Help please 🙏☺️

(Malin Hallett) #21

Thank you very much. I will ditch the keto bars :slight_smile:

(Marianne) #22

Honestly, if you give yourself permission not to weigh yourself, you will find that you feel so much better and you won’t want to weigh anymore. The number really means nothing. You can tell if you are losing by the way you look and how your clothes fit. Who cares if that is 10 lbs. or 15 lbs.? Nothing wrong with tracking, just do it as a guideline, not as a club to punish yourself with if the numbers aren’t “perfect.”

I started in Feb. of 2019. My weight at that time was 230 (5’7"), 60 years old. I lost 70 lbs. probably over 8 months? From the get-go, I believed what people said and I ate until I wasn’t hungry. I enjoyed every meal but I ate enough where I didn’t crave my former foods and I didn’t any any desire to eat in between meals. If you eat to satiety, I think you will find it will quell many of the demons you are facing. You mentioned ketone breath before. To me, that means you aren’t eating enough. Yes, it also indicates you are in ketosis, however, I never experienced ketone breath because I ate. What helped me immensely was having a butter coffee or two with my breakfast. After several weeks, that’s all I would have until lunch and I was more than fine.

Besides weight loss, I got rid of all my aches and pains that I suffered from previously. I used to be infirm, really. All my muscles and joints used to just hurt. Not any more. A groin injury that I suffered at age 27 would plague me constantly and make walking almost impossible. That resolved. Other than yard work, I didn’t exercise a lick. You have that in your corner. Do it for health and because you enjoy it, however, not to purge calories. I restored my fatty liver to health and resolved my a-fib (also with an ablation). My skin changed and became supple without any products. My pedicurist commented on my feet not being rough and said I had beautiful skin. My scaly elbows became smooth and nice. My husband’s fungal toe (he is also on keto), returned to completely natural (he had had that for over 30 years). All of these things are true. Besides weight loss, marvelous things are happening to you metabolically. Please believe it and look to it as your beacon.

You may want to check out the “Before and After” thread on here. Other people share their photos and stories and they are uplifting and inspirational and will help you to hang in there.

Best to you!

(Marianne) #23

This. Good stuff here.

(Malin Hallett) #24

Thank you so much for this. So very helpful. After seiemg all the comments on here I did realise yesterday that I am still hanging on to my old ways by utilising “keto” labelled stuff as way to get my sweet fix. I have cut these out as of today.

I am going to view my holiday as I good opportunity to really get into it, the place where are going has fab buffet food and there will be no trouble at all eating completely keto. I think you are absolutely right regarding a slippery slope of having one or two desserts. This is what I do with myself (bartering!!) and it just doesn’t work.

I will ensure my protein is sufficient, I have nene focusing more on the fats. I will also eat until I am full and not snack.

I am really looking forward to the results (mental and physical) of living this way.

Thanks for all your advice and encouragement, I really appreciate it :slight_smile:🫶

(Joey) #25

Start reading those nutrition labels… it’s all about the carbs. Besides: any “food” item that even HAS to provide a nutrition label is already suspect … carb-guilty until proven innocent.

@gingersmommy is SO right about this. Weight is all about how hard the Earth is tugging on your body. It says nothing about what’s inside that body. And how you feel is well worth many kilos on any healthy day.

(Malin Hallett) #26

Amazing, this gives me so much encouragement. I developed hypothyroidism after my pregnancy and I can’t wait to feel “well” again. It has also caused a lot of hairless so I am hoping this might help with that as well. I have so much hope after reading everyone’s comments I’m getting quite emotional with the outpouring of support :heart:

(Edith) #27

Will you not find a better, kinder, more supportive forum than this one!

(Marianne) #28

Honestly, people here really want to help you and see you do well. We’ve all been there and found our solution. I call keto my personal miracle because that’s what it’s been for me.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #29

One’s carb limit is actually a bit arbitrary. If you are losing weight by keeping carbs under 50 g/day, then mazel tov! The actual limit depends on how insulin-resistant one is, and that varies both from individual to individual and over time in the same person.

You may find that, as you go on, the breath meter becomes less reliable. The reason is that right now, your skeletal muscles are healing and re-adapting to metabolising fatty acids in place of glucose. As they heal (a processe called variously “keto-adaptation” or “fat-adaptation”), your iver will no longer need to keep your system flooded with ketones to help your muscles limp along, as is the case at the beginning. This means that you will most likely stop excreting so many ketones. If that happens, don’t be alarmed; it is by no means a problem.

