(Allie) #162

Fasting today, 18.5 hours so far.

(Paul Waterman) #163

Hi All,

Just joined and saying hello. Started IF (16:8) about 10 days ago. I haven’t actually been doing Keto yet but I found this community and it seemed like a great place to meet other people doing IF.

I totally 100% blew it over the weekend but I did well during work days last week and for the first few this week…

Nice to meet you!

(KCKO, KCFO) #164

Welcome to the forums Paul.

I decided to do a 36 hr. fast, so started after dinner tonight. I have been following the TRE window, Dr. Panda’s protocol this month, along with doing the Zornfast that started last Thurday. After a couple of refeeding days, using the TRE, I still felt I wanted to do a longer fast, so I decided on 36 hr. so I could get back into the TRE time frame.

Hope everyone is having a fine week.

(Susan) #165

i will feast tonight and fast for a few days this upcoming weekend. It may change if I get some overtime. I hadn’t been getting overtime lately cause I forgot to change my availability in Jan.

(Allie) #166

Just broken a 39 hour fast. The ADF is suiting me well at the moment.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #167

My brain didn’t get the chance to talk me out of my 24h fast this moring because I overslept and had only 10 minutes to leave the house.
Now I am worried for my [spoiler]pork loin in the sous vide (the stick will switch off once too much water has evaporated) and my cooked curry chicken in the slow cooker, switched it off but could not put things in the fridge)[/spoiler]

what a stressful morning. But it would be worse would I actually physically need food…

(Allie) #168

I’m sure both will be fine :heart:

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #169

Really sluggish and cold at h18.
Stressful day at work. had [spoiler]a tsp of coconut oil[/spoiler]. Hope it gets me to push through my zumba class.

And after that all my prepped stuff is waiting for me at home.


Hope the day goes by fast and less stressful for ya. :slight_smile: … Waiting to find out if we have to do anything with a small snow storm coming in tonight or not. Not sure which shift will have to go home and return later? So I’m not sure just how this day will go just yet?

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #171

Stay safe Dave and @DoggieMom. Its going to miss us in Richmond VA. At least that is what they are saying.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #172

Last refeeding did not go so well. Disaster Pants, well almost. Been doing a 24 hr IF since I do one longer EF at the start of the week. Will break fast with [spoiler]just a tad to eat[/spoiler] at 22.5 hrs and hope it will give me time to let my stomach settle in before my lunch meeting at 24 hrs.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #173

For me, so far the only thing that doesn’t upset my gut when breaking a fast is [spoiler]lean unprocessed protein (like chicken breast)[/spoiler] I know it sounds like cursing in here but after an hour or so I can go back to something richer.


This is a waaaaay different re-feed experience for me, but I did a 96 hour ZornFast last week and broke it last Sunday night @ bedtime (10PM)

I had promised my wife I would do an EggFast with her this week, so I broke my Extended Fast with that. I’ve always rolled my eyes regarding EggFasts Per SE…because I always just viewed them as yet another way to get into Ketosis. (I still think of them that way. It’s just more low carb fare to me. YMMV)

Well well well…

For whatever reason, the RE-feed I’m doing now is WITHOUT A DOUBT the best one ever. No unpleasantness in the gut whatever.

Aaaaaand it has helped me with binging following a longer fast, a problem for which I’ve unhappily shown a HARD WIRED tendency.

Could it be just a fluke??? Probably. But I thought it was worth a mention.

(Allie) #175

I tried something different today and broke my fast with a glass of my homemade kombucha and have had no problems at all.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #176

I tried a new brand of SauerKraut when I had my challenge and may have over consumed the kraut.

I’m going to break now with a small piece of white fish and a small portion of my salad.



Forgot the Blur Spoiler. Sorry…

Fixed now.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #178

Kraut after a fast gives me the WORST cramps and pains and It can take up to 3 days to calm back down…

I don’t remember how I did do with tuna. Might be that I need to experiment more with seafood in general


Thanks, Eric. … Shouldn’t be too bad. I actually just got out of the meeting, and my schedule won’t change. The other shift is heading home and coming back at Midnight. (So no sleep issues for me this time :slight_smile: ) And it’s only supposed to run from Midnight to 8 or 9am, so I will come in regular time tomorrow and just help manage cleanup. … Just a few more weeks hopefully, and Spring will be knocking! :slight_smile:


You know, I’m glad Kraut was brought up. … I was actually told it’s helpful when breaking, but the last time I used it, I didn’t have any issues per se, but I did get stomach cramping.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #181

I am getting more and more curious. What on earth do you do @Digital_Dave?

I feel so simple and boring with my tech support desk job…