m going to try to cut out dairy for awhile and see what happens


Can’t drink coffee. Smells good, tastes horrible

(Carissa JB) #31

Cheese really has an odd effect on me. Cutting down to 3 or 4 ounces has really perked me up. I hope it works for you.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #32

Ok, so take the principal. Do you like tea? Make bulletproof tea. Or bulletproof hot water. Or drink a couple tablespoons of heavy cream straight. Stop thinking in rules. (CICO, coffee, whatever). Eat tasty high fat food and improved your health.


So, they are saying I need to fast longer. The most I can go is 2 days. Mad props to anyone that can go longer. I’m afraid to eat a lot to go on multi day fast cause I don’t think I can fast longer than 2 days and they are saying to go at least 3 days


So, bullet proofing is just adding heavy cream? What’s the point? Just a way to get some extra calories

(Ellie) #35

You can only really do longer fasts once you get fat adapted.
But the principle of not doing the same thing every day still stands.
So, for example.
I usually do 2 meals a day. Lunch and dinner. I skip breakfast and eat around 12noon at 7pm.
I don’t often snack as I want to reduce the number of times a day that my insulin in raised.

On weekends I do have breakfast. Sometimes I am then not really hungry for lunch, and just have dinner, but usually I have 3 meals a day at a weekend.
Then, like now, I’ll throw in a longer fast. Maybe once every few weeks. I am currently 45 hours into a 72 hour fast. I am fairly peckish, but I know it will pass.

Given that you have only been doing keto for 5 weeks, and by your own admission, the first couple of weeks were higher levels of carbs than you intended, you are unlikely to be fat adapted yet. Usually that takes 6-8 weeks of fairly strict keto.

Give it time, KCKO, but don’t get stuck in a calorie or frequency of eating rut.

(Ellie) #36

Exactly, and to feel full too.


I think you need to mix it up. Eating only one meal a day, your body expects it and budgets for that amount of energy. I would eat 2 meals and up that food a bit. Maybe do one meal daily once or twice a week.

(Diane) #38

You can also make a bullet proof tea. But since I don’t so well with caffeine, I’ve done a bulletproof bone broth. You can add heavy cream, butter, MCT oil (a little goes a long way- be very careful if you try this), or an egg yolk. Or any combination of the above that tastes good to you. You can also add a little cayenne or other spices (such as those you might add to a soup).

Keto Chow makes some pre-made keto shake mixes that I like. They are not cheap, but they have a wide variety of flavors, taste really good and they give you instructions on how to modify the nutrition profile to your needs (ie how to adjust calories and fat grams).


So if I eat more than I have been wouldn’t I then gain weight cause I would be eating more than what was in the budget


Can you use the cubes or does it have to be in the carton? How do you make it?

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #41

Heavy cream, butter, mtc oil. Basically fatty coffee, or beverage, any way you like it. Yes, fat without carbs or significant protein. An energy source that won’t spike insulin. Like I said there aren’t real rules. There are useful guidelines. Everyone’s experience is different. I don’t seem to have trouble with dairy. Some people do. Sweeteners are fine for some not others. Fasting is good, but the hours vary by person. Two days is incredibly helpful. Three is fantastic but I don’t know why you think it is necessary.

20 carbs a day or less

Adequate protein (usually don’t have to track, you probably naturally eat the right amount)

All remaining energy from fat.

That’s it. The rest is up to you. Even the carb limit may be looser, but that’s best left experimenting with much later. Tracking or not tracking, meal timing, fasting, carnivore, bacon, kosher, whateves. Do what works for your body and expect stalls even when you are doing everything right. Tweek to see what works best. KCKO


The body is complex. If you continually restrict you will teach your body that times are hard … better hang on to this extra stored fuel. But when you feast on healthy food your body will see it as safe to release some of it’s energy.

What you are doing is not working. What is the harm in mixing it up and trying something new?

Also you are really early in the process…feed your body! Trust the process :slight_smile:

(Diane) #43

Use whatever you like or have on hand; cubes, canned or boxed. Bone broth has some added benefits nutritionally. I buy mine at Winco in little plastic bottles. It’s very concentrated, so I don’t use it full strength. I put an inch or two in my 24 oz travel mug, add my fats, fill with boiling water and blitz with a stick blender.

Edit: I also usually add salt. Doesn’t taste really good until I get enough salt in it.