Feels like I’m dying after four days trying carnivore


Yes could be . Within like just two days of meat and water (forgot I did drink coffee with cream so I’m not like true carnivore but whatever I do my best ) i added eggs and immediately knew it was a trigger food for me I got instant stomach issues, so carnivore has been helpful so far it’s just it’s kind of bland and well I hate meat lol plus going from carb to this is a little on the painful side but everyone says it gets better after about a week so I’m trying to hang in there . I need this to help figure out some trigger foods but I would also like to lose some fat and get shredded too haha but I have not to much energy right now so we will see later on if I can pull that off over time once I have adapted better

(Omar) #64

I did not get the impression from any previous post you made that you are against carnivore.

even if you are you have the full right to express your opinion about it.


That would be plant based diet with occasional meat as we were hunter & gatherer’s and didnt always have meat at hand but plants were all around.

People who had more meat based diet for longer time is the inuits living super north and having fatty fish as their main food. The eskimo diet. :smiley:


Well I think professor might be slightly bias :sunglasses: but seems smart too, that’s why his nickname is professor

(Omar) #67

coffer is no no for me specially with meat.

I drink my coffee early in the morning and as far as possible from meals.

actually I quit coffee for the reason it is giving me bad bloating and indigestion issue. But now I am back to one cup in the morning at least 3 hours away from meals.

(Robert C) #68

Not against Carnivore at all!

If I had an auto-immune disorder - I’d try it.
If I had IBS (after reading this thread) - I’d try it.
If I wanted to “change things up” on a keto plateau and I was tired of fasting - I’d try it for a week or three (the muscle meat version).

But, I wouldn’t (at this point, without more data) choose it as a WOE.


I don’t know if I’ll stay on carnivore forever because I do agree no long term studies but…I could be the new long term study! So when I live to be 170 years old and you Keto’s all die at 80 from your artificial sweeteners we can finally see carnivore was best all along !!


Surprisingly I haven’t had any bloat with coffee and cream I could have sworn it would be a trigger item but it hasn’t been , I tried some monk fruit and stevia in my drink and got bloated and I’m like whhhaaat that’s suppose to be natural …made me so mad

(Omar) #71

that is good you are lucky

(bulkbiker) #72

Again… plants have seasons and aren’t around for half the year or even less… so meat (which of course would have been far more prevalent) would have been the main food source. Im not saying people ate rib eyes all day but smaller mammals would have been around and eaten as well as larger animals. To think that early man was plant based when quite a lot of those plants may be been poisonous might be wishful thinking…remember we hadn’t bred the toxins out of them at that time.

(bulkbiker) #73

My macros eating beef only average 75% fat 24% protein and 1% carb (from the dairy I have in my tea and coffee)

(bulkbiker) #74

But you have provided no evidence for that thought process…as I said once we accept that there are no essential carbs or fibre why would a diet that provides the essentials be problematic? Logic says that all-meat should provide all our bodies need?

(Connie Hobbs) #75

You are now 122 pounds and you are tiny ! How much are you expecting to lose? Your body fat percentage is small and therefore you don’t have fat to burn.


I have lost water weight at this point only. Oh and there’s such a thing as skinny fat by the way. My body fat percentage is higher then you think, I can’t remember what it was last time it was checked but it wasn’t what you would think for someone thin. I said an ideal weight for me I would like to be between 111-115 and truthfully for my height that’s still within normal weight range.

(Omar) #77

not according to the photo :grin:


U don’t know where I carry my weight it could all be in my feet

(Jennibc) #79

When I quit sugar last March (I was already grain free for almost 8 years) I felt like [spoiler]shit[/spoiler] for about 8 days. The only thing I could liken it to was what it felt like when I quit smoking years ago. I was irritable, exhausted, wasn’t getting deep sleep and felt completely out of sorts. It was either day 8 or day 9 where I woke up and felt like a new person. I am convinced sugar is like a drug and when it leaves your system you go through some withdrawal. I could be wrong, but that’s what it felt like to me.


Omg you have nailed it on the head for me yes! This is how I feel , like I’m detoxing from drugs . I use to smoke to and not consuming sugar feels like the same thing to me “addiction” it’s like I’m withdrawing right now from a drug.

(Connie Hobbs) #81

I’m so sorry if I sounded judgemental. I just want you to be safe. Sounds like you may be building muscle first. Check our this article. It really helped me when the scale was not budging.

(Jennibc) #82

Just keep on keeping on then and see how you feel in about four or five days. I hadn’t heard of Keto at that point so I wasn’t being influenced by all the negative press and thinking that I was doing something harmful to my body. I knew quitting sugar was good for me so I powered through. And I was still eating some fruit at that point so wasn’t doing 20 net carbs and still had that kind of horrible reaction. Sugar is a beast. I think all the negative but unfounded stories about going lower carb higher fat tend to make us question the discomfort as if it’s something that demonstrates this way of eating is bad for us and we should abandon it like all the ‘experts’ advise, when in fact it’s just our body going through withdrawal and readjusting to a new diet.