HWC question


I can get a pint of heavy cream at ALDI for less than $2. I may have to try making my own butter (will cheat and find an easier way than shaking it manually for half an hour though :laughing:).

(Full Metal KETO AF) #42

@NinMD Aw come on, it’s fun. Good for your arms! :cowboy_hat_face:


I was thinking it WOULD be good exercise, ha!

But then again…

(Full Metal KETO AF) #44

They don’t show the hand licking that followed. :cowboy_hat_face:


I can only imagine. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait. Let me guess before watching the vid.
A gallon of cream and a paint shaker?


No, but that’s smart if you have a paint shaker AND a gallon of cream! :joy:

(Bruce Pick) #48

I’ve been a big fan of Aldis heavy cream, but now I open them to find a big lump of buttery cream inside. Is anyone else finding this?

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #49

It just happens sometimes with any heavy cream. My current container is almost solid. Guess that case was shipped in a truck with bad shock absorbers :woman_shrugging:

(Gregory - You can teach an old dog new tricks.) #50

Re the video:

It’s easy to miss the part where he adds coloring of some kind.
Why do ( some ) people think butter needs to be yellow?

The same regarding orange cheese.

I like to ask people, " What would you think if you were handed some yellow or orange milk? " .


Promised Land used to make an orange milk that was amazingly delicious.