Alternate Day Fasting turned ZC...back to fasting


(Beth) #253

Lol, I just had a salad & bacon meal.
I’ve been discouraged this week too. Two 48 hour fasts and when I refeed I am right back up five pounds.

@KetoLikeaLady: You are a machine with your fast lengths. When I fast into day three I start to feel weak & irritable, even with sodium. It’s a struggle to focus, climb stairs, etc.

@collaroygal: Does it get harder to fast as you get closer to goal weight? I still have 10-15 pounds to go. Do you just lose more slowly? What helped you most to get to goal??

Had to balance three major work events with IF this week: I had dry wine with mixed nuts & veggies/cheese at a fundraiser yesterday. Those were the ONLY low carb foods in a long buffet. Sigh… carbs are cheap to serve.

Oh well. Trying to focus on the positives: less pain, better concentration, steady energy, better sleep, stronger nails, thicker, healthier hair, better skin, my vision improves, my skinny jeans fit, in fact I keep having to pull them up. There must be some recomposition happening - my husband notices it & comments. No cravings when I smelled the buttered popcorn at the movies last night.
Life is still 100% better than before I found keto & fasting.
Off to the gym.

(KCKO, KCFO) #254


A lot of non scale victories going on for you. Great results.

I could not budge those last 15 lbs. until I started fasting, that helped me the most in my last few months of losing. I started with IFing saw a little movement not much, after a couple of weeks, I jumped into longer fasts 36/48/95/106 hrs. I’d lose several lbs. with each fast and put a couple back on that would drop off at the next fast and I would have a new low weight.

Since I hadn’t fasted earlier in my Journey, not sure if I can say if it was harder, it was actually easy after doing the IFing and the lower hours fasting, I would have to halt some fasts and refeed, but I kept at it and got to goal plus some extra lbs. I hadn’t even dreamed of at that point. :crazy_face: This graph shows lclearly how it went from April to beginning of May for me. I have never dropped lbs. any faster in my life. And I have been dieting for over 30 yrs.

(What The Fast?!) #255

This chart tho…#goals
I’m currently in Vancouver for a few days and was planning to eat every other day but…you GUYS…the food here in insane amazing. I’ve had two of the best dinners of my LIFE here.
I have dinner plans with coworkers tonight and then we are headed to Whistler to ski over Thanksgiving. I’m planning to keep IFing or doing OMAD but OMAD seems unlikely with skiing all day. Physically I know I’d be fine fasting completely even with skiing but honestly eating on the mountain is part of the experience. I promised my partner that I wouldn’t let Fasting run my life or change how we vacation. He’s totally on board with keto and he’s very supportive of my fasting, but we are foodies through and through and love to enjoy a whole “experience” not just an activity. There will be hot toddies…

Speaking of which - I used to drink hot cocoa with booze or hot toddies (which have honey) on the mountain…any ideas for warm cocktails at the end of a long day of skiing?

(KCKO, KCFO) #256

Old school hot buttered rum. A pour of hot rum, add butter. Any bar should be able to do it.

I would think one meal a day while skiing should work fine, you can just ski through lunchtime?

I totally get being a foodie, because I am one. I always try local favorites. I got a big surprise in Alaska, they have plenty dishes that are keto. I had awesome lamb meatballs at a local place in Anchorage, better then the ones in Greece. In the Whistler area there should be great steaks and chops, not to mention seafoods.

Have a great time. Vancouver is a foodie delight for sure. Just make the best selections and carry on.

(Beth) #257

What she said. If it were me, I would enjoy it. Make good choices so you feel good. Remember the point of vacations & holidays: enjoyment, relaxation, celebration. We’re playing the long game here so why not enjoy your planned break.
Feast/fast. Balance. You can start fasting on your way home.

(What The Fast?!) #258

Hi all!!! Ok, so I’m officially back from vacation, let me fill you in. I spent 3 nights in Vancouver and then 5 nights in Whistler. Right before Vancouver, I did a 60 hour fast and then had a couple really incredible meals in Vancouver (plus cocktails/wine with each). I also did my favorite workout (Bar Method) twice while there.

In Whistler, we skied 5 days (my legs are toast!) and also had some REALLY amazing food and cocktails/wine EVERY night.

I stuck to OMAD most days with IF a couple days and ate basically keto (aside from a couple bites of things).

I had Starbucks coffee with cream every morning and a boozy coffee or hot whiskey drink as an afternoon warm up most days.

I began a fast after dinner on our last night there (Monday night) and fasted during our travel day yesterday. I just weighed myself at 33 hours fasted this morning (Wednesday) and am SO EXCITED to report that I somehow am almost the same weight as when I left!!! I think all the activity counteracted all the awesome food.

You guys - this is actually sustainable! We ate VERY well - oysters, beef tartare, octopus, lamb, etc. I’m pleasantly surprised this AM! Woo hoo!!!

I am going to continue doing 48 to 96 hr fasts until I reach my goal. Once there, I’ll stick with OMAD or IF for maintenance with a 48 probably once a week. I’m sure I’ll have some off days during the holidays but feel good about this plan overall.

(For those following along from the very beginning, I’m at 144.0 today which is actually only 5lbs down from my pre-keto weight, but almost 10 down from all my experimentation.

Also, I have a consultation with IDM today!

Fat Burning Female Project
(Paula Green) #259

Sounds like a wonderful trip Andrea. I’ve been wondering how you got on - so pleased it was a good experience. Great news that your success continues - to survive a vacation with no weigh gain, whilst still eating great food is just awesome. So happy for you.

I have a four week trip to Maui coming up after Xmas - I’m thinking OMAD may be a plan for me too - I’m very scared of your American food lol!

(What The Fast?!) #260

Haha, Maui is tough because there are so many amazing fruits in Hawaii, plus all the sushi!

(What The Fast?!) #261

Y’all…you know you’re tough when you are in the middle of a fast and make someone a bacon and goat cheese omelet…

(Beth) #262

You’re such a rock star! I love feeling like food doesn’t have such a hold on me.
Thank you for the update on your vacation. That really gives me hope and more conviction that this approach makes weight management achievable.
Wish me luck: tomorrow I start an extended fast, going for 4 days. My energy really drops after 48 hours, and that’s hard for me to manage with my work obligations. I have a few days off so I am going to use them to push past that wall. I really want to get in a few longer fasts between now and Christmas!!!

(KCKO, KCFO) #263

You might see another drop in your weight. I always skip weighing myself after airline travel. It always seems to cause water retention. After a couple of days on the ground you might see another drop. It is great that you stayed the same while eating well and traveling. That happened to me on my Alaska trip in Aug. and a few days later I was down a couple of lbs. as well. Hoping you see that happening with your body too.

(CharleyD) #264

I just bought a brick of the Kerrygold Dubliner, and no regerts, just ate the whole thing.
New tradition for Wallyworld, let’s get all the imported cheese!

Until today, my poison was Cabot Seriously Sharp. They’ve got competition now! Discipline just poofed.


@KetoLikeaLady The suspense is killing me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: How did your IDM consult go?


@KetoLikeaLady Yes, please tell us!

(What The Fast?!) #267

Hey @MelTar and @Madeleine
It was a short call, just talking about my experience so far. She explained the program and that was about it.

I said…so it’s basically a support group, right? And she said yes. The groups are small at just 4 people, so each person gets about 10 min to share. She said after the first 4 sessions, you can split up the weeks however you like. For example, if you buy 12 sessions, you have to attend the first 4 weeks in a row and then you can go every other week or every few weeks, etc.

So basically $750 USD for 12 weeks, $950 for 18 weeks, I think $1159 for 24 weeks. I’m equatung it to paying for a therapist. I’m still debating though. You also get access to 5 hours of training videos.

I asked if I needed to do longer fasts and she said that 3-5 day fasts should be sufficient. I asked if it was better to do two 3 day fasts or one 6 day and she said to go straight through. She also said that coffee and tea are fine for weight loss, but if I want autophagy, I need to do just water and salt. (I’d forgotten that from reading the books.) I was thinking that fasting was helping my scarred chest skin but I guess not because of coffee! Bummer!

I also asked about dry fasting (I’m in a FB group that promotes dry fasting for tightening loose skin) and she said not a great idea.

I think that’s all!

@collaroygal glad to be back! I gained a few lbs after my first meal home, then lost them back, still up a bit (144.4 but I expect that’s water retention from a workout). Still having :poop: problems though…had quite a painful experience yesterday. I think I need to figure out how to get more soluble fiber in my diet.

(Doug) #268

Ouch. Wow, Andrea, I’d never heard that…

(What The Fast?!) #269

I wasn’t sure if I read and forgot it, or if I hadn’t heard it. Bummer, right!

(Doug) #270

Andrea, any chance that they meant coffee with carbs added? What I see in searching around is that coffee/tea does not hamper autophagy, and may even encourage it.

“We show that both natural and decaffeinated brands of coffee similarly rapidly trigger autophagy in mice.”

And of course mice and not humans…

(What The Fast?!) #271

Hmm, I don’t know! I do add a tbsp of cream or a tsp of MCT oil. She said coffee or tea, but I guess she could have been wrong.

I wonder if the MCT oil is fine since there are no carbs.

(KCKO, KCFO) #272

Andrea, I found this about stopping autophagy in Fung’s book. If the tea or coffee has nothing to increase glucose, insulin, or proteins, it should not disrupt the autothagy process.

Increased levels of glucose, insulin, and proteins all turn off autophagy. And it doesn’t take much. Even as little as 3 grams of the amino acid leucine can stop autophagy. Here’s how it works: The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is an important sensor of nutrient availability. When we eat carbohydrates or protein, insulin is secreted, and the increased insulin levels, or even just the amino acids from the breakdown of ingested protein, activate the mTOR pathway. The body senses that food is available and decides that since there’s plenty of energy to go around, there’s no need to eliminate the old subcellular machinery. The end result is the suppression of autophagy.

Fung, Jason; Moore, Jimmy. The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended (p. 152). Victory Belt Publishing. Kindle Edition.

I would think black coffee, green tea, black teas all without dairy would be ok. The no coffee really didn’t sound like anything I have heard Jason Fung or Megan speak about interesting that someone in their program gave you that guidance.

I have heard both of them say dry fasting is not the best way to fast and they monitor dry fasters very closely.