How can I tell ? Fasting

(Ethan) #12

Why are you fasting? If its not a ton of calories, it won’t ruin a weight-loss fast. It likely ruins an autophagy fast.

(Kellie) #13

My bad

(Lonnie Hedley) #14

No prob. Just don’t want you to misinterpret him as it seems he’s offering good advice.

(Kellie) #15

Iv been stuck at a plateau for about 10 days . I would like to at least drop another 15 pounds. I’m trying to switch things up but nothing seems to be working

(Kellie) #16

Thank you :slight_smile:

(Mark Rhodes) #17

Yes but that was not the question. Ketokellie wants to know if there is a way of testing for an insulin response. And she has fasted before not drinking her coffee.

Using aids is great but a person will get better results by just not using it.

(Mark Rhodes) #18

Thanks Lonnie!! Yes it was to @shezfunn

(Lonnie Hedley) #19

On another thread I saw someone mention how weight loss is not linear, which is true. 10 days is not a stall. Also, if you’ve switched up a lot in 10 days, you haven’t given your body time to readjust to the change you made.

How much dairy are you having other than the HWC? Maybe try unsweetened almond milk in your coffee for a while to see if dairy is the issue?

(Mark Rhodes) #20

This is a good thread to look at. Especially @richard fat calculator if you are trying to get those last few pounds. Especially read why fasting is easier for some people.

(Mark Rhodes) #21

Please read through this thread as well

(Mark Rhodes) #22

finally, read about fat restriction especially when attempting those last few fat pounds

(Mark Rhodes) #23

Good Luck @Ketokellie

thanks for having my back @hedleylo

(Lonnie Hedley) #24

Replies on the forum can be confusing sometimes.

Almost 40 hours into a fast where I’m surprisingly not grumpy AF so I thought I’d help with some clarity in the community.

(Mark Rhodes) #25


(Kellie) #26

Tested 30 minutes later and it went from 84 to 80


Kellie, probably the best way to know (aside from the glucose meter, which you might need to do multiple times to rule out other things, since a lot of variables can influence sugar levels…) is to set aside one month when you don’t have cream in your coffee and compare it to the month that you do. Dairy itself is another compounding variable…
But you’re losing inches, right? So you’re not really in a stall. Also I’m not sure that 10 days of no loss (inches or weight) would qualify as a stall anyway.

(Lonnie Hedley) #28



Seen this posted other places. Agree.

(Mark Rhodes) #29

Here is another take from November last year:

(Mark Rhodes) #30

AND FINALLY, this is the one I was looking for. It describes the inulin test in the FAQ and @richard also posts some excellent graphics and other information in the comments.

That is the wonderful thing about the forums. The search function allows to see in high resolution other posts similar or exactly the same as the question now conflicting you. Better is that if it was a year or so ago there has been enough time for you to ask follow up questions to see how it worked out.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #31

I don’t think this ever applies to me, lol! :grinning: