Help me!

(Brittany Allen) #18

I actually have that cheese you can grill/fry at home. Haven’t tried it yet

(Ashley) #19

Problem is so much dairy can stall you, some it’s fine others not so much. I’m one that stalls on it so I’ve cut it way way back!

(Robert C) #20

Dig deeper into what Keto is about.

The reason you should not be surprised is that Keto is about regulating insulin - keeping it low due to most of your calories being from fat. Insulin high says “store fat”.

Well, any food intake raises insulin some amount - so breakfast-snack-lunch-snack-dinner-snack at 1700 calories might make your body store more fat than a 1000 calorie breakfast and a 1400 dinner (700 calories more for the day but, less fat is stored). This is why some people say “calories do not matter” - they do, but the whole story is told with hormones also.

(Robert C) #21

Sounds good to me as a side dish for dinner - does not sound good as a snack :grinning:

(Brittany Allen) #22

Interesting, I believe I have also gone thru the not so hungry phase and the veryyy hungry phase and am just now starting to balance out. I think my age may be slowing down my progress too. Dieting seemed to work better when I was 19 haha

I’m not much of a breakfast person but, maybe I could do a little fast until lunch and eat an actual meal.

(Brittany Allen) #23

Thank you! I’ll look more into this. I know what my macros should look like but, admit I don’t know much about the science behind it.

(Robert C) #24

For the science behind the insulin control - many people read “The Obesity Code” by Dr. Jason Fung.

He says a lot of the same stuff in his video series - easy to watch, he is a good speaker - first one is:

(Jennibc) #25

Snacking might be an issue. Have larger meals and go longer in between without having a snack. Like go four to five hours without eating. Otherwise your insulin stays elevated all day long and you cannot access fat stores with elevated insulin.

(Jill F.) #26

Hi and welcome! I think naturally over time your snacking will reduce, I know mine did after about a month. I snack now on pickles and celery sticks with some pimento cheese. But snacking isn’t everyday at 3 months in, just a couple if times a week.
After you feel like Gee it is lunch time and I am still not hungry maybe try to start intermittent fasting. Maybe try to eat from noon until around 6 PM only and see if that helps.
I agree 10 pounds in a month is great! Remember we didnt gain all the weight overnight and if we lost it that way it would all come right back.
Also start doing some light activities like park far away from store and walk further, take 1 flight of stairs, walk the dog, walk a block in neighborhood, anything to add a little movement will help if you cant commit yet to working out.


Know what’s even easier than turkey lunch meat and string cheese? Having single servings of frozen soup in the freezer.

Google keto soup, find 2-3 you like, and spend a Sunday afternoon making them. Freeze flat in quart bags and bam, weeks worth of lunch that contains whole, fat, healthy and real food. (Well, as long as you choose nourishing recipes of course). Two of my favorites are keto chili and a curry chicken soup made with full fat coconut milk.


My favorite snack at work is herbal or grean tea. This I can recommend.

I snack a bit too much at home, but I’m going to stop earing after 7 pm. That way, I don’t have to worry about snacking while cooking…

(Brittany Allen) #29

That’s a great idea! Thanks

(Brittany Allen) #30

Thank you for the soup idea! I made cauliflower cheddar soup with bacon.
1200 calories, 6 carbs, 86g fat, 29g protein

Prob some extra carbs in my organic heavy cream but, the carton says, “0” and I can’t argue with that lol

(Brittany Allen) #31

These videos were great! I’ve been focusing more on lowering my insulin levels, tried a 22hr fast, and lost 3lbs! This is the first my scale has budged in almost a month. Woooo

(jessie) #32

Right now I just chose you so I could post some sort of message. oh dear I am getting so frustrated. I cannot figure out how to use this forum. I am new. Can you only post a message by replying to someone?? I do not see anywhere “post a message” :frowning:

(*Tame Those Ghrelin Gremlins) #33

I make chicken fried steak with pork rinds, herbs and an egg wash then fry it in coconut oil… yummmm


Because the button says “Reply” not post a message.

@jessie, I’ve answered this question. Please check it out.

(Brittany Allen) #35

I’m posting via phone but, there should be a “new topic” button at the top of the page, on the right side.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #36

@dlc96_darren I want to be able to post in pastel colors, too!!

@Brittany_Allen congrats on the 3lbs!!


With time, maybe you can. :wink: