How bad is peanut butter WITH partially hydrogenated vegetable oil?

(Damon Chance) #34

Lol yeah shame settles in around a half cup for me… when I look in the jar and notice i have made a sizable dent…

(Sarah Herlihy) #35

From the jar with a spoon is so my idea of heaven!!

(Daniel Crispin) #36

WoW! Hard to believe. I guess I am in the minority here LOL!


I like apples and celery as substrates.

(Michelle) #38

Fox Hill Kitchens!!! You can toast some of their small buns and spread PB on that. yummy!! :smiley:

However, I currently have a PB addiction and I eat it straight from the jar… I keep promising myself I won’t buy it anymore, but my WF had it on sale, so bought 3 jars!!! eeks.

(Allie) #39

On keto?


My definition of keto diet is based on outcome not macros. A keto diet is one that results in you being in ketosis. So yes, some folks can metabolize apples and be keto.

(Crow T. Robot) #41

Peanut butter on apples is like dessert for me. Oh, yeah.

I use apples on the sourer side, cut into halves or quarters and scoop out about half of the flesh. Fill that with peanut butter and you have awesome. Those are my discretionary carbs for the day.




I have been told so many times that “potatoes are sugar!” or “strawberries aren’t keto.” etc. and yet I lost 40 pounds, cured my hypoglycemia (chronic for ten years prior to getting on a ketogenic diet) and was in ketosis for an entire year while eating these things daily. The only things that are problematic are things that would necessarily knock one out of ketosis. For example an entire carton of ice cream in one sitting. Other than that, if it doesn’t knock you out of ketosis then it’s keto. I eat 1/4-1/2 cup of potato and balance out the carbohydrate intake with the rest of my food for the day and it has never knocked me out of ketosis because no, potatoes are not “sugar”. All we can say is that eating a huge amount of potato would knock one out of ketosis, the food itself however is neither keto nor not keto, it’s all about quantity.

Heck, even eating a small portion of sugar would not actually be a problem so long as one made sure that they did not go over their carb tolerance and knock themselves out of ketosis.


My favorite thing to eat nut butters on is flaxseed crackers.


Eh, I just can’t get that worked up over it. The amount of allowed transfat is pretty small, so if you aren’t eating too much of it, I see no reason to lose sleep over it. If you want to do things perfectly, don’t eat it. But there are a lot worse vices you could have.


I initially read “veteran” as “vegetarian,” too, and I’m not even a vegetarian, so don’t feel bad! We must both be very quick readers.


Jar here too. Always try celery too

Avoid cashews, they are much higher in carbs lists carbs of nuts


I highly recommend the appropriate size of this:

(Bacon for the Win) #48

they are legumes which are frowned upon in the paleo world. A quick google serch finds this:

I confess to not reading it all, it is 5AM.

as with most foods, YMMV.


I mix natural peanut butters with a hand mixer with only one of the beaters on.


Its easy to make nut butters in a blender. The exact process varies slightly according to the kind of blender. I use a Ninja Prep, so when it’s done I just pull the blade out, put a lid on the container, and put it into the frig.

This isn’t my video, but it’s a good demonstration:


I am reading a book called the “Poor misunderstood Calorie” or something like that. While he emphasizes protein and does not get everything right in my lay opinion it is interesting. He discusses trans and hydrogenated fats and apparently some crazy number like 8 grams a day of trans fat can be the difference between being healthy and being sick with all of the diseases previously attributed to saturated fat. Apparently all those studies that demonized saturated fat also included trans fat and that is the real villian and it only takes a tiny amount on a regular basis to have long term problems


Here is what happens to your blood sugar after consuming peanut butter


This video makes me wonder… if I use butter instead of olive oil, I have a feeling that this peanut butter will taste better.