Your weight will fluctuate, and it is possible to put on muscle while shedding excess fat, so use the fit of your clothes as a guide to progress, not just your scale. Muscle is less bulky than fat, so even if you put some on, losing fat should still make you thinner.

The essence of a ketogenic diet is to keep carbohydrate intake low enough to allow insulin to drop to a level that permits the liver to make ketones. This is a very healthy metabolic state. We advise a 20 g/day carb limit, simply because it works for everyone, except people who are really insulin-resistant. Be sure to eat enough fat to compensate for the lost carb intake. This is easier than you might think, because (1) fat is highly satisfying, (2) a lot less fat can supply the same amount of calories as a given amount of carbohydrate (133.33 g of fat = 1200 calories = 300 g of carbohydrate), and (3) fat has no effect on our insulin level, so it is safe to eat as much as we need to satisfy our hunger. We just need to be sure to get enough protein, and that’s the keto diet.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #30

You’ve been getting great advice, but as I put in my other post, the essence is to keep carbs as low as you can, and to fill up with protein and fat. The point of eating a low-insulin diet is that it allows us to eat enough to satisfy our hunger and still shed excess fat. On a high-insulin diet, the body is committed to storing fat, even if we keep calories low. A low-insulin (low-carb) diet allows the body to use more energy, even if we eat more.

Insulin slows down the metabolism, so lowering insulin allows the metabolism to speed up again. This is what makes eating to satiety safe on a ketogenic diet. If you are eating enough, you will find yourself going for hours between meals without wanting to snack. If you do find yourself hungry between meals, eat something low-carb and high-fat (pork rinds, cheese, bacon, eggs) and then eat more food at your next meal. Your body will sort itself out, and you will be able to trust your appetite again.

(Malin Hallett) #31

Thank you, it’s much simpler to just focus on the basics isn’t it! I’ll do that :blush:

(Bob M) #32

I’ve often wondered if eating a lot when going low carb/keto/carnivore is the body’s way of saying “thank goodness you’re eating foods with high vitamin and mineral content; I’m going to gorge so I can make up what I’m missing”?

At some point, you’re back up to full vitamins and minerals and your appetite quiets down.

I know that people used to give Dr. Atkins crap because he had recommended a multivitamin when starting the diet. But that multivitamin wasn’t because the diet was deficient, but was because the body was deficient coming into the diet. (Though some do argue even today that the keto/carnivore diets are lacking in certain nutrients. Other than maybe magnesium and salt, I’m not sure what those are.)

(Berta) #33

I was 140 pounds till after I had my first child. Then I ballooned up to 245 until I was in my 30s. Stumbling upon the low-carb life is where I started but adding heavyweight training is really what did it for me and then I was able to add carbs back without too much trouble. Fast forward to my mid 50s and things get a little bit harder to deal with weight wise because of hormones And all the body systems that are affected by that. Key Takeaway: Do not get bariatric surgery you’ll be on medication’s for life! It only seems like It’s the final straw. In reality, you have your youth working for you. You need to go down to 20 g of carbs Over the course of a couple days and within a week or so you will feel amazing. You can set your watch by it. Ask anyone in this community. For some of us, we need to go below 20 g but be very patient with yourself and pay attention to how your body feels. Find a weight training routine that works for you. I used BFL or body for life. Once you start challenging your large muscle groups in a very real way, you’re going to leave the idea of bariatrics surgery behind forever I promise! Your body knows the way. Listen to it. Stay the course 20 or less (for now) and be very patient with yourself. You will get there! :revolving_hearts:

(Malin Hallett) #34

Thank you @Berta102! I have been on lower carbs since I posted this and I feel way better! I have been weight training for over 10 years and I’m very intrigued to see how the keto diet will affect my training. So far, no change!

(Berta) #35

Many people can’t go hard in the weight room once they do low-carb and some will have a little bit of carbs before their workout to prime their muscles to handle the workout. This works for many people.

Low-carb works for people who want stamina ie running etc but not so much short energy bursts -that you will need carbs for.

Like I said not everybody experiences that, but if you do, do not be surprised, just remain patient and help your body find its way. It will get used to what you feed it and it will thrive.


Hypothyroid Binge eating Keto’r here!

On the Thyroid, you must get that thing in a functional range or you’re chemically screwed, even if you’re doing everything else right. If your doc is only blindly keeping your values “in range” and not optimal ones, get a new doc. Especially if you’re only on T4 and nothing else (immediate sign of a suck doc) with few exceptions.

