Epic Carnivore July-a-ganza

(Linda ) #182

Well my hunger came back last night with vengeance so I finished my lunch then ended up eating more protein bread and a egg wrap with an egg…
So mostly eggs lol…
I dont know why I’m not like you guys …I doubt I could go back to fasting… its strange I could eat one meal aday on keto easily but since carnivore nope it does not happen …
I got some salmon in the freezer and german sausage I might try that tomorrow and see how that goes…


My fasting skills are worse as I lower carbs, I whine so much in the fasting thread…
But less carbs are still better so I stubbornly try to make it work.
I rarely did OMAD on keto, it’s easiest with more carbs… But OMAD is just… Not what my body likes to do. It happens but rarely. But I am sure it would be great to get used to it, it sounds so logical… An OMAD sized meal sounds just right, always did, I just had more than one of them in the past. And now, anywhere close to carnivore my meals got smaller and I get hungry very soon after. Sigh.

With the right food choices I probably could do carnivore OMAD but probably not every day and it would require eating a ton and lots of desserts. I just can’t eat enough food without desserts every day especially not for a single meal. But maybe it will change later. It’s different for me in summer…

Today I ate 3 times in a 5 hour eating window. My tracking is worse than usual as I simply didn’t eat all my measured food but I definitely ate less than in the last days, it’s still more than my usual on carnivore. I feel quite well fed now :slight_smile: And I went to run! I run more than in the last half year, probably (800m. it was a mostly too hot half year. and running didn’t cross my mind in spring, I suppose).

My triceps are slightly killing me, my workout must have been effective :smiley: That’s great but ouch.
My mood is pretty good now, since the run. Oh it’s motivating…

Is it brave from me not to plan making meat for tomorrow? I have pancakes. And various processed meats. Even a few bites of pork.
No, it’s not enough. Maybe turkey liver then? And if I must, canned fish. I am rarely this uncertain…

I still feel the need for more exercise. Gone are the days when I was pleased with my tiny (4km) walks and even skipped them sometimes. I do one walk and something else now, workout, cycling, running… Tomorrow I go to get 90 eggs and I hope I will be able to go for a longer cycling on Saturday too. We visit the pig farm shop and even the pigs! Alvaro never saw them. They looks great, so many different breeds and colors! My favs are the brown ones, Alvaro calls them fried pigs and indeed, they are that pork roast reddish brown. Mangalica/Mangalitsa is cool too, the adults have curly fur, the lil ones are striped just like wild piglets!


Me home. Fab trip. Fast little trips go way too fast but one thing, damn I am home to eat my carnivore and not have to hear from hubby, let’s eat out…omg I got a friggin’ RV with a full darn kitchen and grill for outside and bring tons of meats and yet he is ‘lets eat out’ but I deal…I just deal HAHA


WHAT IN HEAVEN’S sake??? DO NOT tell me and please tell me I read this wrong, you ate your eye crust on your tongue to test it out and ‘check it out’ and I am gonna have to just friggin’ slap you silly cause if this is right I am just :scream_cat:

What gets me is on ‘Alone’, that tv show for survivalist one gal ate her snot mucus for some extra salt intake and OMG I TELL ya FB I had to change the darn tv channel to keep from throwing up…yup I can do a ton of farm stuff, from butchering to birthing to medical issues and more and good with blood and guts if we are talking eating eye boogers or true snot boogers I become a flower and wither and die in this chat :100: yikes

a little mystery blob, omg you had me cracking up on that description and that is a wonderful picture of your carnivore fare S…very nice!

I loved your dogs!!! I am super happy your AC is up and running cause heck in this heat we function truly with AC! LOL Fab pics tho!!

it is ok, don’t worry, you are truly in that ‘how do I find me’ in this whole eating plan.

remember one thing, when we cut down some fat intake to ‘handle some tweaks’ we feel we need we must not ever GO TOO low…we must not ever go higher leaner protein and drop our fat too low cause that balance has to happen.

the meat/fat balance is so important but if we get a tad different to 'help ourselves to try to force a lb. down ’ then we have to BE READY to get more hungry ya know.

So think of it like this…when that hunger comes back with a vengeance, do not hit it up with lean protein-------you hit it up with bigger fat intake!!!

The fat ‘flushes the body’ again with a reserve, it wants it, it will use it, it will say, hey ‘no rabbit starvation here’ and it will reset you back fast and easy actually.

