Did you throw out your toaster?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #61

Unnecessary. But if you don’t often get down to the bottom of the jar, you might want to start fresh every decade or so.

Nor is it necessary to keep butter in the fridge, either. Even someone living alone is going to use a quarter-pound sitck long before it could possibly go rancid. My ex and I used to keep a pound out on the counter, and it never went bad.


I have a toaster that I use occasionally. It’s stored in a cupboard next to the waffle iron.

I definitely use it for heating up meals that I’ve made and frozen, for reheating coffee, boiling water, reheating things, etc. But I also cook a lot of veggies in it instead of steaming them. I also like to use it for melting butter or chocolate when baking calls for these things. I suppose I could do these things with old school kitchen skills, but as you say, it takes longer, so why bother? Also, the microwave isn’t on my counter, so it doesn’t take up space.


According to the story, while I was working out of town my daughter decided to see what would happen if she microwaved a battery… it didn’t go as planned.
Anyway, money was very tight in those days so as time went by I got used to not having one. After a while I just figured there was no need.

(Brian) #64

We still have our toaster. Got it out and used it with some 90 second almond flour microwave bread the other day. I was underwhelmed. So the toaster went back into the cupboard over top of the refrigerator, the hardest one to get to and the least used. Should I find another bread recipe that convinces me it’s “just like the real thing”, I may try it again… probably with the same underwhelming results.

FWIW, I’ve had more use and better outcomes with keto waffles so the waffle iron still lives in an easily accessible location.

Were the toaster to go bye-bye today, we’d not likely notice. But since it still works, we’re not likely to just throw it away. I think we have too much of our parents’ WW2 DNA in us to throw much away, after all, it might come in handy someday… LOL!


Do it. I had a living situation without a stove when I first started keto, and once I got an electric skillet, I don’t know how I lived without it.

(Brian) #66

I’m not sure if it’s quite the same thing but I am tempted by an induction burner from time to time when I see other people using them.


(Natasha) #67

Do you have a go-to recipe you could share please? :grinning:

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #68

It broke and I didn’t replace it. I did however, get rid of my huge massive panini press…

Edit: and my massive breadmaker of course…


No toaster.
I’ve given away everything resembling toast awhle ago and am avoiding reawakening old circuits.
Seems like my body is better running on meat than any sort of flour even keto friendly flour like almond. So, I am supported to avoid toast-like substances.
Occasionally I fantasize about pancakes but it usually doesn’t last long enough for me to do anything dangerous about it. :slight_smile:

(Brian) #70

Hi Natasha,

I have two, actually!

One is for almond flour pancakes and the other is for coconut flour pancakes. They’ll both make a good waffle although I think in the recipe descriptions, it might tell you to alter the ingredients slightly between pancakes and waffles.

I like the coconut flour pancakes when I used them as pancakes. I like them with a little peanut butter and some fruit syrup on them. There are some keto pancake syrup type products out there but I’ve never bothered with them. At our house, pancakes are kind of a “sweet” thing.

But for something savory, I don’t like coconut flour and the coconut flavor it brings to the table. It does nasty things with my taste buds so I just don’t do that. So I use the almond flour recipe for my savory chicken n waffles instead. It works quite well.

(I don’t have a recipe for savory chicken n waffles. I just try to use some chunks of leftover chicken and thicken a little of the juices from them, maybe add a few seasonings, and use that generously over a waffle. I know some people like them sweet but I really like a more savory flavor with that. It’s kind of a work in progress, though, and I’m still trying to figure out the best seasonings.)


(Natasha) #71

This is great, thank you so much.

At our house too! Although I do also like sweet pancakes with crispy bacon!

Mmmmm, now you’re talking! Chicken and waffles… they are going on next week’s menu! My children will thrilled :grin:

(Chris) #72

Haven’t thrown it out yet, but using it would be a health hazard as it’s full of dust. Guess I should toss it.

(RossanaF) #73

Keto English muffins taste a lot better when toasted after making. So toaster stays…Every now and then I have one with smoked salmon and cream cheese and raw onions and it’s delicious.
How do you “blur” a word? Never done that…

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #74

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #75

While editing your post, click on the gear icon, and an option “Blur Spoiler” will appear in the pop-up menu.

(Consensus is Politics) #76

Mine has been re-purposed. I haven’t been using a standard, slotted, vertical pop up toast toaster. I had been using a Black and Decker toaster over, yes even for toast. It took forever anyway. I’m ashamed to say how many times I made toast for breakfast, before work, only to find it still in the toaster the next day when I went back to make some more. Took so long to make it I forgot it was there. Thank goodness it auto shut off.

I now use it for actual baking instead. I make all of my Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Chicken thighs there now. Much quicker cooking them in the standard oven, mostly because there is very little preheat time.

Next, I’m gonna figure out how to do pork bellies in it. There must be a way.

@carl I’m hoping to hear some of your pork belly…[wait for it…]

(Consensus is Politics) #77

I havent tried any Ketofied breads, yet. I would assume they are about as different as Flat bread is to regular bread. Like how a flour tortilla wrap at a sandwich shop is compared to a regular sub sandwich.

(Consensus is Politics) #78

Using the useful spoiler function can also make for some hilarious posts by needlessly censoring your own comments about someone.

Take @PaulL that Old Baconian that he is. Some would think he is from someplace called Bacon. Me on the other hand, a true dyed in the wool … whats the term… oh, yeah… Ketonian

Keto Vitae!

(Deborah ) #79

:+1::+1: Brenda’s pork rind pancakes are awesome!

(RossanaF) #80

Got it! Thanks!