How can I tell ? Fasting

(Kellie) #1

How can I test if having heavy cream in my coffee effects fasting ? I like to have heavy cream with my coffee in the morning then I don’t eat until noon , I just want to see if it ruins my fasting state. I would like to keep drinking coffee with heavy cream in the morning because I’m addicted and I get heaches not having coffee. I have gone a few days before without having coffee and fasted but I’m wondering if there is a way to see if it effects me or not so that I can either cut it out for good or happily keep it in my routine


It’s no big deal, have your coffee with cream. Cream doesn’t raise the insulin. It’s not necessary to be purists.

(cheryl) #3

I watch 2 Fit Doc’s on youtube and they tested to see if HWC can throw you out of ketosis , and it doesnt. I enjoy it in my coffee.

(Mark Rhodes) #4

Yes it does!!!

All fat will raise insulin to some effect. And more critically purists may be fasting for reasons other than fat loss.

I fast for autophagy and HGH. I cannot afford anything but black coffee and water to not activate the mtor and thus downregulate the process I am trying to achieve.

(Mark Rhodes) #5

you can test this using a glucose monitor if you have two hours to sit still.

Establish a baseline.
drink HWC
at T-30 take BG
at T-60 take BG
at T-120 take BG

If you BG doesn’t go up but goes down you had an insulin response. You can infer this as there would be no other reason for your BG to swing dramatically down except for having an insulin secretion.

(Kellie) #6

I just woke up. My monitor says 84 , on my way to get my coffee :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t eat anything either during fasts, I even wanna try dry fasts. But if the choice is between fasting with a little cream and not fasting at all, I’d think the former is the best option.

(Mark Rhodes) #8

Why would HWC throw a person out of Ketosis? If your in ketosis and you eat fat the BHB will utilize it.

Did you mean to say fasting?

(Mark Rhodes) #9

Best to drink it black. I too am a major HWC user but during fasts especially 5 day fasts I drink mine black. And that’s about 2 pots a day. This is so you can get the other goodies from a EF fast other than weight loss.

(Kellie) #10

I never said I think it will kick me out of ketosis , I just am asking if HWC ruins the whole fasting thing.

(Lonnie Hedley) #11

His reply was to someone else.

(Ethan) #12

Why are you fasting? If its not a ton of calories, it won’t ruin a weight-loss fast. It likely ruins an autophagy fast.

(Kellie) #13

My bad

(Lonnie Hedley) #14

No prob. Just don’t want you to misinterpret him as it seems he’s offering good advice.

(Kellie) #15

Iv been stuck at a plateau for about 10 days . I would like to at least drop another 15 pounds. I’m trying to switch things up but nothing seems to be working

(Kellie) #16

Thank you :slight_smile:

(Mark Rhodes) #17

Yes but that was not the question. Ketokellie wants to know if there is a way of testing for an insulin response. And she has fasted before not drinking her coffee.

Using aids is great but a person will get better results by just not using it.

(Mark Rhodes) #18

Thanks Lonnie!! Yes it was to @shezfunn

(Lonnie Hedley) #19

On another thread I saw someone mention how weight loss is not linear, which is true. 10 days is not a stall. Also, if you’ve switched up a lot in 10 days, you haven’t given your body time to readjust to the change you made.

How much dairy are you having other than the HWC? Maybe try unsweetened almond milk in your coffee for a while to see if dairy is the issue?

(Mark Rhodes) #20

This is a good thread to look at. Especially @richard fat calculator if you are trying to get those last few pounds. Especially read why fasting is easier for some people.