So if you are 'watching how you eat a bit, watching that ‘extra fat intake’ a bit and just kinda controlling your eating, when you feel BIG hunger you hit onto BIG FAT intake…it might take 1 meal or 2 and BOOM you are very satiated again and you then can get thru more days of eating leaner again but when in doubt, when that big hunger hits you eat BIG FATTY MEAT and then dip that meat in some more fat, lol, but we do feel it coming, I know I did, I could ‘feel me wanting’ a bigger fatty meal after eating leaner for a few days. I did ‘feel it coming’ but if I ignored it I got into more trouble actually then if I just ate the darn good fats and just ate as my body wanted, then it was a fast easy fix and not ‘too panicked and dramatic’ of a body change I had to deal with.

There is never a need for controlled fasting ever on this plan.
We IF naturally anyway mostly on this plan and most of us easily settle into this natural IF style…but when newer, and healing more and finding us in all this…we can be wild cards. We IF easily one day, then boom a few weeks later we are starving and eat big all thru the day and then boom we eat lighter and our IF pattern comes back… but ALL OF this is resetting and re-balancing our hormones and more and just ‘feel it out’ ya know.

Think of it this way…the meat provides the nutrients. Provides the B vits, the iron, the zinc and more…the fat provides the SATIATY.

and remember this little bit: However, there are some subtle differences in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) between fatty and lean meats . The main difference is that fatty meats tend to be higher in fat -soluble vitamins . This includes Vitamins A, D, E and K2.

So that fat is a big factor in how your vits and minerals are transported around your body and that fat is a satiaty factor BUT FAT does not contain those vits and minerals we need…the protein meat provides that. Again, our meat/fat ratio is key on carnivore. It is an absolute key factor and we ‘can play’ a tad on a controlled force thru our food choice but in the end our bodies can scream at us…big hunger is screaming I need big fat intake!

so that balance is massively important.

You need fatty meat you eat it…when you feel 'very satisfied and very healthy and very energized and ‘in that satisified zone’ and don’t feel ‘you need’ fat then you cut it back and eat leaner til you ‘feel’ you need a big fat intake again and don’t wait too late…we can go a bit but then BAM we get nailed.

I know this feeling you are describing, never think you can go too long on bigger leaner protein sources, cause we can’t, that fat is a biggie for us but we also can ‘cut some fat’ from our daily meals cause we don’t ‘need a ton’ but darn we need a good bit ya know…and again, each of us are different so just ‘feel your way thru it’ and you will be ok cause you got that ‘smart sense’ to know you now :slight_smile:

A reminder to everyone…if we want to ‘lose a few lbs’ and we cut back our ‘added fats’ like a bit of butter when we cook our steaks or we eat leaner meats ON purpose, remember at some point that FAT is gonna scream bloody murder…eat me!! eat me!!

Key to it all is ‘small cut back on fat intake’ but never ever make it all about leaner I go the better the results, it won’t work that way on carnivore ever…protein and fat work in a combination that is key here…it took me a while to ‘figure it out’ on how my body works for it and against it as you guys will all figure out also.

I let TIME bring me to normally wanting leaner meats cause I am more healed and feel great but BAM, I eat lighter and leaner for most about 2 days and 3rd day my butt requires big fat intake and then I am satisfied again and might have a tendency to go leaner again in food choice, but don’t work against what your body is telling you ever. Follow that 'what do I want to eat today? in earnest.

You are BIG hungry you need good moderate protein with big fat intake.

You are satiated and doing good, feeling great and kinda are leaning toward seafood, or lean meats like chicken or a leaner cut of beef then have at it, but when that BIGger hunger comes back…attack the fat :slight_smile:

just some jawing on it all…chatting up what can come about for each of us at different times on plan and how we need to view then and deal with them…chat it out everyone, throw out the thoughts and more on where we are out and how we feel and it is the best way to learn up stuff about us and how we can roll ahead easier.

(Linda ) #185

I def can’t go lean on meat I learned that from chicken I think chicken be ok but as a side dish for me… I was so hungry all day so not enough fat in it for me.

