I really am on my own and don't know what to do


You might want to listen to the 2ketodudes podcast about meat. It was very interesting.

ETA:. Here is the link

(From XL > Medium) #13

Nature is beautiful, beyond words

(From XL > Medium) #14

Where do I find this and how long is it? I have not really got into podcasts, for the reason explained above. I drift off easily, however gripping the subject is (example…I was very interested in a Crispr podcast, but after 10-15 minutes I was ready to fall asleep.


I linked it above. Just skip to the part with the guest. I have watched many vegan propaganda videos on Netflix and that crap almost scared me away from meat. I am not saying you need to eat meat…that is a personal decision. It is just good to understand both views about it.

(From XL > Medium) #16

Can you give me the key points or essences of their podcast?
I just can’t sit and listen to 1 hour 21 mins of only people talking.


Pretty much all of this is incorrect. I don’t doubt you’ve heard this from multiple plant-based sources, but if this is the only reason (and not religious or allergy) you’re avoiding meat, you may want to reconsider.

(From XL > Medium) #18

I forgot to say that I really do not miss animal food sources now, which I thought I might. TV ads would often get me to go out and eat something fried or BBQ’d or I would raid my fridge or freezer. And I was a huge animals foods eater too, more or less eating meat, eggs and cheese every day in some form.

I am also appalled at how we “grow” animal food and treat with disdain so many living things, never mind that this disdain for living things gets passed onto us in the form of toxicity and other damaging elements.

(bulkbiker) #19

I’m afraid all of this has been pretty well de-bunked but if that is what you believe then I’m not going to argue… I just happen to think that it is not correct.

(From XL > Medium) #20

De-bunked by whom?

(bulkbiker) #21

People whose opinion I give more credence to than the vegan mafia… Are you on twitter… there has been a fairly large backlash re the Eat-Lancet commission who say similar things to you. There has been a wealth of evidence that animal foods are in no way harmful (they have of course been a large part of our diet for millennia) and the rubbish about cow farts causing global warming…

(Full Metal KETO AF) #22

Preparing to enjoy the carnivore vs. vegan debate!:sunglasses: Don’t be mean folks :wink:


You won’t find much disagreement from us on Keto and Carnivore that animals should be treated better; after all, animals that lived in less stressed environments taste better and have more bioavailable micronutrients.

(From XL > Medium) #24

OK, I understand if you prefer to “person X” but not “person Y”, but I just wondered who it was or how many people you say have debunked what you say they have debunked.
I don’t use any anti-social media, which is what they all are as they keep and encourage people to stay apart, not to come together, as they claims they do.

I don’t wish to debate this aspect of my eating choices.

What might be the cause of balance instability and dizziness?
(bulkbiker) #25

Here is one such thread if you are interested if not please ignore
But I still think you have been mislead.

(Bob M) #26

Won’t belabor this point, here’s the good cows due to the environment (left is agriculture, right is cows):


Yes, cows are good for the environment.


I understand you don’t want to debate it. My only suggestions then are ditch the potatoes, keep carrots to a minimum, and be sure you’re getting adequate protein.


Carrie Diulus MD does a vegan keto diet & there are plenty of interviews with her available online. She’s a type 1 diabetic but you may glean some good info from her.

I’m aware you have trouble concentrating but if you’re going to follow a vegan diet then you really need to do your research. It is not an easy diet to get right & done wrong can be very bad for your health.

(Isa) #29

How much fat are you eating? How much protein? Are you still on Metformin?


The right picture is so much healthier looking.

(KCKO, KCFO) #31

These threads have lots of good info for vegan ketoers and good links:
