Has keto changed your fashion sense?

(John) #7

I do have a range of belts all the way from max fatness (52") down to never-gonna-get-there-again 32". Oddly enough, I have just shunk down to a level (about 44") where I can wear a couple of custom belts I had made back in 2012 or so. So yeah, I am going to get some wear out of my fancy-stitched tapered western belt with fancy buckle. :slight_smile:

Eventually I may shrink into my outrageous Hawaiian shirt era from my 40s. :slight_smile: I still have some of those stashed.

I wore a scarf today, in fact (because it is freakin’ cold) - but it’s a big tan fleece one for warmth and not style.

(Kristen Ann) #8

Well after realizing I fit into an old pair of quilted bibs, I’ve been living in them on a daily basis… :rofl: That’s about as fashionable as I get lol!

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #9

I second the skinny jeans and leggings. Never wore them before. Clothing options for larger women are extremely limited here, so I’ve gotten rather frumpy over the past few years.

I remember a Russian friend telling me that Russian women take style very seriously, unlike American women (side-eye glance at me) who can just through on anything. It’s not my fault! Men’s jeans and plain t-shirts are the only things I can find that fit, and also don’t have sequin teddy bears on them! So maybe now I need her to take me shopping.

I am now at the weight I was 9 years ago, so I am wearing old clothes I optimistically never got rid of. And now that 90’s style is back I’m dressing like I did in my 20’s. Except with skinny jeans.

(Mary Jo Koplos) #10

Recently, I was in the resale shop next to where I work and where they know me and have watched me drop 80lbs in the last year. I was trying on 2 coats: one a basic fleece style and the other a really sassy, designer number. The clerk looked at me in them both and said the fleece one was for my old self, but the sassy one was better suited to my new self. Sold!

(Jennibc) #11

I find that I am wearing mid-90s fashions more regularly now… because that’s where I am size wise and I kept all my old clothes. Hoping I’ll be adopting 80s fashions by this summer.

(less is more, more or less) #12

Sure has. So much so I’ve riffed on it here:

and on my blog

What a great problem to have.

(Frank) #13

Absolutely! I’m wearing slim cut jeans and shirts. never in my wildest dreams would I be doing that.

(Ellen) #14

Nope, but tbh I’ve never been shopping/fashion conscious, although current UK fashion is skinny jeans so have had to buy some rather than wear uber baggy clown trousers.

(Laurie) #15

My clothing choices are governed by lifestyle, budget, comfort, and ADD + Asperger’s (can’t wear anything uncomfortable), as well as some hangups about color and so on. It’s taken many years to figure out what works for me, and to make it happen. So I doubt I’ll be changing my style much.

At various times in my life I’ve been thin and dressed to please. But I found that the men I was with at those times treated me badly. So although I’d like to be thinner for health as well as vanity, I have little motivation to dress well.

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #16

Same here!!! :joy: I got some push up jeans from Forever 21 the other week…so cute! :peach:

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #17

Yes! It’s so exciting isn’t it?!
I was never a fan on high-waisted trousers or jeans…now I absolutely love them!
Congrats on your success, it’s something to be proud of! :heartpulse:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #18

I’ll need to check those out :joy:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #19

I’m home and I did pretty well. I can’t say no to those buttery smooth Lu La Roe leggings when they’re only $2 (the colors!) I also bought some cushy sneakers at Target. This is a big deal for me because in my head sneakers are for working out only and (lololol) I was not working out. Now that I’m feeling more active I think I want to dress a little more Sporty Spice.

(Doug) #20

Well, still hoping to get a figure, here. :smile: Good progress has been made, though.

I’ve got some nice clothes from way back in the 80s - to think that I could wear them again…

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #21

Give it a minute, it’ll be coming back in style just around the corner.

(Running from stupidity) #22

My wife made me start wearing a different batch of t-shirts on the basis that my favourite ones “make you look like you’re wearing a circus tent.”

Not sure that counts, though, because I’d still wear the other ones if she’s not around. Like today, when I’m walking to the markets Assuming I feel brave and rebellious enough…


(Jill F.) #23

Yes! I have a lot of oversized shirts that hid all of the problem areas, I cant wear them anymore. They look like tents on me now!
I have diet cycles for years and have a range of size 10 to 14 in my closet. So for now I am shopping in my closet, lol, through the older skinny clothes. I have noticed though in most tips that aren’t sized by numbers I have hone from a L/XL to a medium so that has been fun! I cant wait to go shopping for a new wardrobe once I hit my goal weight! There is no telling what I will end up wearing then!

(Carl Keller) #24

I usually just pick from my 30+ year collection of vacation tshirts that family brings me and slap on a pair of jeans and I’m good to go.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #25

You’re a low maintenance kind of guy, I like that Carl.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #26

And if you’re inclined toward self-abuse you can shop Chinese clothing on Amazon where a size 16 is an XXXXXL. It’s always so much fun picking that option!