Well after saying I had stuff in the freezer I took my butt to sams shopping got more yup flanken ribs, 4lbs of bacon and some nz orange roughy for a lighter side dish…I couldn’t find any burgers there but since I had to go Walmart make sure the dogs got their meat I grabbed a box of their 100 pc beef patties…
The reason for the eggs was im spending all my time alone with my husband in nebraska im wondering how much hunger is boredom …I went out and no hunger at all which has been my normal…so bought the meat patties to have in the fridge with bacon so I’ve got something there…

That’s the plan anyway we will see how reality plays out…

Def lots of fat lol


Ohhhhh that boredom and your hubby away and him working and doing his thing and you home alone with the pooches but you got issues, like finishing that pool and AC on the blink and more and it becomes that ‘never ending hamster wheel’ of UGH…I get it!

Alot can truly be boredom, there is not a doubt about that truly.

As we all have those issues in life we have to combat, food, even carnivore can come into play as comfort.

I know there was a point I ate so much bacon my head was spinning and I KNEW it was like, you don’t require this AT ALL but darn I WANT it…so yea Azi I sure get this drift.

I feel for you, hard for work separation and all that truly and I hope you find that balance you need to make it all work for you.

Chicken I lived on as long as I ate the thighs, skin and I soaked ALL the meat in the chicken fat and at it ALL…but once I went leaner chicken, like just a skinless breast I floundered (I think it was more old diet baggage of eat less fat and eat lean chicken and lose lbs) came into play and it derailed me some…now chicken breast I love as a side dish and to me that is where it is meant to be, plus chicken fat is far inferior to beef or pork fat actually…so it is not ‘best bang for our buck’ ever.

Hold strong, you will find your way as you adapt thru it all :slight_smile:

(Edith) #187

I can’t do one meal a day, either. I go back and forth between 2mad and 3mad. 3mad tends to happen on days that I do strength training.

I’m thinking about making bacon and egg fat bombs tonight and having a couple before bed to see if that helps me sleep through the night. And yes, @FrankoBear, I did listen to that Peak Human podcast. I have realized that sleep hygiene helps one fall asleep faster, but not stay asleep. I have to admit, I don’t have trouble falling asleep, so the sleep hygiene isn’t making a difference. I was sleeping much better before I switched back to carnivore at the beginning of the month.

@Fangs, I hear ya about eating out. It’s gotten to the point where I only want to eat BBQ since that’s easy just to get meat. It is nice to have a break from cooking sometimes.


:rofl: That’s brilliant Fangsy.

I think I will have to write a whole new topic in the defence of boogers.

(Karen) #189

Aha! You may have just answered a recent problem. Literally just started getting a crusty eye over passed week or so. It started a couple of days before I went down with icky throat and so I put it down to my body telling me that I was on the edge of coming down with something! I wake up so many times through the night and noticed that in the early hours when I awoke I would have to pull my left upper and lower eyelids apart as I was unable to fully open them without using my fingers. It was gritty inside the eye but when I just wiped the eyeball with my finger and removed it that was sufficient to free it up for the rest of the night. So this could possibly be oxalate dumping? Interesting. My eyes were very dry and gritty during my shift at work yesterday, couldn’t wait to get home and wash my face and that eased it off. So I thank you @FrankoBear for that information.


OH HELL NO! I don’t what kind of kid you were…HAHA
I know I couldn’t go there at any time in my life, I hate veggies and a ton of other foods, I can tell ya my life never revolved around wondering about the taste of a booger. OK I have to stopped talking about this LOL I can’t take it :slight_smile:

-------------only a little to unpack from the rv and get that done
chores around the house to play catchup
enjoy the pool later today, gonna be very sunny and hot, my kind of great weather!

got pork tenderloin defrosting and got some taylor ham slices and ribeye steak for today and pork for tomorrow. All carnivore set in good style.

All Animal August triple A is coming fast at us…lets finish July great and go into August all in carnivore and away we go on a great healthy lifestyle!

(Karen) #191

Work yesterday was completely on the go non stop running around and climbing more and more flights of stairs … everyone I picked up ot took back was either on the 3’s or 4’s landings! My feet didn’t touch the ground all day but boy it whizzed by so fast. Quickest day shift in a while! Feeling hungover from it today though! Was up at 4.45am did stair runs before work. Took a packet of brunswick smoked ham which was pleasant and chicken butter and cheese for mikey. Returned home and had some cheddar and some blue stilton and a couple of slices of serano ham before going up for an early night.

