Here's my silly win, from a keto whisperer 😊


(Becky) #21

Ok ma’am, my apologies, but i cannot count that as a silly win…THATS A TRIUMPHANT WIN…next to having my kids, it was the greatest feeling ever!!! The majority of my female friends do not know the struggle of having to move the belly to shave the legs :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl: And the struggle is real. Lol

(Becky) #22

Ummm, im jealous…thats all i can say. Although i do speak fluent teenage boy angst as well as first grade girl gossip, so i got that going for me :sunglasses:

(Becky) #23

@FatBomb…we are all still patiently waiting for the updated pic…( says the woman that can’t figure out how to put a pic)

(Tamela Robinette) #24

Mine does grow faster, as does my nails, but somehow seems much healthier? Softer and just not so manly course feeling lol.

(Becky) #25

That is so true, thank goodness, I thought I was the only one lol

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #26

I think your post is lovely and not silly at all! :heart: let that smile shine bright :smiley:

I’ve noticed lately that I can actually see my collarbone! It’s such an odd thing to notice, I know :joy:

(Becky) #27

Awe, thank you, that’s very sweet :heart_eyes:
And I can’t believe all the simple things that 4 months ago i would have never thought about. You had me in the mirror looking for my collar bone…not yet, but one more thing to look forward to!

(Carl Keller) #28

I was trying on a pair of jeans that I “outgrew” a few years ago. Not only do they now fit, I found $12.00 in the back pocktet :money_with_wings:

(Becky) #29

That’s double the awesome. I tried on a sweater from last fall a while back and found candy wrappers…i don’t know why i have a weight issue :thinking:

(Scott) #30

I am enjoying this too. I only noticed after someone else posted that I no longer have to hold my breath while tying my shoes. Getting dangerously close to my goal and ideal weight after breaking a three month stall. Last weekend I put my pants on and tightened my belt and out of habit felt for the last hole on the belt. It was gone! Now if I need another belt hole I will have to breakout the drill to make one.

(Marius the butter craving dude) #31

I also recently found out some long forgotten candy stash… And it felt funny… I actually forgot where are all the candy and sweet stashed in the house. My mom told me that we have 5 kg of chocolate sitting for 9 months in the house because nobody eats it anymore yet I can not find it…

(Marius the butter craving dude) #32

I discovered that I actually like shopping for clothes and just putting on different clothes on me to just see how I look. In the past I hated buying clothes…

(Jay Patten) #33

('Jackie P') #34

Hot or what!:wink:

(Marius the butter craving dude) #35

I will add another one :))
Before keto I attempted loosing weight through gym. While changing in the locker room I would change as fast as I could and I would take off my city t-shirt and quickly put on my gym one, than do the same with the shorts. I did not feel comfortably with myself to be seen naked.
Now when I go to the gym I take of my clothes, I go to the mirror and observe myself than when I am done with my narcissistic indulgence I put on my gym equipment…

(Becky) #36

Wonderful achievements! I’m so happy for you!
I too enjoy shopping now, it feels so good to “dress my age” again…congrats to you!
Amazing transformation!


And now to the awful “win”.
I’m lazying the keto, which means occasional indulgences like sushi or fruit. Generally planned and mentally accounted for. But today, there was a birthday celebration at work, and I would have felt bad about not even tasting the cakes. Had the tiniest pieces possible, and found that the only part which tasted even remotely like “food” was the raspberry. And that’s both awful and awesome at the same time. Next time, I’ll just have the coffee, cake is no longer even worth tasting.

(jessie) #38

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