Coffee! How to make bulletproof coffee properly?

(Leon C) #1

Hey everyone - I’m new here, so apologies in advance for asking what is probably a silly question, but bear with me.

I’m in to my 3rd week of a Keto ‘diet’ (lifestyle change) and I’m absolutely loving it - however, the one thing I see many mixed opinions on is the way folk make their coffee.

I’ve gone from 5 coffee’s a day with milk and 2 sugars in, to two black coffee’s a day with a sweetener and, to be fair, I’m getting bored of it now but miss my creamy, sweet coffee.

Can anyone talk of their own experience in making a delicious, creamy coffee of some kind in a morning which won’t ruin my Keto efforts?

Apologies in advance for what to some will seem like a question I could just Google, but, would rather hear from folk who talk from experience, rather than a ‘how to keto’ clickbait article.

I’m down from 17stone10 (109KG) to 16stone8 (106KG) in just under 3 weeks for what’s its worth (I felt the urge to feel good and say that) and would hate to spoil my efforts by getting the coffee wrong!

Many thanks in advance and best wishes.


I'm PISSed. Mentally and physically
(Ethan) #2

coffee, heavy whipping cream, MCT oil powder

(Leon C) #3

Hey Ethan. Do you advise powder over oil?

(Ethan) #4

My recipe isn’t official “bulletproof” coffee, but I love it.

I definitely prefer the powder over the oil. The powder makes it creamier; the oil floats to the top…yuck.

(Pete A) #5

There may be popular ways for this, but you can do what you want (and need). I simply add coconut oil and a Lindt 85% square to hot strong strong coffee.

Every afternoon… :grinning:

(Leon C) #6

Ethan, the creamier the coffee, the better for me, so I’m pleased you replied so quickly with your suggestion.

Can I just ask - do you use a sweetener with your coffee?

Food cravings is something I’ve found easy to curb and don’t mind, but coffee… hmmmm, my weakness.

(Liz ) #7

Whatever I put in my coffee (I choose one): heavy cream, coconut oil, MCT oil, or Kerrygold butter, I use a stick blender to emulsify the fats into the coffee so it looks and has the creaminess of a latte. These days I put a tablespoon of butter and a dash of salt in 16 ounces french press coffee and whiz it up. I have two every morning. I don’t think it’s helping me lose weight per se, I’d rather drink it black to be truly fasting in the mornings, but I haven’t worked my way to black coffee yet, and until I do, this is sooooo good lol.

(Leon C) #8

Pete, I think my mouth just watered! I didn’t think to add a piece of dark chocolate. I have 90% cocoa chocolate so, I’ll definitely try that. Thank you kindly sir. Really appreciated. wipes mouth

(Leon C) #9

Haha Liz! Sounds like I’ve thrown myself in at the deep end whilst you have held on to your beloved, tasty coffee fix in the mornings. Sometimes, a mug of boring black coffee with a sweetener just doesn’t do it for me and I end up pouring half the mug away. Having grown up, like most kids with a very sweet tooth, it’s been coffee with sugar over the years which has been my thing, rather than sweets.

(Consensus is Politics) #10

There are probably as many ways to do as there are users of this forum.

I make a double sized coffee in a big mug. 2 tbls of coconut oil (I especially like it when it still has a slight coconut flavor to it, it’s like a sweetener all it’s own). About a tblsp of kerrygold butter, I use Splenda, or truvia, or a little of both. I try to keep it as minimal as possible. Just enough to break the bitterness. And about 1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream. Oh yeah… it’s heavy on the fat.

[note: I once tried a teaspoon of cream cheese. I would not recommend it. It wouldn’t blend in, and it looked like I poured buttermilk into it. It look horrible, and tasted, well, not like coffee. The coffee flavor sort of went away after that. Just tasted wrong for a drink.]

(CharleyD) #11

if it’s not yak butter (grass-fed, natch), it’s not real bulletproof coffee!

First off, fantastic results, @leonC !! In all seriousness, we all have different tolerances to pure fat, otherwise there wouldn’t be such a thing as disaster pants.

As long as you’re not putting in sugar, and sticking to fat in your coffee, you’ll be ok.

I like French pressing my coffee, adding coconut oil (never bought any MCT oil yet), butter, Heavy Whipping Cream (HWC) and (optional, totally) keep some Stevia w/ erythritol and keep a few sugar free flavorings handy (love the S’mores)

A few seconds with a stick/immersion blender will make a smooth/creamy/frothy drink that will make your brain happy.

Up to you to work out ratios of everything. I use more coconut oil than anything but definitely miss the butter when it’s out.

Keep in mind that this is just about the keto version of a twinkie. It’s an energy dense meal, not nutrient dense. If you make it a habit, you may stall the weight loss if you’re making them by the quart! looks around nervously

Been making various versions and ratios for a year now and have settled into just pure black coffee with a splash of HWC as my standard drink, and make a real heavy BPC as a pre-workout at least an hour before a taekwondo class. (sooner than that and I get a rumbly tummy during class and it’s distracting!)

(Leon C) #12

Bob, you won me over at “1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream” - my shopping list for tomorrow is now complete! Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to me - massively appreciated.

(Leon C) #13

CharleyD, thank you very much for your detailed reply. Those are the types of personal and tried methods I wanted to see - I got tired of the YouTube videos and clickbait articles in the end so I thank you for that.

Just one quick question - you say you go with the HWC and coffee as your standard drink - and then you go big on the monster coffee before your workout. If you don’t mind me asking, how soon before your workout do you slam home the monster coffee?

I ask because I run most days and found that coffee kinda dehydrates me, but, that could be because I drink it too soon before exercise.

(CharleyD) #14

At least an hour before class.

I also fill a gallon jug in the morning and am sipping it throughout the day. Splashes of Apple Cider Vinegar and Himalayan Pink go in the water cup. I’m generally not thirsty at class and very rarely cramp anymore.

(Ethan) #15

For my workouts, I want faster energy, so I put two scoops of MCT oil powder into a shot of espresso.

(Leon C) #16

I keep seeing Apple Cider Vinegar being mentioned in the videos and articles I’ve been previewing - is there a particular reason as to why it’s used?

(Leon C) #17

I’ve just seen the price of some of the MCT powders. Not cheap, are they!?

(Ethan) #18

Yeah. Nothing is cheap. I use Quest’s product.

(CharleyD) #19

ACV is a miracle, it does so many good things for you, and burns like whisky going down. (been dry since last July so kinda miss some things)

Dr Fung’s writeup on all its uses in IF/metabolism:

I’m happy with the tubs of solid coconut oil, from cooking with it to blending into coffee. I’ve got a variety, the regular refined 100% pure for blending to the (generic) organic extra virgin cold pressed for eating/cooking with.

Don’t have a compelling reason for getting MCT oil itself yet. I’ve tried the Know Brainer brand additives for coffee and really enjoyed them and they contain some MCT in them. None of them had the same punch as my big coffee, but I had plenty of energy for running around the house on Xmas vacation.


i like to treat myself with an extra creamy coffee sometimes. I add heavy whipping cream. butter or mct oil, cinnamon and cashew milk and blend it in my ninja bullet. It whips that cream up nicely!