Up this morning and stair runs felt tough but got them done and out the way. Brunch was buttet sauted chicken and melted cheddar.

Its a rainy day here and I think throughout most of Britain today and just about to get ready for a trip to a sports store not too far from me to get some gift vouchers for my baby girl. She returns from her trip to Isle of Skye tomorrow and it was her birthday while she was away. I got her a firepit before she went away but wanted to get something more personal for her too and she will be able to choose something she really wants with a voucher. She will be coming to me late afternoon to pick up her kitty so it will be so nice to see her and my son in law. I miss her when she is away.

Right time to put the phone down and get sorted!


Wow, you wrote so much without me… No time to read it all now.
Fat is obviously important but it’s individual how much is best for us (and as Fangs wrote, may change a lot in the life of the same person too). I always mention it matter which fat we use… As I should avoid added fat as much as I can, it just triggers overeating and I can do that anyway, no help is needed.
Fat clinging to my protein sources are way better, usually. That’s my way.
I definitely couldn’t ever get satiated by fat alone, I enough need fat, protein and calories (okay, that comes with the first 2 especially fat :slight_smile: BUT I can go lower with fat, lower with protein… like 110g per day, I have my limits, after all… but I need my calories. above my required fat and protein it doesn’t matter what I eat, fat or protein, both satiates me well if the source is right).

Chicken is a recurring theme here, most of us don’t get satiated with it. It’s surely not the fat for me as I eat fatty enough chicken. I may get 160g fat from my chicken and I am still hungry and it’s a single meal! Chicken is weird. I never will try to eat only chicken as my meat again but even not alone, it’s a few tender bites, feels nothing and adds to my macros. I could use them for some better meat! Chicken feels like I ate barely anything. Like yogurt but that is almost nothing while chicken has protein and fat and still…

I often wonder about my macros, what would be best… It will be easier when I will need more energy as I just will eat not satiated fat with a bit less care…? I hope my body will regulate things enough to eat as much fat as I want, at least after a while but I want VERY much. Sometimes I do a 260+g fat day and well, it’s not near enough. But on longer term carnivore-ish it may be. And I don’t need a fatty day all the time, just sometimes, I guess.
It’s hardest when I already ate high protein and enough fat and still get hungry. Late. (I should just forget it.) I don’t want to overdo my protein even more so I grab some fat… And that’s dangerous as fat doesn’t satiate me well alone, not even my most satiating ones. It seems. Or it was just my special night state. I am still not over my Monday… I should. I know how to avoid that exact thing in the future, I think and it was on carni day #1, it’s nothing like properly being anything close to carnivore. And weird days happen. Still. It’s so easy to mess things up and I can’t balance them out.
Well, late eating must be banned for me, that solves a lot.

So I still don’t fully know what fattiness should be my goal but I just eat whatever I like, experiment a bit and we will see. My protein will be high, no matter what I do, I accepted that since ages. And my fat will be high too, obviously. But if I focus on fat more, I eat way more as it’s not satiating enough, apparently.

If I just could do OMAD (but on a good carnivore-ish woe and I think of very very little dairy here, TMAD is very fine too), everything would be solved but no, my body doesn’t like simple solutions :smiley:

I am a bit unwell today and enjoy black coffee. I only have this when I carb poisoned myself so I don’t understand why. Just because I couldn’t resist some blackberries, I shouldn’t feel like that. Whatever, today I will be super strict :slight_smile: My turkey livers are defrosted, we finally taste this thing! It will be probably quite good!

I do anything between 2 and 6 meals on carnivore. I did 2 on keto (less only if I really tried, very rarely, 3 was common too). And 2-3 on high-carb but 1 is very easy too if I know what I am doing and EF automatically happened now and then…
It’s almost all about calories per meal in my case. Especially calories from fat and protein.

But I still want carnivore OMAD… I have plans.

I go to get 90 eggs now. Cycling. In the heat. On the sun. Woe me. But exercise is nice. My left triceps is (are? it’s one muscle with 3 heads… is then?) still aching. Whatever, just get bigger :smiley: But there is still some fat covering my arms. My arms never was too fatty and my wrists and hands were always very skinny and thin but my tiny muscles to show, changes must be made! :smiley:
Like, making my muscles more than minimal. Though I see my biceps are better than years before…


so agree, this is exactly what you should be doing…that ‘what is the best meal’ that suits me so well and you will hit your sweet spot for sure.

