Fasting any harder on a keto diet?

(Nick D'Agostino) #1

Hi all,
I used to fast 24-48 hours regularly, and I’m actually finding it more difficult now that I’m fully on keto. Has anyone else had this experience? I just end up feeling unwell, and I don’t think it’s lack of sodium.

And/Or could it be that I’m close to my goals (~165 pounds, 19% BF), and that my body doesn’t have enough fat to match my total daily expenditure (? ~31.5 calories/day metabolized from each pound of body fat)?


(Raj Seth) #2

Likely the latter. And water. Could be magnesium or potassium. Try @Brenda ketoade maybe
But if you’re near goal why bother with EF. IF is great for gradually reaching goal, no? Just eat Faaaat daily. Seems like the ideal sitch :+1:

(Nick D'Agostino) #3

I think my magnesium & potassium should be good as I eat a lot of veggies. I enjoy EF and just got accustomed to it. It was convenient, cheap and left me feeling good. With all that said, you could be right! I should reassess my current body state and my goals and go forward from there. Thank you.

(Rob) #4

We have a winner…? :+1:

It is very hard to get enough of either just through modern veggies. You’d need to eat something like 3lbs of spinach (that is a shit-ton of spinach) to come close to your K goal per day. Veggies have very little Mg due to endemic soil depletion.

If fasting, definitely supplement the electrolytes via keto-ade or similar.

(Ashley) #5

Could you explain to me what ketoaid is?

(Rob) #6

Use the search function on this forum and you will find more than you ever want to know…

(Ashley) #7

Thank you!