How I kicked my stall (which some may not consider a stall)

(mole person) #61

Great advice. i think it would help so many. I generally only eat OMAD but I drink coffee with HWC throughout the day. I tried a no HWC experiment for about a month for health reasons and I started dropping 0.2 pounds a day every day off of my MAINTENANCE weight for the whole time I did the experiment. It’s amazing what even a small hit of insulin will do to stall weight loss.

(Monique ) #62

Holy crap a month with no cream in my coffee?? LMAO the thought of it makes me very sad because I look forward to my coffee so much in the morning. If I have to cut out the little bits of joy I have then I may have to keep these 10lbs. :rofl:

I have a hard time wrapping my head around how I’ve lost weight so many times with many insulin hits (calorie restriction) but now even with a minimum of 12 less hits per week due to fasting it’s difficult to lose.

(mole person) #63

haha…ignore my post. I was responding to the OP without realizing this is an ancient thread.

(Monique ) #64

Hahahahah I was like oh crap a bunch of people must be getting email alerts because I responded to the OP instead of Captain Kirk. Well anyway that cream info. is interesting.

(Kirk Wolak) #65

Another Resource is Dr. Boz on Youtube…

She is helping someone troubleshoot not losing weight. And there are some important things going on.
The key thing is to find your GKI (Glucose/ketones) From the blood measurements. That helps debug.

The lady she is helping has a Beef and Butter fast with a recipe that she can always lose weight with…

Getting to know you blood ketone levels and blood glucose is the REQUIREMENT to debug these things. Otherwise you are flying blind.

I have seen it caused by “Stevia, Splenda, KETO Coffee Creamer, etc”.

As an example, I started using a KETO Coffee Creamer. Tastes great. Butter, coconut oil, some cream, in a powder form. And guess what. I went 8 days without losing a pound. The next cycle, I gave that up, went back to black coffee. Literally the only change, and now I started losing 1/2 - 1 lb a day on fasting days. EVERYTHING MATTERS. A friend had a similar experience.

One person was taking a CAN of Rock Star… And pouring it in a GALLON of water, and sipping from it all day. When I asked if they were testing their glucose levels, they were not. When they did, they were shocked. Not much at first, but by the end of the day the rise and fall was there…

I AM HAPPY you started losing some weight. Watch Dr. Boz…

The longer you can go before you eat every day, the better. And, from my experience, if you can eat, and schedule some walking, it will help you. Walking after your last meal will deplete your glycogen enough to get your body to burn whatever leftover sugars you have.

But the point Dr. Boz makes is… Sometimes are livers are SO UNHEALTHY, that it takes longer for those of us to DRAIN the fat from our fatty liver. Once we do, progress is assured. It explains a lot!

For example, why do guys have an easier time? Typically, we have more MUSCLE TISSUE, which can absorb more glycogen, and empty the liver faster.

Good luck to you!

(Kirk Wolak) #66

I would certainly cast out the butter and cream (Cream first). It stalls me.
ANYTHING That causes inflammation, can cause cortisol, can cause insulin, can STOP weight loss.

Do it for 2-3 days.

Also, SUNFLOWER seeds are HIGH in lectins, like peanuts.
Avoid these if you have allergies to ANY food (at least for a while):
Nuts and Seeds
• Pumpkin
• Sunflower
• Chia
• Peanuts
• Cashews

(Monique ) #67

After that first response you sent me way back when I cut out all artificial sweeteners including the “keto friendly” ones. I gave up my beloved keto crave bars and actually all bars because I couldn’t find one without stevia or monk fruit. etc. I will watch Dr. Boz. Sounds interesting. I will say when I first started keto I was using a meal plan that seemed to work wonders but it was very basic and I got sick of it quickly. Now the wonders may have been some additional water weight I was holding onto.
I’m going to watch the video and get back on the blood testing bandwagon. I lost interest in buying strips but I know if I want to work on what food causes what then I need to trouble shoot.

I just started walking again after a post partum hip issue that popped up in October. I do think the walking is helping.


(mole person) #68

What kind of fasting are you doing?

(Monique ) #69

I started with following IDM protocols for weight loss so 3x36-42 per week. Unfortunately, I learned quickly that I really don’t enjoy fasting so the last two weeks I’ve scaled it back to one 36 and two 24 per week. If I keep doing things I hate I will just give up so I slowed it down. On my eating days I usually eat two meals.

(mole person) #70

That seems like a good schedule. And you’re having success with it, right?

(Monique ) #71

Well I just started having a tiny amount of success after 7 weeks. Lol I just have an overall feeling though that I’m finally getting there. I can’t tell you why I think that but I feel lighter this week in general. We’ll see if this progress continues. I’m hopeful.

(Bettye Oxley) #72

can u explain to me what exactly is meant by fasting? sry but this is all new to me and I seem to be at a stall point after quickly losing 8 lbs

(Bettye Oxley) #73

thank u for the timely input!!!

(Kirk Wolak) #74

Fasting is “not eating”. Drinking only water or black coffee.
No artificial sweeteners, etc.

What you do while you are sleeping…

As humans we should not be eating constantly. Our bodies need a break from digesting food. The longer the break, the more healing we can do. The better I feel!

(Bettye Oxley) #75

Of course I know what fasting is, what I need to know is how long are you recommending that I fast between eating. At noon I had two eggs fried in butter and 3 pieces of baco,n and now it is 6:30, and I am starving. Is that considered a fast?

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #76

Welcome Bettye. Check out the fasting category on the forum. There are many facets to fasting from people who fast for days (extended fast) to those who fast intermittently (less than 24 hours). Some people eat one meal a day, some only during a certain window during the day (say for six hours a day). There are many ways to incorporate fasting into your eating plan.