I also so agree that our ‘meat and fat’ is our best way of eating and not adding in a ton of extra fat from butter or adding cheese or anything else. That ‘real meat/fat ratio’ from the cut of meat we are eating is a strong factor on how we roll best for alot of us.

I know ‘you want’ carnivore OMAD but truly most of us in carnivore land do hit on 2 meals per day…and the next one is OMAD as the biggest contender, and more new people are the 3 meals or more required to eat and heal up…as we stay carnivore we usually land on 1 meal or 2 as our eating pattern. So hang in there, your eating pattern will emerge and when it does and it suits you best you will know for sure on how you should proceed.

Chicken…yea chicken is that wild card. I lived on chicken thighs for the longest time and they made me full and happy and boom, one day, chicken does not hold me at all. I still do eat up some chicken breasts on days I do truly want leaner meat cause I just don’t require a heavy fat day, but my chicken meals are more few and far between for sure but darn, it is a good cheap easy meat to rely on sometimes tho. Pork is my next cheapest easy meat to rely on and it beats chicken hands down.

stairs and more stairs, you must have legs of steel my friend :slight_smile:

So nice your daughter had a great trip to Isle of Skye. I googled it and omgosh it is breathtaking beauty in that area! Nice of you to get her a gift voucher…you never can go wrong with that! You are a great mom from what I read, adopt me please HAHA

hey how is it going? just hoping you are doing great!

I know you were wondering about your foot hurting right? Are you noticing anything different going back to carnivore on how you feel now? You have any updates on how it is all going for you?

Sleep is so strange. You know I tell ya most times I can’t put sleep against my eating in that my life and (not alot of stress) and other stuff seem to come into play that effect my sleep issues more ya know. Do you think it could be just other life stuff? Just wondering on it.

I sure agree BBQ joints are some of the safest places to eat out…other places are a walking trap to navigate for sure. Plus I noticed prices are increasing alot on restaurants and I get it, but darn ya know…I am not a fan of paying $30 or 40 for a steak I can pay $10 at home and eat LOL

I hope you Cooky Chef is treating you very well! Hope your project is getting easier for you in any way :slight_smile:

---------------SO I BOUGHT a whole brisket. Great markdown sale price. It was like $22 and I got it for $11 and I grabbed only 1 cause…you guessed it…I never cooked brisket. Only time we did one was when we had our smoker grill and hubby made one long ago and ever since then I never buy one but with this markdown I grabbed it. There was like 4 more on markdown and darn if I didn’t wanna slam them all into my buggy but I just don’t know if I am ‘gonna love it’ or not so…hmmm…I love brisket from the smokehouse BBQ joints but would just slamming it in a crockpot be the same? No clue on it LOL

Any suggestions. I was thinking crockpot and just ‘let it go’ :slight_smile:

(Edith) #194

You can slow roast your brisket in the oven. You can use the recipe below as a guide.


I actually put a big piece of foil in the pan so that after the initial roasting at 350 degrees, I can wrap it in the foil instead of trying get the foil tight on the pan. I think that would be better than using a crockpot.


thanks VE! I checked it out and it is a very simple cook on it.

Smart move on the line the pan and then just bring over the tops and lock in the meat with the foil…I can do that :wink:

I didn’t like the #4 suggestion…trim the fat and enjoy…NO NO I am gonna eat all that fat and enjoy HAHA

Appreciate the help, it would make sense that a brisket is a ‘better roaster’ than a crockpot type item.

Ohh I got the $25 one marked down to $15…the $11 one I wanted seemed too small so hubby grabbed this one…the ‘fat cap’ is on the other side, I swear they trim these cuts out way too much but that fat cap seems good sized on the flip side which is good.

