Hit me with your ideas!


Well we are a few shows in now on this exciting podcasting adventure.

I would love to hear you thoughts on the shows, ideas for future episodes, suggestions for extraordinary women. Tell me what you think and what you would like to hear. This show is for you - help me make it amazing.

Daisy x

(Erin Macfarland ) #2

I would be interested in hearing about keto during pregnancy or how it affects female sex hormones.

(Bunny) #3

(jketoscribe) #4

Real life how to do keto for women who do too much (all of us, I think!): school, work, kids, community activities. How do you keep yourself fed with a family that’s not necessarily keto?

(Karen Parrott) #5

Ditto @janknitz Real life folks doing Keto- with work, kids, commute, friends, family.

Also, extended year in year out weight maintenance would be good.

Different variations of keto (post surgery, post binge eating, post menopause, post high school or college,) that sort of theme- Keto in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, heck even 80’s and 90’s.

Loving your podcast!!! Will give it 5 stars on iTunes. :smile:
Keep up the great work

(Erin Macfarland ) #6

@gardengirlkp great suggestions!

(Bacon for the Win) #7

keto for post menopausal women. If most people ate the way I do they’d be at goal. I’m still probably over 35% bf.


Awesome. Thank you so much. x

Great ideas everyone. Keep 'em coming.

(Ashley Sarmany) #9

I third the idea of managing with a busy lifestyle, this is me in a nutshell. Balance is hard.


What’s the name of the podcast, so I can check it out?


Keto Woman




(Kelly Denton) #13

New (and late!) to the forums! I would love advice or experiences shared about women who are living keto with IUD/ birth control.