On the carbs, 50g net will still have most people in Ketosis a lot of the time, it’s still very low carbs and you’ll realistically do fine there. Cutting them more does become easier when your brain adapts to the meal and ingredient differences. But as somebody that does both a hybrid of cyclical and targeted keto, I have more carbs than that, but selectively timed, and do much better that way. We’re all different, don’t feel the need to fit into a cookie cutter way of doing it.

On the binge-eating, Ketosis can wipe appetites (for some), not me. Fat can be very satiating (for some), not me either! I need high protein and constant meals. Keep stuff like that in mind. You don’t want to get yourself into a situation that triggers a binge. Plus there’s a lot of ways to fill up, as well as crush appetite, just gotta keep everything in mind since as you know, 1 good binge and you can pay for it for a week.

(John Bradshaw) #37

Dear Malin,
The key to changing successfully is educating yourself, just as you are doing here by asking questions and interacting.
The best advice on YouTube I and many others have come across is by Dr Eric Westman, Dr Anthony Chaffee, Dr Ken Berry and Dr Shawn Baker as per the links below.





(Malin Hallett) #38

Thank you kindly! Sounds like we have a lot in common. I am on a minimal amount of levothyroxine (12.5mcg) as I can’t cant tolerate it, and 60mcg of t3 a day. After over a year of feeling pretty crap this seems to work very well for me. My t4 is suppressed because I’m on t3 but my t3 is slightly over “the range” but I feel good for the first time in about 3 years. So hopefully this is the right dose for me and my endo will agree when I see him on the 15th June even though my t3 is slightly over.

Thankfully it seems the ketosis does help me feel full, as since I wrote this I haven’t had any issues. But I think may come and go as food doesn’t just satisfy hunger but also emotions for me. I’m on holiday atm so very chilled, will see how I cope when back in my day to day.

Thanks very much for your message, makes me feel less alone :blush:

(Malin Hallett) #39

Thank you very much! I’m on holiday at the moment so I shall watch as many of these as I can. I have just finished The Magic Pill!

(John Bradshaw) #40

Hi again Malin,
Here are some great videos to help on Keto.
The following is a kinda intro to the Keto/Carnivore science world.
There are some movies included as well as some interviews and lectures.

The basic thesis is this:
High sugar/junk food diets have pervaded the world since about the 1970’s. We are now seeing large numbers of Diabetic and Obese people whose only way out of their condition is to take pills and exercise (so their doctors tell them.) Research now shows that the ingestion of the high amounts of sugar in our diet causes massive spikes in Insulin in our bodies. This in turn causes other hormones to become unbalanced which also affects neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline. These then cause brain chemistry imbalances and the cycle repeats itself each time we have sugar spikes.

This unbalanced metabolism can be reversed by eating fresh foods, particularly those low in carbohydrates like fish, shellfish, beef, pork, chicken, lamb, dairy, some veges and some fruits. The change in food to fresh food, rather than processed food, is called a Low Carbohydrate - High Fat (LCHF) diet or Keto. The Keto is short for a normal metabolic process called Ketosis, which is the production of Ketones by the body using its own body fat, or formally known as Therapeutic Nutritional Ketosis.

Simply put, if you cut out the processed and high Carb foods, then the body will burn fat for fuel. The fuel formed from the fat is called Ketones.

The most important thing is to get some education about the whole dietary world and how this affects us in so many ways. The videos will help - much more entertaining than TV!
If you watch them in order it will build a big picture.

Here are two inspiring histories.

Valerie’s Carnivore Diet Journey

The #1 Diet To REVERSE Chronic Diseases!

And a list to help gain that education we all need after being told so many lies about food.

Best to view them in order to build up a big picture.

  1. That sugar film

  2. Turning science upside down

  3. Doctor’s low carb transformation with Dr. David Unwin

  4. The origins of the anti-meat message

  5. Are we blaming salt for what the sugar did?

  6. Fat Chance (2017)

  7. Diabetes:

  1. Some more success stories:

Take your time to scroll through the following lists. Pick and choose what interests you. Each one has excellent information and interviews done showing exceptional results in ordinary people.

Dr Eric Westman (Duke University, Former President of the American Obesity Association in the USA. Excellent on Keto.)

Dr Shawn Baker (Carnivore, Orthopaedic Surgeon)

Dr Ken Berry - a helpful Dr explaining overall health and carnivore.