(Linda ) #196

Breakfast today bacon and egg burger …omg so good


Azi how are you really liking those egg cloud buns or whatever you call them cause that pic LOOKS so delish LOL but for me I am cool with an egg, meat on a plate…but darn if a ‘sandwich’ doesn’t seem’ super cool when one ‘wants a sandwich’ so wondering how they hold up on picking that thing up and more…are ya real happy with ‘your bun’ on all this?

cause the other day I remembered darn ‘philly cheese steak’ and I thought without it being a sandwich it was ‘just shaved meat and some cheese’ and it was boring but I SEE your pic and think…hmmm…

(Linda ) #198

@Fangs maybe its the texture that puts ppl off I don’t know or maybe it’s I haven’t had bread in so long lol…but I also add 2 yolks to mine because I’m not sure just egg whites is a whole protein and if im eating protein you bet im making it count…
When they first come out they have like a Styrofoam feel on outside inside is fluffy and white I like them like that too …but most times I wait til next morning after a night in fridge have more of a bread texture…and I toasted this for a few mins as I would a burger bun…
As for holding up yep I picked it up and ate it as I would a normal burger…I have to compete with the dogs for these they love them too and since it’s only egg and half tsp of cream of tarter nothing in them that’s bad…and of course for me being from nz it has to be buttered…20210729_214727
Last night batch. Minus what I had to share with the dogs…


I never had any symptom of oxalate dumping ever. Would I have it on longer term carnivore or I did things so very gradually that I skipped it, just like not feeling okay on keto in the beginning? I think it’s the latter.
Or my body does its job without symptoms. It’s good at that. It’s very, very hard to trigger some bad feeling from it - except neglecting something I like but why would I do that. Carbs are the only stuff doing the trick but there are conditions for it and if I just eat whatever I like, it’s hard to trigger…
Most things are like this. I need to be quite weird to mess things up to the point of a mild bellyaching. I can eat too much and I don’t have much energy but making my own body complaining with pain… It starts to desire things way before that and it holds most of the power… So I eat whatever I desire and things usually are fine. I have this with protein and fat the strongest, obviously. They are very much needed. I can’t eat low-fat if I try (maybe for one day, it happened twice in my life I think, my super rarely very low calorie days excluded). It’s like sleep or drinking water or breathing… I can’t avoid it for long and my own times are especially short even compared to humans. Not drinking for 6 hours while being awake is pretty much impossible if I am not forced to it by very very stubborn physical forces. Fortunately I never ever had that. I need my daily lots of fat too. Unless on fasting days, they are fine if I manage to be nicely satiated all day, it didn’t happen in the last year.

I almost melted today, my brain surely felt so. We got back the heat and it seems my body and mind was so much into the new, slightly cooler weather that now they can’t handle this :frowning:
But I did my cycling and got my 90 eggs. Ours. But I eat the majority of it. I am curious what is our ratio… It’s probably even more uneven since I just fry meat for Alvaro. He had eggs in the place of meat before.
Interestingly, I didn’t get hungry and I often have that when I exercise around my normal lunchtime. That’s good, later meal, bigger meal, more satiating meal!

We got a few raindrops (only in the very end of my cycling). At least the temperature got a tiny dip…

Cycling in the heat, uphills too is one of the very few times I noticeably sweat. Still not much but it’s something. My skin is still so salty after washing… I wonder what if I cycled it more… Would I desire more sodium? As I desire… Close to none. Salt is always horrible tasting alone and I barely use any on my pretty dense food. So I eat food with little volume and even its salt content is quite low. Even though I don’t take notes and don’t know what it actually means.

I had no cramps lately, yeah, carnivore(-ish) with enough meat always have this effect on me…

And I never cared about potassium. The theoretical requirement is so damn impossibly high, I can’t do anything about that.
Well I never can go anywhere close to the theoretical potassium or sodium requirement either… But I know they are fine (and if not, I get cramps and need magnesium).

I am actually fine with TMAD too… If it works. But I always found big meals more convenient and natural… Even on carnivore, my TMADs are often weird. I eat almost all my food in one sitting. And I never could handle small meals, they usually just trigger hunger soon afterwards… Very tiny meals are better, I never had problems with almost OMAD with a few bites elsewhere (not too far).
I really don’t care but OMAD (if it works) is easy, I just eat my food at once, I don’t need tracking to ensure I won’t eat way too much or wasteful amounts of protein…
OMAD/TMAD, whatever is better on any given day sounds good to me.
But if I eat twice on carnivore, I usually can’t stop and eat more times…
Now I don’t care about numbers of meals, I think, only not eating until early evening. Or at night. I don’t care if I have 1, 2 or 3 meals in the evening.

Chicken never ever worked for me. I almost only ate thighs with skin and the tiny extra fat it soaked up. I use the other parts for my soups and no way I eat the horrible, dry, awfully textured breast :smiley: (Well sometimes a bite. If I don’t have any better and the breast is juicy. But it’s a waste of bad and expensive meat on me, Alvaro enjoys it, he should eat it up.)
I am done with chicken. I will eat turkey as my bird! Much nicer for my tastebuds.

