Fat Burning Female Project

(What The Fast?!) #29

Thank you!!! Me too! Logically…how can NOT eating not work, right?? :joy::joy:

(Liz ) #30

Right?? I mean Jason Fung has a whole thing built on just that so…I know I need to fast more as well and I am also made of willpower! fist bump sister, you got this!

(What The Fast?!) #31

No, WE got this!


Andrea - yay!!!
I would be careful with really specific timing goals that are outside your control (fasting for x days/hours is pretty much in your control, but the exact schedule for when you’ll drop x number of pounds is out of your control) but dreaming about how you’re going to fly on your bike and how you’ll feel in a certain dress (or out of it :wink:) sounds perfect. Also, you’ve done so much fantastic foundational work - your fitness level, your time in keto and fat adaptation, your research and your testing and experimentation - wow, you’re in a great place to make that missing piece really work for you.
It’s SO nice to see you excited!!! yes, wishing you a ton of luck.

(KCKO, KCFO) #33

Fasting more is what got me to my goal weight, with a few extra dropped as well. Here is my MFP graph of weight loss for the last year. See that pluge downward end of Mar/early April, that is lots of fasts, IFing, 24 hr., 3-4.5 days mixing it up. It worked for me and it really isn’t very different than what you are doing now. I just followed Megan Ramos’ idea to mix it up, keep the body guessing and readjusting. It is true not eating, you will lose weight. Just refuel with lots of tasty fats so your metabolism doesn’t take a noise dive. Hope you reach your goals soon. Oh my goal was 141, staying at that or under since end of April.

(What The Fast?!) #34

I love this! Honestly - I should have taken your advice MONTHS ago. I also should have signed up for IDM before the prices went up!! :smiley:

did you do single meal refeeds, or were you feasting for a day or two, then fasting again?

(KCKO, KCFO) #35

Feasting/fasting. Sometimes 2 days feasting, others 3. Mixing it up really, really helped me.

(Bacon for the Win) #36

I was wondering how much she charged for her program. There is so much free and great info out there that paying someone to tell me how to eat doesn’t make sense to me.

I’ve been IFing lately with pretty good success and making my IF time a bit longer as I go. I should be able to do 36-48 hours soon. Gotta build that fasting muscle!

(KCKO, KCFO) #37

Yes, the more you fast the better you get at it.

Consider doing the November Zornfast, October’s is in progress now ends tomorrow. It is the 3rd week of each month, runs Th.-Sun. some start early, end early, some start late, run longer, it is all up to you, just a group that supports each other through the process. As it is the third week, it won’t ruin any USAers Thanksgiving plans. :wink:

(Bacon for the Win) #38

that’s exactly what I am going to do. I didn’t plan well enough to join this month but will be all in for November.


YES, I like this attitude and “epiphany”! Thanks for sharing your journey and positive thinking, love it!


I have got to tell you how incredibly helpful this post (the whole thread really) is to me just now.

I had such a thrill, after having lost nearly 25 lbs with keto and IF/EF. Then stress (MAJOR life stressors) sent me into a pretty substantial slump. Although I remained keto, and know that I’m fat adapted, I “eat/ate” my worries away. But the problem is, of course, this has been shown NOT to work at all. :wink: The worries remain and my cortisol likely went up. Even eating (most of the time) in a 20:4 IF window, I managed to gain back about 8-10 pounds!

How awfully discouraging it has been.

I’ve posted this elsewhere (probably kind of redundant and annoying) but it became so hard to do any EF. I would “cave” by 4 or 6 pm every day and just fill my face with butter, cheese and bacon or steak, coconut oil and at least one mouthful of peanut or almond butter. Just crazy, and always so full I felt sick by the time I was ready for bed. What a nightmare.

The FASTING is definitely my friend, a real stabilizer. Both for my physical and mental health. I feel like this may take me years to finally figure out, but I can SEE a WAY!

I know that the emotional eating is something for a different thread or even a different forum perhaps, but the tools of KETO and Fasting are extremely powerful. I have hope :slight_smile:

Here’s to hoping that I can get back to more frequent, though random, extended fasts and find that proverbial “sweet spot”. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

(What The Fast?!) #41

I’m definitely surprised to hear you gained doing 20:4! I think a 48 hour fast once a week is good to help maintain a loss. I’m at least glad to hear you recognized that your gain was from emotional eating. Once we identify a problem, we can begin to solve it!

@collaroygal I’m doing single meal refeeds. Tonight, I broke my 48 hour fast at an INCREDIBLE restaurant. We have some friends in town and we went to this ridiculous amazing steakhouse. We had steak tartare, suckling pig, and the best ribeye I have ever eaten, plus some side vegetables. (I also had two drinks.)

Afterwards we went to see David Copperfield (it was an expensive night!!) and I tested my ketones as soon as I got home. We walked out of dinner at 9pm, and at midnight, my ketones still showed as 2.7! Woo hoo!

My new fast started tonight at 9pm, will be either a 48 or 72. We’ll be getting up for a bike ride in the morning, hoping all that delicious ribeye turns into great fuel for the bike!


Oh my, that does sound like a fabulous night! Good food, friends and fun, plus ketones for fuel. Hard to beat.

As for the 20:4 and gaining, yep, pretty sad really. But I was thinking about this factor too, I was on such a regular regimen of 20:4 and often 22:2 that I didn’t mix it up enough so my body got into a pattern I’ll bet.

I’m going to try what you’re doing, more or less, and fast more often, randomly, IF and then great stints of EF as well. Hopefully this will shake things up and get my weight in fat back into a downward trend :wink:

Best wishes to you in this awesome n=1, and the updates have really been helpful. I can hardly say enough about the encouragement I get here and how blessed I feel to have this place to be refreshed!

(Arlene) #43

Are you still having to fast 4-5 days/week, just to maintain your goal weight?

(KCKO, KCFO) #44

No not extended fasts. I mix up the IFing, vary the times from 16:8 up to 24 hrs. (do this @3 days a week,other days I just have breakfast with DH) I do 36 hrs if I see a bounce of any kind (maybe 2 per month now), and I do the Zornfast monthly (anything over 48 depending on how I feel fasted, so far this month it I’m at 72 hrs.).

I am a foodie and former bread addict. I am so happy this is working so well for me. I did stop all wheat products, including my beloved homemade sour dough breads. Otherwise I love what I can eat and and eat what I want of it. CICO can go suck it, I battled that crap for 35 yrs. Always hungry and always regained within a year or two. Not going there again.

(Arlene) #45

I love food too. Never loved sourdough bread, but my sourdough pancakes remain a very rare indulgence. I’m not tempted buy breads much anymore, or even the doughnuts I used to binge on. I love this way of eating, and I feel satisfied and stable. Mostly I just want to lose these last 40 pounds, AND KEEP THEM OFF! I have no trouble with 24 hour fasts. 36 hours is pushing my envelope of tolerance, as my electrolytes easily become unbalanced by longer fasts. Muscle cramps used to plague me until I started taking higher amounts of magnesium. I appreciate your story of success, as it gives me renewed hope to achieve my weight goals.

(Monika) #46

Was wondering if you had any updates on how you’re doing? What did you do to manage over Thanksgiving and What are your plans for the upcoming holiday season? TIA

(What The Fast?!) #47

Here’s my update: Alternate Day Fasting turned ZC...back to fasting

(Monika) #48

Thanks for that!!