February Zorn Fast 2018

(Rob) #324

47 hrs in so a new record for me! Not hungry, but still feel weird to walk past food and the fridge… Maybe, I’ll go the shops and buy bacon on sale :bacon:

Roll on 72 hrs!

(Jane Reed) #325

At my previous post I shortchanged myself by 3 hours. It’s now 5 p.m. on Friday and I’ve completed 24 hours of my 36 hour fast.

No, I’m not going to get up at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning to break my fast. Although my cats are in the habit of jumping on my bed or walking over the top of me or exiting the cat door with a thwack-thwack-twack, nothing can get me to throw back my warm covers quite that early.


Broke my fast tonight as planned (well, sort of … I thought I’d go to 48 hours and it was more like 44) and will do OMAD for the next three days.
So nice to be able to check in with all of you and watch your progress!

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #327

I’m 142 hours in and should make 200. I’ve lost 11 pounds on this fast so far and had my highest ketone reading ever of 6.1.

Date Fasting Day? AM Pounds AM Glucose PM Ketones
2/10/2018 No 255 89 2.2
2/11/2018 Yes 257 91 2.5
2/12/2018 Yes 253 90 3.8
2/13/2018 Yes 250 86 4.7
2/14/2018 Yes 249 78 4.7
2/15/2018 Yes 246 78 4.8
2/16/2018 Yes 244 79 6.1

And because this is such a long fast I got my electrolyte, potassium and magnesium levels checked today.


Bailed at 7pm. Head exploding, nothing helping. I want to swaddle my brain. :exploding_head:



(Colleen) #330

No words :disappointed_relieved:

(Colleen) #331

I am at 57 hrs. I had such hunger today. Yesterday was a breeze. But my feet stopped aching, my energy is good, my heart rate variability is back in the green and fasting blood sugar back at 88. I needed this reset.

(Liz ) #332

Ugh I feel for you, about a third of my fasts trigger headache/migraine. I can’t work out why!

(Mike Glasbrener) #333

At 47 hrs. Had big time headache 1.5 hrs ago. Took a couple of Advil and ok now. Between recent exercise along with fasting today has been a bit more hungry than most… A few more hrs. till bedtime then I’ll be at 60hrs and one more spin/bike ride before refeed.

(Missy) #334

Thank you. I guess I’ll know for sure when I break the fast. :open_mouth:


Oh, no no no… Corinna. I’m so sorry. That’s not how it’s supposed to work.

(Missy) #336

Makes sense. Would much prefer the 5 so thought the “.” :joy: But I’ll take what I can get.

(Missy) #337

Trip to Costco almost killed my fast. They had their samples out and one of the ladies offers me a sample of some chicken andouille sausage. I picked up the sample cup and had it half way to my mouth when I stopped dead in my tracks, and pretty loudly I said, “Oh no, what am I doing? I can’t eat this!” I put it back on her table and said thank you and walked away because there was a couple of people looking at me like I was bat shit crazy. :upside_down_face: Those evil minions almost got me! Not today Costco! Not today!

I’m almost 48 hours in and my stomach is telling me off. I never heard it so vocal before. :joy:


Horrendous. Not worth it. I think I’ll stick with IF.

(Liz ) #339

I totally get that. I get a monthly migraine regardless so I figure :woman_shrugging:t2:

(mary6aros) #340

I broke my fast today after 48 hrs, hunger just wouldn’t subside, no matter what, so I chose to listen to this body, which I’m learning to love.
I was extremely tired all afternoon, with brain fog. Lol, my daughter was talking to me, and I was responding, then all of a sudden I “came to” and asked her, “What have we been talking about?” :grin: Proud of myself, first good fast since going keto, and I’ve learned little ideas that’ll help for the next times, which will come more often now, for both my body’s sake and for spiritual reasons. Love this group.


Wow, just wow! I’m at 50 hours now and I feel on top of the world! I chased my 3 year old around the Chicago Auto Show today and had a ton of energy to spare! I would have needed to sit down a dozen time a few months ago. We went to dinner and I treated myself to this at 48 hours…

I was hoping to get to the 18th (I had 100 hours in mind) but I have a client lunch tomorrow around hour 65, so I’ll likely break the fast then. Any tips on what to eat coming out of an extended fast?


(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #342

Eat something small to break your fast. I like to break it with a handful of macadamia nuts. Your digestive track has gone to sleep and you need to wake it up before you eat much food. (Otherwise it may just shoot right through you.)

One other caution. I find I get very sleepy after breaking an extended fast. (Not everyone has this problem.) So I usually break my fast at dinner and go to bed early. Then the next morning I’m back to normal.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #343

I haven’t had a chance to read all your posts. I’m on hour 47.