My turkey liver is ready! Probably. 50 minutes in the oven, it sounds right for a bunch of tender, not overbaked liver. Photo later, now I avoid going anywhere close. I will eat when it cools down? I am not hungry now.

Sandwich… I never liked them.They were so pointless in my childhood… Bread with a tiny slice of protein, the paper napkin stuck to the butter (or margarine, we used that too when was a kid, a better tasting one than the usual crap but still. it tastes watered sunflower oil to me now)…
This is one of the meals I have difficulties to wrap my head around it. How people are fine with this? Reaching satiation? But I am aware we people are different. It’s just odd to me.

I am fine with meat and eggs too (I stopped eating eggs as side dish for meat, it probably still happens but extremely rarely. meat alone is perfect under normal circumstances)… I don’t need buns but sometimes I need my “bread” to spread things on. Or having a fluffy, different thing. That’s why I make sponge cakes (now it’s fluffy all the way as I let the water collect in the bottom of the bowl. there is always water that refuses to stay in the whipped eggs) but I pretty much ignore them too nowadays. But I will do them again soon.
Whipping eggs is such a chore, I really should buy a proper tool… I like fluffiness. Crunch too but fluffy eggs are great. Why I never make whipped egg pancakes I wonder…

Oh. I never have such problems as I eat way too much complete protein anyway… I usually add yolks for the taste! Alvaro’s cheesy whipped egg whites are super boring and not tasty enough, I make them for him but 2 of the 12 is mine, with a yolk and sausage :slight_smile:
But my sponge cakes like extra yolks too! 1.5-2 times as many yolks than whites, that’s nice. Scrambled eggs are better that way too. I barely eat them anymore…
I just need to handle the extra whites. I have recipes but it’s usually simpler to eat whole eggs most of the time. Not like I can’t eat fried whites when hungry…

Very pretty protein breads :smiley: My egg whites look fabulous in the oven but then they deflate. Just like my sponge cakes but those are still pretty, just flatter.

I always forget what to substitute cream of tartar with. As it’s not a thing here. Oh, lemon and vinegar, okay. But HOW yours are that pretty? Maybe cream of tartar is more special? I can’t reach this beauty with vinegar! Or is it the cooking? Nope, I don’t think so.

6:30pm. It’s theoretically cool but it’s hard for me to eat this late for the first time. Food becomes an abstract thing somehow. And I have no broth to offer its body as a bridge between fasting and eating something proper and solid. Oh well, only the first bite is hard :smiley: And I have some very eggy coffee, it’s liquid, at least. And new liver to try!!!

(Karen) #200

Yes the Isle of Skye is beautiful and looks very rugged. My daughter and her hubby love walking and wildlife so have thoroughly enjoyed their time there. They have travelled down to Glasgow for an overnight stay and I am trying to get them to stop at a lovely motorway services on the way home tomorrow. It is on the M6 Penrith, called Tebay Services and has lots of local produce including cheese. My daughter and I stopped at the sister services at Gloucester on the way back from my brothers funeral last August and we bought lots of lovely goodies including some cheeses for me. They were too nice lol. They are actually doing a fly on the wall tv series about it at the moment!

I do try to be a good mum and I don’t mind adopting anyone who is nice and needs mummying hahaha

I got the vouchers and popped into IKEA and picked up some succulents and planters for the house. Spent ages walking round … just one of those places you need an afternoon free ! … and I had one lol!

Made a lively ribeye steak when I got home and had that with eggs and as I have run out of bacon and needed yo use up the serano ham I fried that up and had some with the steak and some on a plate to finish off afterwards. Followed that with some vintage cheddar. That’s me done now.

(Linda ) #201

I didn’t use it the first time… I think part of the secret is the 1/2 cup egg white powder mix with big mixer for a good 8 to 10 mins on fast speed I cook for 20 mins turn oven off and wait for 10 before taking out … the cream of tarter binds it made it thicker I think. try a tsp of vinigar see what happens…mine kind of suck up underneath a little but they hold their shape…

Well finally had more progress on the pool they started laying the sand for the decking …but after keeping dogs in all day while they were here yup you bet they ran all over it…