Dr. Adam Nally rants against long fasting, Dr. Fung


Out of curiosity, one would ask why Dr. Phinney would recommend canola oil. Some interesting information on a processed seed oil, not that high in PUFA s. He makes a holistic argument in considering economic cost inputs in canola oil in a diet as well.

If one sees a rabbit hole, it can be fun to go down it to look for the rabbit.


(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #102

I don’t read that as an endorsement of canola oil, so much as an “If you really must . . .” And actually, its smoke point is quite a bit higher than that of coconut oil. And coconut oil contains neither of the essential polyunsaturated fats, whereas canola oil does, and in a pretty decent ratio of omega-3 to omega-6. Of course I got this information from Wikipedia, so make of that what you will.

Dr. Phinney himself uses olive oil. He has said so in numerous lectures.