Three weeks isn’t that long. Your body has a lot to do and it only likes doing one thing at a time. Some days it will hang on to fat while it works on hormones or repairing organ damage or muscle tissue. I learned that from a wonderful post on this forum where veterans give those starting out their advice. If you have been doing this for less than 2-3 months, your still more or less new.
I only lost 1.5 lbs after my first three weeks and never got above .5 on urine strips. My body was very, very busy. After one month I had only lost 2 lbs while everyone around me in keto circles was dropping like 8 lbs their first week, or 15 lbs after one month! Most people would have quit in my shoes, but the science is logical and sound, and I’m ridiculously tenacious.
I started March 6 at 186 lbs and today I am 166.4. I wasn’t in a hurry. I knew it was the long haul for me. I set more than reasonable milestones that I either have beaten or met. I’m not planning on seeing my goal weight until next summer, so imagine my delight when I reached my fall goal a couple weeks ago. I’m not adjusting my goals because anything can cause my body to choose to slow down. It will do what it needs to do for my specific body and the condition it is in, both inside and out. I’m not going to get in its way.
It you have .5, you ARE in ketosis. Getting into stronger ketosis doesn’t have that much extra benefit afaik. You dont need to waste money on Keto Chow and you dont need to kickstart ketosis. How can any maker of any product know precisely what your particular body needs? Let your body create its own ketones because that’s better than anything else. Know that you are entirely unique and can’t compare yourself and progress to others.
Don’t rely on the information from a website that stands to financially gain if you buy into their philosophy and products UNLESS they are a highly respected doctor. That would be the only ones I would put more stock in but if they sell along with their advice they are lower down on my reliability scale and I require other doctors and Keto experts who dont sell to concur first.
You can’t see your insides either, but your body can, and it knows what it is doing. Give it the time and space that it needs. Don’t stress it out the first month or two with all sorts of extra products, heavy exercise or fasting or deprivation etc. Get good at the diet first. Get the basics down. Trust the science, be patient, and you can always add “help” (like fasting) later once your fat adapted and your body can handle it better. But in my book trying to fast in the beginning isn’t very kind to your body given the shock it’s suddenly facing with the radical changes your making to its fuel.
(I’m not against fasting, I’m just against doing too much all at once in the first month. And I know you didn’t say anything about fasting, I’m just using that as one example to make a point.)