I'm PISSed. Mentally and physically


Just had 400 Cal’s of heavy cream. Oh that’s good stuff. Never thought to drink it straight. Don’t think I will have a problem getting my calories up now. Houston we might have a problem

(Chris) #45

Initially, until you beat your body into needing to burn more calories (which is what I was getting at in my first post).

(Bunny) #46

Interesting, looks like you were becoming more metabolically flexible (circadian adaption) with the OMAD, meaning you could increase the timing on your eating window and maintain normal blood sugars or a One Meal When I’m Hungry (OMWH)!

I don’t pay too much attention to low glucose numbers (standardized status quo) unless I feel sick or hungry!


Shared before, but worth a read:


I can’t do much physical work. I’ve got a jacked up back and hip which is what got my weight way up. I kept eating the same as I had when I was still working and going to omad was the only thing that helped me not eat all day I can eat 3 times a day and still be hungry. Idk how long it takes to break the chain of eating what you were use to even though you can’t eat that much anymore because your not burning off nearly as much as before


I’m at the point where I eat for pretty much an hour straight and I’m full when I’m done. I don’t stop if I’m over on time anymore because I’m eating better. Omwh would be 5+ times a day cause I’m still always hungry. I eat a late dinner cause that’s the worst time of day for me. Should I be checking my glucose numbers?

(Bunny) #50

Yes! Me, I’m a stickler about checking glucose even though I am not diabetic because that is the key to the kingdom of weight loss!

At least for me glucose levels tell my body when it’s hungry and my level of tolerance to lower glucose levels! The longer I space out my eating windows and not feel sick or hungry with a personalized glucose level, the more adapted I become, the more my glucose levels start looking more normal like in standard ranges, yet I can go longer with-out eating, feeling sick or hungry!


Thanks that makes me feel better


So how does that work? If you feel hungry you can check your glucose and see if you really are? Isn’t glucose what we’re trying to get rid of by doing keto?

(Bunny) #53

You never get rid of glucose, your just not using it exclusively as fuel!

Yes I can tell if I am really hungry or feel sick just by looking at my glucose numbers!

(Ellie) #54

Calories are always a matter on discussion on this forum, but read this post from Richard and see if that helps you to see why it isn’t all about calories.

(Ellie) #56

Before I was fat adapted I could barely get through from breakfast to lunch without being starving and when I was eating carbs I had no full signals at all.
Keto has given me back control of my appetite!

(Bunny) #57

If you have a really good physicians scale you will see your weight fluctuate all day long simply by drinking water, urinating or eating!

(Jane) #59

Just restrict your carbs to as low as you can go and after 6-8 weeks your body should be running much more efficiently on ketones.

After a couple of days in ketosis you have used up your carbs stores but your body doesn’t know how to burn ketones very well. This is the period where a lot of folks feel like crap. Electrolytes help. Their wright stalls after the initial water loss.

You will know when you are fat-adapted. Your hunger and cravings will diminish. You will feel better. You may forget to eat and start skipping meals naturally.

(Ellie) #60

Not quite, eat fat to get fat adapted.

Once you start using your body fat for fuel you will naturally be less hungry and will end up eating less fat, less generally in fact.
Fasting is then possible because you have a source of fuel, you are just not eating it!

That is why the advice is to eat to satiety. The amount you need to eat to reach satiety should reduce naturally.

I understand your fear about eating way too much. On a carby diet I had no full signal and could eat a vast amount and then feel hungry a short time later. That doesnt happen to me on keto. I have refound my bodies natural mechanisms to tell me when it doesn’t need any more. I honestly never thought that would happen.

(Diane) #61

Thanks for sharing this link! Excellent summary of hormonal theory of weight management.

(Cynthia Anderson) #62

I haven’t seen the scale budge in 4 weeks.
However people keep telling me I’m losing weight.
I look skinnier and an skinnier. My fat clothes don’t fit anymore and clothes that used to be too small fit.

(Yvonne ) #63

This is why I quit jumping on the scale daily and weekly. I was getting frustrated on losing one day and gaining the next. I only weigh at the Dr office. Instead, I just keep watching my clothes get looser and looser. My next Dr. appointment is in weeks. Not weighing until then.

This weekend is going to be a challenge, 2 day family reunion in the country. I have to stay away from the homemade peach cobblers and made from scratch pound cakes.

(Running from stupidity) #64

Me too, that’s why I track :slight_smile:

OP - Mate, I get that you like 1MAD, but if you can get past that in order to eat more so you can become fat-adapted, you’ll reap great benefits in the long-term. Yes, it’s counter-intuitive, but we’re not all saying to do it because we’re trolling :slight_smile:


Yvonne, if it helps, take a picture of the food you’re avoiding, and post them to the What did you NOT eat today? thread, and we’ll be there to cheer you on.