February Zorn Fast 2018

(Lonnie Hedley) #42

I do 16:8 IF and hit my macros in two meals. Lunch at 1pm and dinner before 9pm. The earlier the better so I’m well digested by my early bed time.

(What The Fast?!) #43

@brenda - I’m 63 hours into a fast and feeling really lethargic. My legs feel like cement - I had to climb the stairs to get to my office and I literally stopped at the bottom and just looked up at them for a good 30-45 seconds! :woman_facepalming: Have you ever experienced this during fasting? (I’m taking salt and magnesium.)

This tends to happen when I fast for longer than 2 days but I’m not sure why. I’m not working out during this fast because I strained my hamstring, but I may do a bike ride today or tomorrow. Maybe movement will help?

Also @DaveKeto - you asked me awhile back how I feel during fasts. Each one is a little different, but I definitely get this lethargic feeling a lot during extended fasts. Thoughts?

(Dustin Bell) #44

Thanks Brenda, I appreciate the response! !

(Lonnie Hedley) #45

During the January Zornfast I got crazy tired somewhere in the 60+ hour mark and just opted to sleep for 14 hours. Luckily that was Saturday and I had nothing important to do. Woke up Sunday feeling good and cruised through to Monday morning. Felt good enough to keep going, but 108 hours was my goal so that’s where I ended the fast with a little fat in my coffee. I’m curious to see how I feel this weekend. I’m working with a lot less fat stores than some, so that could play into it. Also, I’m only supplementing with salt.

(Beth) #46

Count me in for my first Zorn fast. I can only do one day but will fast from Wed evening until Friday morning - 36 hours.

(What The Fast?!) #47

How many lbs of body fat do you estimate you have to work with?

(Lonnie Hedley) #48

A handful? Haha, I don’t really know. A guess would be in the 20-30 lb range at most. I only fast during the monthly Zornfast (first was last month). Otherwise I’m eating around 1900 calories every day (95g protein, 150g fat, incidental carbs). My weight has been within 5-7 lbs for almost a year. Losing weight is not my goal. My goal is feeling super human (compared to how I feel when I eat carbs). So far so good.

EDIT: I don’t count daily IF as fasting, especially when I have 2-4tbls HWC in my morning coffee.

(What The Fast?!) #49

Amazing!!! Also, is that a doodle in your pic?

(Lonnie Hedley) #50

Aengus Magoon. He’s a mini golden doodle.

(What The Fast?!) #51

Maybe not the right thread for this…but I can’t help myself. :slight_smile: full size goldendoodle here, Boomer:

(Lonnie Hedley) #52

Aengus is only 6 months (in 5 days). Since he’s a growing boy, no fasting for him. :blush:

(What The Fast?!) #53

Hahahhaa, we joke that Boomer is on an IF protocol, mainly because I forget to fill his dish until the end of the day…

(Lonnie Hedley) #54

Aengus gets 3 squares. Too much at one time and :face_vomiting:.

(Jon H.) #55

Nice to see even more first timers joining in. Welcome to the Zorn fast and happy fasting. Also I am in again this month. Water only for me.

(Keto Travels) #56

Currently half way through day 3 and feeling so much better than yesterday! Kinda tempted to not stop at all so I don’t have another day 2 :slight_smile:. But for now the plan is to feast in a 4-6 Hour eating window on sundays and fast the rest of the time during Lent if I can. If I feel too bad however, as Dr Fungvadvises I will just eat.

(Trish) #57

I just finished reading a fasting Q&A per Dr. Fung that @MmmBacon posted. In it doc says that cream in coffee does indeed technically break the fast; however, if that allows one to continue on then it is acceptable. He states 1 to 2 teaspoons. Since I really need 2 tablespoons to make my coffee palatable, I think I will attempt to forego coffee altogether this fasting round, as I am fasting not only for weight loss but also for the benefits of autophagy. I do wonder why bone broth is allowed though. Does bone broth not have any insulin affect at all?

(Lonnie Hedley) #58

Coffee tends to make me more hungry, so I too avoid it during a fast (after maybe one cup the first day).

I don’t understand bone broth either as it contains protein which creates a larger insulin response than fat. Meaning it breaks a fast more than fat. Or that’s what I’ve been made to understand.

(Trish) #59

The coffee actually helps me re the grehlin gremlin lol. I’m going to shoot for peppermint tea and lots of water, and a multivit, and lytes. That’s it, that’s all. Wings for dinner tonight pre fast. I suppose if I get a withdrawal headache, I can always just chug half a cup of straight black coffee simply for the caffeine effect.

(F & L) #60

Thank you very much for your response Brenda. I have Dr Fungs Obesity Code on Audio Book. I’ve been on the forum for over a year but have not commented. I have read through a number of posts regarding high blood sugar. I will keep on - and will add EF. Note: I am committed to this lifestyle as is my wife (no blood sugar or obesity issues) and our two daughters - 20 & 24 - both who have insulin resistance and PCOS through no fault of their own

(Carol Kopp) #61

I’m going to join! Newbie here, I started Keto in January, I only checked the scales once, and I won’t do that again for awhile. Feeling great and clothes are my clothes are fitting better, so I’m pleased.
I haven’t fasted in over thirty years, and then not for longer than a couple of days. I’m hoping being fat adapted will make it a bit easier. I got scared away from fasting, you know putting myself into starvation mode, being a nut job… so I went the saner route, reduce calories, cut out fat!
See you all Thursday.